Presidents Timeline

  • Formation of the first cabinet

  • Period: to

    George Washington

    Washington was born in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. He attended a school in Fredericksburg, but never attended college. Washington was apart of the British provincial militia, Continental Army, and the US army. Washington was a delegate to the Continental Congress, President of the US Constitutional Convention. Family members include Martha Washington, Mary Ball Washington, Augustine Washington, and more. Washington fought for American Independence before his presidency.
  • Federal court system creation

  • Copyright act of 1790

  • Bank Act of 1791

  • Bill of Rights Ratification

  • Coinage Act of 1792

  • Neutrality Proclamation

  • Whiskey Rebellion

  • Jay Treaty

  • Farewell Address

  • XYZ Affair

  • Period: to

    John Adams

    Adams is from Braintree, MA. He graduated from Harvard College. John Adams does not have a military background. He was a vice president for George Washington and a diplomat. His son, John Quincy Adams, became the president later on. Adams's wife was fighting for women rights. After office, he retired and went back home in MA.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

  • Navy Department Act

  • Naturalization Act of 1798

  • Judiciary Act of 1801

  • Period: to

    Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson was from Shadwell, VA. Jefferson got his education at William & Mary college in Williamsburg. Jefferson did not have any military career. He was the Governor of Virginia and secretary of state under Washington. He didn't have any notable family members. After office, he retired to Monticello.
  • Creation of the US military academy

  • Louisiana Purchase

  • Ratifying the 12th Amendment

  • Treaty of Peace and Amity in Tripoli

  • Jefferson addresses Congress regarding Florida

  • Jefferson warns Americans

  • Repeal of the Slave Trade Act

  • Chesapeake-Leopard Affair

  • Embargo Act

  • Non-Intercourse Act

  • Period: to

    James Madison

    Madison is from Belle Grove in Virginia. He went to College of New Jersey. Which is Princeton University today. He did not have a military background. Before president, he was a member of the Virginia house, a U.S. Representative, and secretary of State under Jefferson. His brother served in the House of Virginia. After office, he retired to his plantation for the rest of his life.
  • Erskine Agreement

  • Macon's Bill Number 2

  • Presidential Vetoes

  • Bank of U.S. Closes

  • Army Bill

  • Relations with Canada

  • Drafting War message

  • Madison's Seventh message to Congress

  • Re-charting a national bank

  • Indiana becomes a State

  • Period: to

    James Monroe

    Monroe was from Monroe Hall, VA. He got his education from College of William & Mary. He served in the Continental Army and a lieutenant. He was a member of the Virginia house. He was a US senator. And secretary of state under Madison. He didn't have any notable family members. After office, he retired to his estate in Virginia.
  • Monroe Tours England

  • Aguirre Mission

  • Mississippi becomes a state

  • Military Establishment Act

  • Monroe vetoes Cumberland Road Bill

  • Monroe Doctrine announced

  • Cherokee chiefs arrive in Washington

  • General Survey Bill

  • Tariff of 1824

  • Monroe concedes to Indian removal

  • Period: to

    John Quincy Adams

    Quincy Adams was from Braintree, MA. He went to the Netherlands for University of Leiden and returned to the U.S. to Harvard University. He did not have a military background. Before office, he was a US senate, a U.S. representative, and Secretary of State under James Monroe. His father, John Adams, was the 2nd president of the U.S. His son was a diplomat. After office, he was elected U.S. House of representative and continued as a diplomat
  • Captain Porter Court-martialed

  • Erie Canal Completed

  • Military Training Manuals created

  • Resolutions of war damages

  • Mexican Boundary Settlement

  • Period: to

    Andrew Jackson

    Jackson is from Waxhaws. He received very little education. Jackson was a major general in the battle of Pensacola. Before office, he was a U.S. Senator, Governor of Florida, judge, and a Tennessee militia. His son, served as his private secretary during Jackson's presidency. After office, he retired to his plantation.
  • Indian Removal Act

  • Jackson Vetoes Maysville Road Bill

  • Peggy Eaton Affair

  • Jackson opposes Second Bank of the United States

  • Nullification Prelamination

  • Force Bill

  • Jackson withdrawals federal deposits

  • Jackson Terminates National Debt

  • Specie Circular

  • Jackson recognizes Texas independence

  • Period: to

    Martin Van Buren

    Buren is from Kinderhook, NY. He did not attend college. He does not have a military background. Before office, he was a Governor of New York, U.S. Senator, and Secretary of State under Jackson. His eldest son, served as his father's private secretary during Van Buren's presidency. After office, he returned to his home in New York.
  • Van Buren opposes the annexation of Texas

