
  • Period: to

    2 term

    French and Indian War, Declaration of Independence, Revolutionary War, Battle of Trenton, Valley Forge, Yorktown Campaign, Constitutional Convention, Whiskey Rebellion, Jay Treaty, Establishment of the Cabinet.
  • Period: to

    George Washington

    • Westmoreland County, VA
    • Attended a local school in Fredericksburg
    • French and Indian war, American Revolutionary war, and Quasi-war with France
    • Commanding General of the US Army, Pres. Of US, Pres. Of US Constitutional convention, Delegate to the continental Congress
    • Father: Augustine Washington, Mother: Mary Ball Washington, Wife: Martha
    • Helped shaped the office future role and powers, as well set both formal and informal precedents for future presidents
  • Period: to

    1 term

    American Revolution, Declaration of Independence, Treaty of Paris, Quasi-War with France, Adams-Onís Treaty.
  • Period: to

    John Adams

    • Braintree, Massachusetts
    • Harvard University/College
    • Head of the war and Ordnance board
    • Pres. Of US, Delegate to Continental Congress (74-78), Vice pres. Of US, US minister Great Britain, Netherlands
    • Wife: Abigail, Kids: Abigail, John, Susanna, Charles, Thomas, Elizabeth
  • Period: to

    2 term

    Declaration of Independence, Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, Louisiana Purchase, Lewis and Clark Expedition, American Revolution, First Barbary War, Embargo Act of 1807, Treaty of Paris, Jay Treaty, Battle of Saratoga.
  • Period: to

    Thomas Jefferson

    • virginia Piedmont
    • William & Mary College
    • Colonel in Virginia
    • Vice president, secretary of state, diplomatic minister, congressman
    • Father: Peter Jefferson, Mother: Jane Randolph, Martha, Lucy, Mary, Jane
    • American founding father, principle author of Declaration of Independence
  • Period: to

    2 term

    The Federalist Papers, War of 1812, Treaty of Ghent, Monroe Doctrine, Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, Louisiana Purchase, Era of Good Feelings, Missouri Compromise, Indian Removal Policy, Montpelier Conference.
  • Period: to

    James Madison

    • Port Conway, Virginia
    • Princeton Uni, College of NJ
    • Colonel & commander of orange county regiment
    • Secretary, representative
    • Wife: Dolley Madison
    • Major contribution to the ratification of the constitution by writing the federalist paper
  • Period: to

    2 term

    American Revolutionary War, Louisiana Purchase, War of 1812, Monroe-Pinkney Treaty, Treaty of Ghent, Adams-Onís Treaty, Monroe Doctrine, Erie Canal, Tariff of 1824, Missouri Compromise.
  • Period: to

    James Monroe

    • Virginia
    • College of william & Mary in virginia
    • Fought under George Washington, reached rank Lieutenant Colonel
    • Secretary, Governor, Senator
    • Eliza Monroe
    • Lawyer, diplomat, Founding Father, Democratic-republican
  • Period: to

    1 term

    Treaty of Ghent, Monroe Doctrine, Adams-Onís Treaty, Tariff of 1828, Indian Removal, Gag Rule.
  • Period: to

    John Quincy Adams

    • Braintree, MA
    • Harvard, University Leiden
    • Officer, leader of American US
    • Representative, secretary, Ambassador, Minister
    • Charles, George Washington adam , John adams, Louisa
    • Attorney, diplomat, founding father
  • Period: to

    2 term

    Battle of New Orleans, Indian Removal Act, Nullification Crisis, Panic of 1819, Indian Removal Act, Bank War, Texas Independence, Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek, Kitchen Cabinet, Spoils System, Trail of Tears, Texas Revolution.
  • Period: to

    Andrew Jackson

    • Waxhaws, North/South carolina border
    • Sporadic education
    • Andrew had a military career since the age of 13. Indian removal act, nullification crisis, Old Hickory," first southern/ western president," President for the common man," pet banks, spoils system, specie circular, trail of tears, Henry Clay Flectural Process. US House Representatives, US Senate.
    • Rachel Donelson Jackson (wife), adopted several children.
  • Period: to

