Period: to
George Washington's Presidency
Economic issues: Whiskey Rebellion which was the showing of the government using the army and militia to protect the country's rights.
Political Issues: Wanted to keep a no party system but it was developping by the end of his presidency
Foreign Issues: Staying out of the French Revoultion and forming peace with Great Britain now that the revolution was over. -
Period: to
John Adams
Foreign Policy: XYZ Affair- when France wanted bribes from US to make peace with France
Economic Policy: Hamiltonian Policy
Political: Alien And Sedition acts which limited immigration to the country, declined first amendment to the people. Nullification was created from this. Virginia and Kentucy Resolutions got rid of these acts. -
Period: to
Thomas Jefferson
Economic Policy: Louisianna Purchase, Embargo Act
Political Policy: Marburry vs. Madison- Juidicial Review, Enforced Emargo Act to stay out of France and British Affairs, Louisianna Purchase showed the loosness in his interpretation of consitution,
Foreign Policy- Chesapeake- Leopad Affair, Barbary Pirates, Neutrality from Britain and France. -
Period: to
James Madison
Polticial- Macon's Bill and Nonintercourse Act of 1809, War of 1812, War Hawks, Treaty of Ghent, Embargo Continuation
Social- Indian conflict rising due to British helping them
Economic- Embargo Act- ends it and replaces it with Macon's Bill and And Nonintercourse Act -
Period: to
James Monroe
Era of Good Feelings
Economic- Tarriff of 1816 and- protected industry from British goods, American System-Henry Clay (Internal improvents, National Bank, and Protective Tarriffs=Economic Nationalism), Panic of 1819
Political- Missouri Compromise, Commerce Clause in McCulloch v MD and Gibbons v. Ogden gave Congress more power as well as supremacy clause.
Foreign Affairs- Rush Bagot Treaty, Treaty of 1818, Florida Puchase Treaty 1819 -
Period: to
John Quicy Adams
Political- Corrupt Bargain for winning eleciton against Jackson. Votes given to Jackson by Clay
Economic- blocked by Jacksonians restricts economic policy
Foreign Policy- Same as Economic. -
Period: to
Andrew Jackson
-Spoils system: patronage
-Nullifcication Crisis brokered by John C Calhoun for the tarrif of 1828
-New party created: Whigs
-Demorcratic Republics change to Democrats
-Used the most vetoes
-Didn't want the national bank -
Period: to
Martin Van Buren
Part of free soil party that included members of the antislavery factions of the Democratic Party and the Whig Party. Told them that no person should work more than 10 hours a day on federal public works. Left off on Jackson's bad decision on banks his popularity also fell with the decision on the Seminole Indians in Florida and the annexation of Texas. A permanent settlement was negotiated in the Webster-Ashburton Treaty of 1842 -
Period: to
William H. Harrison
Period: to
John Tyler
After Tyler vetoed two bills aimed at reestablishing a national bank his cabinet resigned. Was a president with no party. Regorganized the navy, established the United States Weather Bureau, brought an end to the Second Seminole War (1835–42) in Florida, and put down the rebellion (1842) led by Thomas Dorr against the state government of Rhode Island. Created a party from a core of loyal appointees. -
Period: to
James Polk
He had remarkable skill in the selection and control of his official advisers. He was the casue for the annexation of Texas as a state. Signed a treaty with New Granada (Colombia) resolving the problem of right-of-way for U.S. citizens across the Isthmus of Panama. Walker Tariff Act of 1846, which lowered import duties and he helped Foreign trade.