  • Van Buren calls special session

  • Van Buren remains neutral

  • The Comet and the Encomium

  • Independent Treasury Act

  • Period: to

    William Henry Harrison

    Henry Harrison was from Berkley Plantation, Virginia. Harrison went to University of Pennsylvania and Hampden-Sydney College. Harrison joined the army as a sub lieutenant, serving in the Northwest territory. Henry was an Ohio State senator, governor of the Indiana territory, and an Ohio representative. His family members include Benjamin Harrison, John Scott Harrison, and more. Before his presidency, Henry was in the Senate, was appointed in 1828 as minister plenipotentiary to Gran Colombia.
  • Period: to

    John Tyler

    Tyler is from Charles City, Virginia. He went to William & Mary University, University of Richmond, and more. He was in the Virginia Militia, his rank being Captain. Tyler was a senator and the governor of Virginia, and the VP of the US. His family includes Harrison Ruffin Tyler, John Alexander Tyler, and more. John Tyler tried to have peace with Abraham Lincoln but failed, was then elected to the Confederate House of Representatives.
  • Tyler's Cabinet Resigns

  • Commonwealth V Hunt

  • Webster-Ashburton Treaty

  • The Democrats gain majority.

  • President Tyler Signs Joint Resolution for Texas Annexation

  • Period: to

    James Knox Polk

    James Polk was from Pineville, North Carolina. He went to University of North Carolina at North Chapel Hill. Polk was in the Tennessee militia serving from 1821-1825, his rank being captain. He was representative for Tennessee for the 6th and 9th district, and was the governor of Tennessee. Family members include John Lee Polk, Jane Polk, Samuel Polk, and more. Before his presidency, he actively supported Andrew Jackson.
  • The Oregon Treaty

  • Tariff of 1846

  • River and Harbors Bill

  • Independent Treasury Law

  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

  • Period: to

    Zachary Taylor

    He was from Orange County, VA. He did not go to college. He served as a lieutenant in the War of 1812. He did not serve in an office other than presidency. His son-in-law later served as the President of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War. Unfortunately, he died after about a year into his presidency.
  • Compromise of 1850

  • Period: to

    Millard Fillmore

    He was from Summer Hill, NY. He did not go to college. He does not have a military background. He was a lawyer, a U.S. representative, and comptroller of New York. His son served as a captain in the Union Army during the Civil War. After office, he continued his law studies and ran for president again in 1856 as the candidate of the American Party, also known as the Know-Nothing Party, but he was not successful. After that, he retired from public life.
  • Fugitive Slave Bill

  • Brigham Young becomes governor

  • Treaty with El Salvador

  • Whigs nominate General Winfield Scott

  • Democrats gain seats

  • Period: to

    Franklin Pierce

    He is from Hillsborough, NH. He went to Bowdoin College. He became a brigadier general in the Mexican-American War. He was a member of the U.S. Senate and representative. His brother served as a general in the Confederate Army during the Civil War. He retired and got away from the public.
  • Gadsden Purchase

  • Treaty of Kanagawa

  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

  • Nationality laws amended

  • Whig National Convention nominates Fillmore

  • Period: to

    James Buchanan

    He is from Cove Gap, PA. He went to Dickinson College. He did not have a military background. Before office, he was a member of U.S. representative, U.S. Senate, and secretary of state under James Polk. He did not have notable family members. After office, he retired and stayed out of public.
  • Mountain Meadow Massacre

  • Congress Votes on Admitting Kansas

  • English Bill Passed

  • Southern Commercial Convention

  • Kansas Constitution Ratified

  • Period: to

    Abraham Lincoln

    Lincoln is from Washington, D.C. He was homeschooled, and did not go to college. Lincoln served as a volunteer in the Illinois Militia during the Black Hawk War. He was an Illinois State representative of the 7th district. Had children: William Wallace Lincoln, Robert Todd Lincoln, and more. Unfortunately, Lincoln was assassinated before his presidency had ended, so he never did anything after his presidency. He was a Illinois state legislator before his presidency.
  • Confederate Congress adopts Confederate Constitution