    1 term

    Anti-Masonic Movement, Panic of 1837, Independent Treasury System, Abolitionist Movement, Treaty of Wanghia, Expansion of Infrastructure.
  • Period: to

    Martin Van Buren

    • Kinderhook, NY
    • Did not attend college.
    • Did not have any military service.
    • Senator, Attorney General, Governor, US Senator, US Secretary of State, Vice President.
    • Hannah Hoes Van Buren (wife), Abraham, John, Martin, Smith (children
  • Period: to


    Battle of Fallen Timbers, Treaty of Greenville, Battle of Tippecanoe, War of 1812, Treaty of Fort Meigs, Battle of the Thames, Battle of Fort Stephenson, Adams-Onís Treaty, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Missouri Compromise.
  • Period: to

    1 term

    War of 1812, Missouri Compromise, Nullification Crisis, Annexation of Texas, Treaty of Wanghia.
  • Period: to

    William Henry Harrison

    • Charles City County, VA
    • Hampden–Sydney College University of Pennsylvania.
    • American military officer.
    • Governor of Indiana Territory, Delegate for US Congress.
    • Anna Tuthill Symmes (wife), Elizabeth, John, Lucy, William, John, Benjamin, Mary, Carter, Anna, James (children).
  • Period: to

    John Tyler

    • Charles City County, VA
    • College of William and Mary and studied law.
    • War of 1812.
    • Virginia House of Delegates, US House of Representatives, Governor, US Senator, Vice President.
    • Letitia Christian Tyler (first wife) Julia Gardiner (second wife), Mary, Robert, John...(+12)(children).
  • Period: to

    1 term

    Annexation of Texas, Oregon Treaty, Mexican- American War, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, California Gold Rush, Walker Tariff, Creation of the Independent Treasury System.
  • Period: to

    James Knox Polk

    • Pineville, NC
    • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
    • Not much military service. extended the territory of the U.S. through the Mexican–American War.
    • Governor, US House of Representatives, Speaker of the House.
    • Sarah Childress Polk (wife).
  • Period: to


    Battle of Fort Harrison, Black Hawk War, Second Battle of Fort Texas, Battle of Palo Alto, Battle of Resaca de la Palma, Battle of Monterrey, Battle of Buena Vista, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, California Gold Rush, Clayton0Buwer Treaty, Compromise of 1850.
  • Period: to

    Zachary Taylor

    • Orange County, VA Basic education.
    • Aspired from a young age to join the military, career officer in the Army.
    • No previous political offices.
    • Margaret Mackall Smith Taylor (wife), Ann, Sarah, Octavia, Margaret, Mary, Richard (children).
  • Period: to

    1 term ish

    Compromise of 1850, California Gold Rush, Gadsden Purchase, Immigration Policy, Industrialization
  • Period: to

    Millard Fillmore

    • Summer Hill, NY
    • Self taught to read and enrolled at a local school, 6 months later he took the bar exam and passed to become an attorney.
    • Union Continentals, Major/Captain, during American Civil War (1820-30s)(1860-70s).
    • NY State Assembly, US House of Representatives, Vice President of the US.
    • Abigail Fillmore (wife), Millard, Mary (children).
  • Period: to

    1 term

    Mexican-American War, Compromise of 1850, Ostend Manifesto Gadsden Purchase, Panic of 1857.
  • Period: to

    Franklin Pierce

    • Hillsborough, HN
    • Attended Bowdoin College Northampton Law School.
    • Mexican War took him into active military service as a brigade commander in General Winfield Scott's army. (1846-48).
    • US House of Representatives, Legislature, US Senate.
    • Jane Means Appleton Pierce (wife), Franklin, Frank, Benjamin (children).
  • Period: to

    1 term

    Treaty of Fort Laramie, Oregon Treaty, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Mexican American War, Civil War, Panic of 1857.
  • Period: to

    James Buchanan

    • Cove Gap, PA
    • Dickinson College, was gifted as a debater and learned in the law.
    • Served in a reserve unit during the War of 1812 and did not experience any combat.
    • US House of Representatives, Minister, US Senator, Secretary of State.
    • No wife or children.
  • Period: to

