Period: to
Wahsington's Administration
French Revolutioln
Outbreak -
Bill of Rights ratified
75% of states voted it in (Political) -
Bank of the US
National Bank with $10 million primarily designed to benefit business class. Chartered for 20 years. -
Whiskey Tax
Aimed to raise revenue to pay off debt -
Washington's Re-election
French Rev. End
Washington signs Neutrality Proclamation causing Jefferson to resign from Cabinet. Controversy over Citizen Genet's visit. -
Whiskey Rebellion
Pennsylvania- tax on liquor rebelled against -
Jay's Treaty
(Treaty of London) with England
Britian allowed to impress seamen and deny US merchants right to ship West Indian commodities to foreign parts -
Pickney's Treaty
(Treaty of San Lorenzo)
Spain and US settle differences by allowing free navigation of Miss. River and grant part of New Orleans of 3 years and the establishment of border of Florida. -
Period: to
Adams' Presidency
XYZ Affair
France scared of war with US- sent XYZ to delegate with us -
Alien-Sedition Act
Used as camoflauge for war- ment to keep Federalists in power as many Republicans were new immigrants. -
Capitol moves to Washington
Land Acts
Encouraged westward expansion. -
Period: to
Jefferson's Presidency
Enabling Act
Made Ohio a state. Each town set 64 acres aside for edu. and 3% income from land sales went to building roads. -
Louisana Purchase
Napolean sold us all of the territory. Purchase not part of his strict contructionalist view of Constitution. -
Chesapeake-Leopard Affair
American ship attacked by British one because they wouldn't let them on. We lose. British impress 4 seamen. -
Passed by British. Caused neutral nations to have cargo checked in British port. -
Congress Prohibits Slave Trade
Official End of Slave Trade
Period: to
Madison's Presidency
War Declared against Britain
Wanted Canada for ourselves. Wanted British to stop impressing seamen. Wanted British out of Ohio area. -
Hartford Convention
New England opposed "Mr. Madison's War." British blockade halted NE lucrative commercial trade. Convention called by Federalists. Asserted states right and required ammendment that 2/3 congress must declare war, admit new states, omit slaves from census, restrict pres. to 1 term, prohibit successive pres. from same state. -
Treaty of Ghent
Both sides stop fighting, return all lands to the other. No discussion of maritime rights. Peace achieved on frontier, growth of manufacturing (not farming). Period of isolation. -
Battle of New Orleans
Most decisive battle of war. We won. -
Second Bank of the US chartered
Tariff of 1816
(Protective tariff). New industry stood to gain. Commercial interests being hurt. -
Period: to
Monroe's Presidency
Anglo-American Convention
Between Britain and America. Set northern boundary at the 49th parallel. Oregon territory would be jointly occupied for 10 years. -
Florida Treaty
Cecedes Florida to US in return for $5 million in US claims against Spain. -
Missouri Compromise
Wants to be a state. Wants slavery. Maine will not be slave state. -
(exculsive of MO). Slavery shall be forever prohibited north of coordinates. -
Monroe Doctrine
Authored by John Q. Adams, stated that they wanted Britain to stay out of affairs of Western Hemisphere. Wanted new nations to be democratic.