  • Emancipation Proclamation goes into effect

  • National Banking Act

  • Battle of Gettysburg

  • Gettysburg Address

  • Period: to

    Andrew Johnson

    He is from Raleigh, NC. He did not go to college. He served in the military during the Cold War. Before office, he was Governor of Tennessee, U.S. Senate, U.S. representative, and Military Governor of Tennessee. His son served as his father's private secretary during his presidency. After office, he retired and stayed out of the public.
  • Black Code

  • Replacing provisional governors

  • First Reconstruction Act

  • Johnson suspends Secretary Stanton

  • Johnson acquitted

  • Period: to

    Ulysses S. Grant

    He is from Point Pleasant, OH. He did not go to college. He junior officer in the Mexican-American War. He was the Commanding General of the Union Army. Before office, he was promoted general-in-chief. His second son served in the Union Army during the Civil War. After office, he went on trips and has several business ventures.
  • Annexation of Santo Domingo

  • Grant vetoes the Private Relief Bill

  • Fifteenth Amendment

  • Fenian Army of Vermont

  • A new tariff is passed

  • The Federal Election Law

  • Grant vetoes inflation bill

  • Hawaiian Reciprocity Treaty.

  • Specie Resumption Act

  • Civil Rights Act of 1875

  • Period: to

    Rutherford B. Hayes

    He was from Delaware, OH. He went to Kenyon College. He served as a major in the 23rd Ohio Infantry in 1861 and, became a brevet major general. Before office, he was Governor of Ohio and a member of the U.S. representative. His second and third son both served in the Spanish-American War. After office, He retired to his home in Ohio.
  • Patrolling Mexican border

  • Knights of Labor

  • U.S.-Samoa Treaty

  • Hayes limits Chinese immigration

  • Hayes supports a canal

  • Period: to

    James A. Garfield

    He was from Moreland Hills, OH. He went to Williams College. He was a major general in the Union Army. Before office, he was an Ohio State Senator and a U.S. representative. His son served as Secretary of the Interior under President Theodore Roosevelt. Unfortunately, he died before his term could end.
  • Garfield removes E. A. Merit

  • Period: to

    Chester A. Arthur

    He was from Fairfield, VT. He went to Union College. He does not have a military background. Before office, he was a VP under James Garfield and a civil rights advocate. His son served as his father's private secretary during his presidency. After office, he returned to his private life in New York City.
  • Congress Ties Representation to Census

  • Edmunds Act Passes

  • Steamboat Safety Bill vetoed

  • U.S.-Luxembourg Treaty

  • Alaskan Government Act passes

  • Period: to

    Grover Cleveland

    He is from Caldwell, NJ. He did not go to college. He does not have a military background. Before office, he was a Mayor of Buffalo and Governor of New York. He does not have any notable family members. He returned to his private life in New York.
  • Cleveland Signs Presidential Succession Act

  • Cleveland vetoes military pensions

  • Accepting the Statue of Liberty

  • Cleveland Signs Chinese Exclusion Act

  • Department of Agriculture created

  • Period: to

    Benjamin Harrison

    He is from North Bend, OH. He went to Farmers' College and Miami University. He was commissioned as a captain and company commander. Before office, he was an Indiana State Senator and a U.S. Senate. His grandfather was William Henry Harrison. After office, he returned to Indianapolis and resumed his law practice, but stayed active in state and national politics.
  • Harrison's first message to Congress

  • Dependent Pension Bill passed

  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act

  • Sherman Silver Purchase Act

  • Harrison nominates Stephen B. Elkins as Secretary of War

  • Period: to

    Grover Cleveland (2nd Term)

    He is from Caldwell, NJ. He did not go to college. He does not have a military background. Before office, he was a Mayor of Buffalo and Governor of New York. He does not have any notable family members. After office, He returned to his private life in New York.
  • Special session

  • Sherman Silver Purchase Act

  • Tariff revision bill

  • Wilson-Gorman Tariff Bill

  • Supreme Court nullifies income tax law

  • Period: to

    William McKinley

    He is from Niles, OH. He went to Allegheny College then transferred to Mount Union College. McKinley served as a private in the Union Army in 1861 and was later commissioned as a second lieutenant. Before office, he was Governor of Ohio and U.S. representative. His son served in the U.S. Army during World War I and later became a lawyer. Unfortunately, he died before his term could end.
  • Dingley Tariff Law