    1 term

    Mexican-American War, Emancipation Proclamation, Gettysburg Address, Civil War, Thirteenth Amendment.
  • Period: to

    Abraham Lincoln

    • Larue County, KY
    • No formal education, mostly educated himself by borrowing books and newspapers.
    • Served as a volunteer in the Illinois Militia (1832), during the Black Hawk War, never saw combat.
    • Legislature, US House of Representatives.
    • Mary Todd Lincoln (wife), Robert, Edward, William, Thomas (children).
  • Period: to

    1 term

    Civil War, Reconstruction, Tenure of Office Act, Impeachment, Thirteenth Amendment, Black Codes, Purchase of Alaska.
  • Period: to

    Andrew Johnson

    • Raleigh, NC
    • Never attended school.
    • American Civil War (1862–1865), Brigadier General, as Military Governor of Tennessee.
    • Mayor of Greeneville, Legislature, US House of Representatives, Senate, Governor, US Senate.
    • Eliza McCardle Johnson (wife), Martha, Charles, Mary, Robert, Andrew (children).
  • Period: to

    2 term

    Civil War, Battle of Fort Donelson, Battle of Shiloh, Vicksburg Campaign, Battle of Chattanooga, Battle of Cold Harbor, Siege of Petersburg, Fifteenth Amendment, Panic of 1873, Treaty of Washington.
  • Period: to

    Ulysses S. Grant

    • Point Pleasant, OH
    • Received an education from several private schools.
    • Attended the U.S. Military Academy. Commanding colonel of the 21st Illinois Volunteer Regiment (1861), remained in the U.S. Army throughout the Civil War,
    • Secretary of War.
    • Julian Dent Grant (wife), Frederick, Ulysses, Ellen, Jesse (children).
  • Period: to

    1 term

    Civil War, Compromise of 1877, End of Reconstruction, Great Railroad Strike, Bland-Allison Act, Chinese Exclusion Act, Resumption of Specie Act, Indian Policy, Panic of 1873.
  • Period: to

    Rutherford B Hayes

    • Delaware, OH
    • Kenyon College and Harvard Law School.
    • Commission as a major in the 23rd Ohio Infantry, fought during the Civil War.
    • City Solicitor, US House of Representatives, Governor.
    • Lucy Webb Hayes (wife), Birchard, Webb, Rutherford, Joseph...(4+) (children).
  • Period: to


    Civil War, Reconstruction Era, Credit Mobilier Scandal, Republican National Convention, Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act.
  • Period: to

    1 term

    Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act, Chinese Exclusion Act, Naval Expansion, Pension Act, Panama Canal.
  • Period: to

    James A Garfield

    • Moreland Hills, OH
    • College education, Williams College (1856).
    • Major general, 42nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry 20th Brigade, 6th Division, Army of the Ohio, fought during the American Civil War Battle (1861–1863)
    • State Senate, US House of Representatives.
    • Lucretia Rudolph Garfield (wife), Eliza, Harry, James...(+4)(children).
  • Period: to

    Chester A Arthur

    • Fairfield, VT
    • Union College in 1848.
    • Brigadier general, Second Brigade (1857–1863).
    • Collector of the Port of NY, Quartermaster General, Chairman of NY Republican State Committee.
    • Ellen Herndon Arthur (wife), Wlliam, Chester, Ellen (children).
  • Period: to

    1 term

    Interstate Commerce Act, Dawes Act, Panic of 1893, Pullman Strike, Annexation of Hawaii, Homestead Strike, Repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, Hawaiian Revolution, Civil Service Reform, Foreign Policy, Tariff Policy.
  • Period: to

    Grover Cleveland

    • Caldwell, NJ
    • Elementary education at the Fayetteville Academy and Clinton Grammar School.
    • Did not personally serve during the Civil War, but was involved.
    • Mayor of Buffalo.
    • Frances Folsom Cleveland (wife), Ruth, Esther, Marion...(+2)(children).
  • Period: to

    1 term

    Civil War, Passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act, Homestead Strike, Sherman Silver Purchase, Repeal of the Tenure of Office Act, Dingley Tariff.
  • Period: to

    Benjamin Harrison

    • North Bend, OH
    • Farmer's College Miami University.
    • Served as a colonel in the Union Army, was in the Battle of Resaca, Battle of Peachtree Creek and Battle of Nashville.
    • US Senator, reporter for Supreme Court.
    • Caroline Scott Harrison (wife), Russell, Mary (children).
  • Period: to

    1 term

    Interstate Commerce Act, Dawes Act, Panic of 1893, Pullman Strike, Annexation of Hawaii, Homestead Strike, Repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, Hawaiian Revolution, Civil Service Reform, Foreign Policy, Tariff Policy.
  • Period: to

    grover cleveland

    • Caldwell, NJ
    • Elementary education at the Fayetteville Academy and Clinton Grammar School.
    • Did not personally serve during the Civil War, but was involved.
    • Mayor of Buffalo.
    • Frances Folsom Cleveland (wife), Ruth, Esther, Marion...(+2)(children).
  • Period: to

    1 term

    Spanish- American War, Hawaiian Annexation, Gold Standard Act, Expansion of American Influence, Dingley Tariff, McKinley Tariff, Annexation of the Philippines, Open Door Policy, Alaskan Boundary Dispute, Foraker Act
  • Period: to

    William McKinley

    • Niles, OH
    • Allegheny College & Albany Law School.
    • Served during the Civil War, a private in the Union Army (1861).
    • US House of Representatives, Governor.
    • Ida Saxton McKinley (wife), Katherine, Ida (children).
  • Period: to

    2 term

    Spanish- American War, Trust-Buster, Panama Canal, Pure Food and Drug Act, Russo-Japanese War, Bull Moose Party, WWI.
  • Period: to

    Theodore Roosevelt

    • New York, NY
    • Homeschooled, attended Harvard University and Columbia Law School.
    • Served in the Spanish-American War (1898), involved with the "Rough Riders", Battle of San Juan Hill.
    • State Assembly, Civil Service Commission, City Policy Commissioner, Assistant Secretary for Navy, Governor.
    • Edith Roosevelt (wife), Alice Theodore, Kermit, Ethel, Archibald (children).
  • Period: to

    1 term

    Secretary of War, Mann-Elkins Act, Sixteenth Amendment, Judicial Reforms, Nine-Power Treaty, Taft-Katsura Agreement.
  • Period: to

    William Howard Traft

    • Cincinnati, OH
    • Yale University in 1878, studied at Cincinnati Law School.
    • Judge and appointed co-chairman, did not server in combat.
    • Assistant Prosecutor, US Solicitor General, US Circuit Judge, Governor, Secretary of War.
    • Helen Herron Taft (wife), Robert, Helen, Charles (children).
  • Period: to

    2 term

    Underwood Tariff Act, Federal Reserve Act, Puerto Rican Citizenship, Panama Canal, Federal Trade Commission, WWI, Fourteen Points, Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations, Women's Suffrage, Red Scare, Influenza Pandemic.
  • Period: to

    Woodrow Wilson

    • Staunton, VA
    • Princeton University and Johns Hopkins University.
    • Did not have any military service,
    • Governor, Pres. of Princeton Uni.
    • Ellen Axson Wilson (wife), Margaret, Jessie, Eleanor (children)
  • Period: to


    Teapot Dome Scandal, Return to Normalcy, Emergency Quota Act, Shepherd-Towner Maternity and Infancy Protection Act, Fordney-McCumber Tariff, Harding's Anti-Lynching Proposal, Indian Citizenship Act, Economic Recession, Women's Suffrage.
  • Period: to

    Warren G. Harding

    • Blooming Grove, OH
    • Ohio Central College, high school level institution (1879-1882).
    • Did not have any military service.
    • US Senate.
    • Florence Kling Harding (wife), Marshall (child).
  • Period: to

    1 term

    Roaring Twenties, Dawes Plan, Immigration Act, Teapot Dome Scandal, Stock Market Boom, Tax Cuts.
  • Period: to

    Calvin Coolidge

    • Plymouth Notch, VT
    • Black River Academy and then St. Johnsbury Academy before enrolling at Amherst College.
    • Did not have any military service.
    • City Solicitor, Mayor of Northampton, State Senator, Lieutenant Governor, Vice Pres.
    • Grace Anna Goodhue Coolidge (wife), John, Calvin (children).
  • Period: to