  • Volunteer Army Act

  • Erdman Arbitration Act

  • Peace treaty ratified

  • Platt Amendment

  • Period: to

    Theodore Roosevelt

    Teddy is from New York, NY. He went to Friends Seminary and Harvard College. Teddy was a New York National Guard and his rank was Colonel. He was a New York State Representative, governor of NY, the VP of the US, and an assistant secretary of the Navy. Kids include Theodore Roosevelt Jr, Alice Roosevelt Longworth, and more. After his presidency, Roosevelt founded the Bull Moose Party because the republicans nominated Taft.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

  • Coal miners strike

  • Newlands Reclamation Act

  • Panama Canal Commission

  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act

  • The Niagara Movement and the NAACP

  • National Monuments Act

  • Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act

  • Immigration Act of 1907

  • Child labor law

  • Period: to

    William Howard Taft

    He is from Cincinnati, OH. He went to Yale University. He does not have a military background. Before office, Taft served as a civilian governor of the Philippines. He was also a judge of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. His father, was a prominent attorney and government official who served as the Secretary of War and as Attorney General under President Ulysses S. Grant. After office, he continued his studies at law and became an author.
  • Calling for the Sixteenth Amendment

  • Postal Savings Bank Act

  • Dissolution of Standard Oil

  • Taft vetoes tariff reductions

  • Taft calls for federal budget

  • Period: to

    Woodrow Wilson

    He is from Staunton, VA. He earned a PhD from Johns Hopkins University. He does not have a military background. Before office, he was a Governor of New Jersey. His daughter was a singer, songwriter, and author, known for her performances and recordings. After office, he retired to his private life. And had a stroke which partially paralyzed him in 1919.
  • Seventeenth Amendment

  • Underwood-Simmons Tariff Act

  • Completing the Panama Canal

  • Federal Reserve Act

  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated

  • National Defense Act

  • Federal Farm Labor Act

  • Zimmermann Telegram released

  • Period: to

    Warren G. Harding

    He is from Blooming Grove, OH. He went to Ohio Central College. He does not have a military background. Before office, he served as an Ohio State Senate and as Lieutenant Governor of Ohio. He was also a teacher. His wife was known for her strong personality and involvement in his political career. Unfortunately, he died before his term can end.
  • Period: to

    Calvin Coolidge

    He is from Plymouth Notch, Plymouth, VT. He went to Amherst College. He does not have a military service. Before office, he was a Mayor of Northampton, Massachusetts State Senator, Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts, and Governor of Massachusetts. His eldest son served in the U.S. Army during World War II and later worked in the business sector. After office, he retired to Northampton and became a public speaker, giving lectures.
  • Period: to

    Herbert Hoover

    He is from West Branch, IA. He went to Stanford University. He does not have a military background. Before office, he served as Director of the U.S. Bureau of Relief and Secretary of Commerce. His eldest son had a career in business and public service, serving as Undersecretary of State under President Dwight D. Eisenhower. After office, he kept in public life and continued his humanitarian efforts.
  • Period: to

    Franklin D. Roosevelt

    FDR was from Little White House historic site, Georgia. He went to Harvard college and university, Columbia Law School, and Groton School. He was an assistant secretary of the Navy. FDR was the governor of New York, New York state senator, and Assistant secretary of the Navy. Had children called: FDR Jr, Anna Roosevelt Halsted, and more. He lived in farm before presidency, ran for democratic positions in politics before he ran for president.
  • Period: to

    Harry S. Truman

    Harry Truman is from Lamar, Missouri. He went to UMKC School of Law and William Chrisman High School. Truman served during WW1 as a Field Artillery Officer and continued in the Organized Reserve Corps till 1953. He used to be a senator for Missouri and the Vice President of the US for Franklin D. Roosevelt. Family members include Bess Truman and John Anderson Truman. Before his presidency, he was FDR's VP. After his presidency, he criticized Eisenhower and liked JFK and LBJ.
  • Period: to

    Dwight D. Eisenhower

    Eisenhower was from Denison, Texas. He went to Abilene High School, Command and General Staff College, US army war College, and US military academy. Eisenhower was assigned to the 19th Infantry Regiment at Fort Sam Houston. He was a 5 star general. He served as military government for an American occupied zone, was president of Columbia University, and more. Family members include Mamie Eisenhower, Doud Eisenhower, and more. Eisenhower reentered the Armed Forces after his presidency.
  • Period: to

    John F. Kennedy

    Kennedy was from Brookline, Massachusetts. He went to Harvard University, Canterbury School, Princeton University, and more. Kennedy commanded PT boats in the Pacific theater during WW2, rescuing fellow sailors in the process. He was a representative and senator of Massachusetts. Family members include Robert F. Kennedy, RFK Jr, JFK Jr, and more. JFK would be in the house of representatives before his presidency, and would get assassinated before his presidency ended.
  • Period: to