    1 term

    WWI Relief Efforts, First Red Scare, Treaty of Versailles, Great Depression, Stock Market Crash, Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, Hoover Dam, WWII, Korean War.
  • Period: to

    Hervert Hoover

    • West Branch, IA
    • Stanford University.
    • Did not have any military service.
    • Secretary of Commerce.
    • Lou Henry Hoover (wife), Herbert, Allan (children).
  • Period: to

    2 term

    New Deal, Banking Crisis, Prohibition Repeal, Good Neighbor Policy, Wagner Act, SSN Act, Court Packing Plan, Second New Deal, Roosevelt Recession, Neutrality Acts, Lend-Lease Act, Pearl Harbor, Yalta Conference.
  • Period: to

    Franklin D. Roosevelt

    • Hyde Park, NY
    • Harvard (1903), Columbia Law School (1904), passed the New York Bar Examination.
    • Did not serve in active military.
    • Assistant of Secretary of Navy, Senator, Governor.
    • Eleanor Roosevelt (wife), Anna, James, Franklin...(+3)(children).
  • Period: to

    2 term

    WWI, Atomic Bombings, WWII, Truman Doctrine, Marshal Plan, Civil Rights Advocate, Korean War.
  • Period: to

    Harry S. Truman

    • Lamar, MO
    • Public high school education.
    • Served during WWI as an artillery officer and later then captain, enlisted in the Missouri National Guard (1905).
    • County Judge, US Senator, Vice Pres.
    • Bess Truman (wife), Margaret (child).
  • Period: to

    2 term

    WWII, D-Day, European Theater, NATO, Korean War, Interstate Highway System, Civil Rights Little Rock, Cold War, Civil Rights Act of 1964, U.-2 Incident.
  • Period: to

    Dwight D. Eisenhower

    • Denison, TX
    • Both elementary and high school.
    • Graduated from US Military Academy, served as a Military officer politician for 35+ years.
    • Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Forces, Chief of Staff of US Army, Pres. of Columbia Uni.
    • Mamie Geneva Doud Eisenhower (wife), Dwight, John (children).
  • Period: to


    WWII, Bay of Pigs Invasion, Space Race, Cuban Missile Crisis, Berlin Wall speech.
  • Period: to

    John F. Kennedy

    • Brookline, MA
    • Public school(s), The Choate School and London School of Economics (1935-1936). Harvard University (1940), graduate school at Stanford University.
    • Served during WWII, enlisted in the US Navy (1941). Commanding Officer, served in the Pacific theater.
    • US House of Representatives, Congressman, US Senate/Senator.
    • Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (wife) Caroline, John, Patrick, Arabella (children).
  • Period: to

    1 term

    Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1965, Great Society, Vietnam War, The Gulf of Tonkin Incident, Space Exploration, Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Period: to

    Lyndon B Johnson

    • Stonewall, TX
    • Bachelor's degree in education, Welhausen School in Cotulla, Texas.
    • Served during the WWII, commissioned as Lieutenant Commander in the US Naval Reserve (1940). Mainly member rather than in active combat duty, stationed in the Pacific theater.
    • US Representative, US Senator, Vice Pres.
    • Claudia Alta Johnson (wife), Lynda, Luci (children).
  • Period: to

    1 term

    Hiss Case, Watergate Scandal, Kitchen Debate, Vietnam War, Relations with China (increased economics and cultural exchange), Moon Landing, Nixon-Kennedy Debates, SALT I Treaty, Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Period: to

    Richard M. Nixon

    • Yorba Linda, CA
    • Whittier College and Duke University.
    • Served in the military during WWII, joined the US Navy (1942), lieutenant commander in the Pacific theater.
    • US Representative, US Senator, Vice Pres.
    • Patricia Nixon (wife), Tricia, Julie (children).
  • Period: to

    1 term

    Pardon of Richard Nixon, Watergate Scandal, Vietnam War, Fall of Saigon, Helsinki Accords, Mayaguez Incident.
  • Period: to

    Gerald R. Ford

    • Omaha, NE
    • University of Michigan.
    • Served during WWII, joined the US Navy, participated in the Pacific theater, including the Battle of Leyte Gulf.
    • US House Representative, Vice Pres.
    • Elizabeth Ford (wife), Michael, John, Steven, Susan (children).
  • Period: to

    Jimmy Carter

    • Plains, GA
    • Public schools in Plains.
    • Graduate of the US Naval Academy, served in the Navy (1946-1953).
    • Governor.
    • Rosalynn Carter (wife), Jack, James, Donnel, Amy (children).
  • Period: to

    Ronalds Reagan

    • Tampico, IL
    • Eureka College for economics and sociology in 1932.
    • Served during WWII, no combat role. Captain in the US Army Reserve, served as an officer in the First Motion Picture Unit of the Army Air Forces.
    • Governor, Pres. of Screen Actors Guild.
    • Nancy Reagan (wife), Patti, Ronald (children).
  • Ronald Reagan

    A significant figure in 20th-century American politics, Ronald Reagan served as the 40th President of the United States from 1981 to 1989. He implemented conservative economic policies, escalated the arms race with the Soviet Union, and played a role in ending the Cold War through negotiations with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.
  • Persian Gulf War

    Also known as Operation Desert Storm, this was a conflict between a coalition force led by the United States and Iraq following Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990. The war lasted from January to February 1991, with coalition forces liberating Kuwait from Iraqi control.
  • Cutting federal income taxes

    In 1981, Reagan signed into law the Economic Recovery Tax Act (ERTA), which implemented substantial tax cuts across the board. The ERTA reduced the top marginal tax rate from 70% to 50% and lowered the tax rates for lower-income brackets as well. Additionally, the act included provisions to incentivize business investment through accelerated depreciation and other tax incentives.
  • Cold War

    A decades-long geopolitical tension between the United States and its allies, and the Soviet Union and its allies, characterized by political, economic, and military competition. It lasted roughly from the end of World War II in 1945 to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

    Enacted in 1990, this landmark civil rights law prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including employment, education, transportation, and public accommodations.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall, which divided East and West Berlin, fell on November 9, 1989, symbolizing the end of the Cold War division between Eastern and Western Europe. Its fall paved the way for German reunification in 1990 and marked a significant turning point in world history.
  • Period: to

    George H. W. Bush

    • Milton, MA
    • Yale University.
    • Served in the military during WWII, enlisted in the US Navy (1942), one of the youngest naval aviators.
    • US Representative, Ambassador to the UN, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, Chief of US Liaison Office, Director of Central Intelligence, Vice Pres for US.
    • Barbara Bush (wife), George, Pauline, John, Neil, Marvin, Dorothy (children).
  • Economic Boom

    During Clinton's presidency, the United States experienced a period of sustained economic growth and low unemployment, often referred to as the "Clinton economic boom" or the "longest peacetime economic expansion in American history." This period saw robust job creation, rising incomes, and a reduction in the federal budget deficit.
  • Oslo Accords and Middle East Peace Process

    President Clinton played a significant role in facilitating the Oslo Accords between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in the 1990s, as well as subsequent peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.
  • Foreign Policy

    Clinton's foreign policy initiatives included efforts to promote democracy, expand trade, and address global challenges such as terrorism and nuclear proliferation.
  • Advancements in Technology and Communications (Internet)

    The 1990s saw rapid advancements in technology and communications, including the widespread adoption of the internet. President Clinton supported policies to promote innovation and expand access to information technology during this period.
  • Healthcare Reform

    Clinton proposed comprehensive healthcare reform, known as the Health Security Act, in 1993. However, the plan failed to gain sufficient support in Congress and was not enacted into law.
  • Period: to

    william J Clinton

    • Hope, AR
    • Georgetown University University College and Oxford Yale University.
    • Did not serve in the military.
    • Attorney General, Governor.
    • Hillary Rodham Clinton (wife), Chelsea (children).
  • Economic Policies

    Clinton pursued a number of economic policies, including deficit reduction measures and the implementation of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, which raised taxes on high-income individuals and corporations. These efforts helped lead to budget surpluses in the later years of his presidency.
  • Technology and Economy