    Lyndon B. Johnson

    LBJ is from Stonewall, Texas. He went to Lyndon B. Johnson High School, Texas State University, and Georgetown University Law Center. LBJ was a part of the US Naval Reserve when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. 2 days later, he applied for active duty. He was a senator and representative for Texas, JFK's Vice President. LBJ took part in serving in WW2 and after his presidency, built his presidential library.
  • Period: to

    Richard Nixon

    Richard Nixon was from Yorba Linda, California. Nixon went to Whittier High School, Whittier College, and Fullerton Union High School. Nixon joined the Navy, and trained at the Naval Training School. He volunteered for sea duty and reported to Commander Air Force. Nixon was a senator and a representative of California, and the VP of the US. Family members include Pat Nixon, Julie Nixon Eisenhower, Jennie Eisenhower. After his presidency, Nixon was pardoned by Gerald Ford and wrote ten books.
  • Period: to

    Gerald Ford

    Gerald Ford is from Omaha, Nebraska. Ford went to University of Michigan, Yale University, and University of Michigan Law School. He joined the US Naval Reserve, being assigned to USS Monterey. Gerald Ford Ford used to be Nixon's Vice President, and a representative of Michigan. Family members include Betty Ford, Steven Ford, and Susan Ford Bales. He was given the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Bill Clinton.
  • Period: to

    Jimmy Carter

    Carter is from Plains, Georgia. Went to United States Naval Academy, Union College, and Georgia Institute of Technology. Carter had the rank "lieutenant" in the Navy Reserve. Carter was a member of the Georgia State Senate, and the Governor of Georgia. His spouse was Rosalynn Carter. Children: James Carter, Amy Carter, Donnel Carter, and Jack Carter. Jimmy Carter Oversaw an agreement between Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat that called for Israel’s gradual withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula.
  • Period: to

    Ronald Reagan

    Ronald Reagan is from Tampico, Illinois. He went to Eureka College, and Dixon High School. Reagan enlisted in the US army reserve, assigned as a private in Des Moines' 322nd Cavalry Regiment. Reagan was governor of California. Family members include Nancy Reagan, Ron Reagan, and Jane Wyman. After his presidency, he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, before his presidency, he would speak on television.
  • Period: to

    George H. W. Bush

    H.W. Bush is from Milton, Massachusetts. Went to Yale University, Greenwich Country Day School, and Davenport Academy. Bush was a Lieutenant in the Navy, and also fought during World War 2, serving in the Pacific theater flying a Grumman TBF avenger. Was a US ambassador to the UN, US director of Central Intelligence, and the Vice president of the US from 1981-1989. His children are George W. Bush, Jeb Bush, Marvin Bush, and more. Remained active in charity works and US delegations.
  • Period: to

    Bill Clinton

    Clinton is from Hope, Arkansas. He went to Georgetown University and Yale University. Clinton entered a draft but received a number 311 and was never called to serve. He tried to avoid the draft prior to entering it. Clinton was the governor of Arkansas and an Arkansas attorney general. Family members include Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Roger Clinton, and more. After his presidency, he was heavily involved in Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign in order to help her win.
  • Period: to

    George W. Bush

    George W. Bush is from New Haven, Connecticut. Bush went to Yale University, Kinkaid school, Davenport college, and Harvard Business school. He joined the 147th Fighter-Interceptor Group of the Texas Air National Guard for the Vietnam War. Bush used to be the Governor of Texas. His family members include Barbara Bush, Jenna Bush Hager. Bush published a book and also started charities for wounded war veterans after his presidency.
  • Period: to

    Barack Obama

    Obama is from Honolulu, Hawaii. He attended Punahou School, Occidental College, Columbia University, and Harvard Law School. Barack Obama never served in the military. He was a member of the Illinois Senate, a very good senator. He had children, called Malia Ann Obama, and Sasha Obama. Obama campaigned in various American elections, such as helping his former Vice President Joe Biden in his presidential election.
  • Period: to

    Donald Trump

    Trump is from New York, NY. He went to University of Pennsylvania, Fordham University, and Kew-Forest School. Donald Trump did not serve in the military. He did not have any previous offices. He has kids named Barron Trump, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and more. Trump spoke near the White House along with his supporters after losing the election, known as the "Stop the Steal" rally.