    The Clinton years saw significant advancements in technology, including the rise of the internet and the dot-com boom, which contributed to robust economic growth and increased prosperity.
  • NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)

    This agreement, implemented on January 1, 1994, created a trilateral trade bloc between Canada, Mexico, and the United States. It aimed to eliminate barriers to trade and investment among the three countries.
  • Crime Bill

    Clinton signed the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act in 1994, which included provisions for funding additional police officers, expanding the federal death penalty, and instituting the "three-strikes" rule for repeat offenders.
  • Welfare Reform

    President Clinton signed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) into law in August 1996. PRWORA overhauled the U.S. welfare system by imposing work requirements, time limits on benefits, and block grants to states.
  • Balanced Budget Act

    President Clinton signed the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 into law, which aimed to balance the federal budget by reducing spending and increasing revenues. The act also included provisions related to healthcare, Medicare, and Medicaid
  • Impeachment

    President Clinton faced impeachment proceedings in 1998 over allegations of perjury and obstruction of justice related to his extramarital affair with Monica Lewinsky, a White House intern. The House of Representatives impeached Clinton, but the Senate acquitted him, allowing him to complete his term in office.
  • NATO Enlargement

    Under President Clinton's leadership, NATO expanded through the addition of new member countries in Central and Eastern Europe, including Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic, in 1999.
  • Middle East Peace Process

    Clinton played a significant role in facilitating peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, culminating in the Camp David Summit in 2000, although a final agreement was not reached.
  • Period: to

    George W. Bush

    • New Haven, CT
    • High school at Phillips Academy, Yale University from (1964 -1968).
    • Served in the military, member of the Texas Air National Guard.
    • Governor.
    • Laura Bush (wife), Barbara, Jenna (children).
  • 9/11 Attacks

    On September 11, 2001, terrorist hijackers affiliated with al-Qaeda carried out coordinated attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, killing nearly 3,000 people. President Bush responded by declaring a "War on Terror" and launching military operations in Afghanistan and later Iraq.
  • Invasion of Afghanistan

    Following the 9/11 attacks, President Bush ordered the invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001, aiming to dismantle al-Qaeda and remove the Taliban regime, which had harbored Osama bin Laden and other terrorists.
  • Patriot Act

    In response to the 9/11 attacks, President Bush signed the USA PATRIOT Act into law in October 2001. The act expanded the government's surveillance and law enforcement powers to combat terrorism.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    President Bush signed the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act into law in January 2002. NCLB aimed to improve student achievement and accountability in U.S. schools by setting standards for student performance and requiring annual testing.
  • Creation of the Department of Homeland Security

    President Bush signed the Homeland Security Act into law in November 2002, creating the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). DHS consolidated various federal agencies responsible for domestic security and counterterrorism efforts.
  • Balanced Budget Act of 1997

    Clinton signed the Balanced Budget Act, which aimed to balance the federal budget by 2002. The act included provisions for deficit reduction, Medicare reforms, and the creation of the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
  • Invasion of Iraq

    In March 2003, President Bush ordered the invasion of Iraq, citing concerns about weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and the regime of Saddam Hussein. The invasion led to the overthrow of Saddam Hussein but also initiated a prolonged and contentious conflict.
  • Global AIDS Initiative

    President Bush launched the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) in 2003, a major international effort to combat HIV/AIDS, particularly in Africa. PEPFAR provided funding for HIV prevention, treatment, and care programs, saving millions of lives and significantly reducing the spread of the disease.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast of the United States in August 2005, causing widespread devastation and loss of life, particularly in New Orleans, Louisiana. The federal government's response to the disaster, including FEMA's handling of relief efforts, faced criticism.
  • Financial Crisis of 2008

    The 2008 financial crisis, triggered by the collapse of the housing market and the failure of major financial institutions, led to a severe economic downturn. President Bush's administration responded with emergency measures, including the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), aimed at stabilizing the financial system.
  • Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)

    TARP, enacted in October 2008, authorized the U.S. Treasury to purchase troubled assets from financial institutions to stabilize the financial system and prevent further economic collapse during the financial crisis.
  • Period: to

    Barack Obama

    • Honolulu, HI
    • Columbia University (1983), Harvard Law School (1988), the first black president of the Harvard Law Review.
    • Did not serve in the military.
    • US Senator.
    • Michelle Obama (wife), Malia, Sasha (children).
  • Economic Stimulus Package

    In response to the 2008 financial crisis, Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act into law in February 2009. This economic stimulus package aimed to create jobs, provide relief to states and individuals, and invest in infrastructure and other projects to spur economic recovery.
  • Nobel Peace Prize

    Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 for his efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Nobel Committee highlighted his efforts to promote nuclear disarmament and address climate change.
  • Arab Spring

    The Arab Spring, a series of pro-democracy uprisings and protests across the Middle East and North Africa, began in late 2010 and continued into Obama's presidency. The Obama administration responded to the events with varying degrees of support for democratic movements and diplomatic efforts to address political instability in the region.
  • Repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy

    Obama signed legislation in December 2010 to repeal the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, which had banned openly gay, lesbian, or bisexual individuals from serving in the U.S. military.
  • Affordable Care Act Passage

    Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, into law on March 23, 2010. The ACA aimed to increase the quality and affordability of health insurance, expand Medicaid eligibility, and reduce the overall number of uninsured Americans.
  • Bin Laden Raid

    On May 2, 2011, U.S. Navy SEALs conducted a raid in Abbottabad, Pakistan, that resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden, the leader of the terrorist organization al-Qaeda. President Obama authorized the operation, which was a major milestone in the U.S. effort to combat terrorism.
  • Cuban Thaw

    Obama announced a historic shift in U.S. policy towards Cuba in December 2014, seeking to normalize diplomatic relations and ease economic restrictions. This led to the reopening of embassies and increased engagement between the two countries.
  • Iran Nuclear Deal

    The Obama administration, along with other world powers, negotiated the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran. The agreement, reached in 2015, aimed to limit Iran's nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief.
  • Paris Climate Agreement

    Obama played a key role in negotiating the Paris Agreement, which was adopted by nearly 200 countries in December 2015. The agreement aimed to combat climate change by limiting global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.
  • Marriage Equality

    While not directly involved in legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide, Obama publicly supported marriage equality and his administration took steps to advance LGBTQ+ rights, including the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and the extension of federal benefits to same-sex spouses.
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    Donald Trump

    • New York, NY
    • University of Pennsylvania (1968).
    • Did not serve in the military.
    • No previous political office.
    • Ivana Trump (first wife), Marla Maples (second wife), Melania Trump (third wife), Donald, Ivanka, Eric (children).
  • Tax Reform

    Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law in December 2017, which represented the most significant overhaul of the U.S. tax code in decades. The law lowered corporate tax rates, adjusted individual tax brackets, and made other changes to the tax system.
  • Travel Ban Executive Order

    Trump signed an executive order imposing a travel ban on several Muslim-majority countries shortly after taking office in January 2017. The order faced significant legal challenges and underwent multiple revisions before being partially upheld by the Supreme Court in a decision in June 2018.
  • North Korea Diplomacy

    Trump engaged in high-profile diplomacy with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, including a series of summits aimed at denuclearization and improving relations between the two countries. The first summit took place in Singapore in June 2018, followed by another in Hanoi, Vietnam, in February 2019, and a brief meeting at the Demilitarized Zone in June 2019. However, these efforts did not lead to significant progress in denuclearization.
  • COVID-19 Pandemic

    The COVID-19 pandemic emerged during Trump's presidency. His administration faced criticism for its handling of the pandemic, including delays in implementing widespread testing, mixed messaging on public health measures, and disagreements with state governments over response efforts.
  • Paris Agreement Withdrawal

    In June 2017, Trump announced his intention to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement, an international accord aimed at combating climate change. The withdrawal process was initiated in November 2019 and became official on November 4, 2020, making the United States the only country to formally exit the agreement.
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    Joseph R. Biden

    • Scranton, PA
    • University of Delaware before earning his law degree from Syracuse University.
    • Did not serve in the military.
    • US Senator, Vice Pres.
    • Neilia Biden (first wife), Jill Tracy Jacobs Biden (second wife), Naomi, Joseph, Robert (children).