
  • Period: to

    George Washington

    George Washington was born into a Virginia planter family in Virginia
    Commissioned a lieutenant colonel in 1754, he fought the first skirmishes of what grew into the French and Indian War
    He served in the Virginia House of Burgesses
    One of the Virginia Delegates during the Continental Congress
    Commander in Chief of Continental Army
  • Period: to

    John Adams

    John Adams was born in Massachusetts
    Harvard Educated
    Identified with the patriot cause
    A delegate during both continental congresses
    Served during the revolutionary war (Diplomatically)
    Minister to the court of St. James
    Elected Vice President
    Married to Wife Abigail Smith Adams
  • Period: to

    Thomas Jefferson

    Born in Albermarle County, Virginia
    Studied at College of William and Mary
    Studied Law
    Married Martha Wayles Skelton
    Served in the Virginia House of Burgesses and the Continental Congress
    Drafted the Declaration of independence
    Succeeded Benjamin Franklin as Minister of France
    Secretary of State
    Leader of Republicans
    Acquired Louisiana
  • Period: to

    James Madison

    Born in Orange County, Virginia
    Attended Princeton
    Served in Continental Congress
    Leader in Virginia Assembly
  • Period: to

    James Monroe

    Born in Westmoreland County, Virginia.
    Attended the College of William and Mary.
    Practiced law in Fredericksburg Virginia
    Minister to France 1894-96
    Era of Good Feelings
    Monroe Doctrine
  • Period: to

    John Quincy Adams

    Born in Braintree Massachusetts
    Graduated from Harvard College
    Studied Law and became a lawyer
    Minister of the Netherlands
    Minister of Russia
    Elected to the House of Representatives
  • Period: to

    Andrew Jackson

    Born in the backwoods of the Carolinas
    Read Law of 2 years
    Outstanding Lawyer In Tennessee
  • Period: to

    Martin Van Buren

    Born in Kinderhook, New York
    Elected to the U.S Senate
    Financial Panic of 1837
  • Period: to

    William Henry Harrison

    Born at Berkeley
    Studied at Hampden-Sydney College
    Joined The First Infantry of the Regular Army
    Governor of the Indiana Territory for 12 years
    Died of Pneumonia
  • Period: to

    John Taylor

    Born in Virginia
    Attended the College of William and Mary and studied law
  • Period: to

    James K Polk

    Born in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina
    Graduated with honors from the University of North Carolina
    Served in Tennessee Legislature.
    Governor of Tennessee
    Wanted to annex Texas
    Added California and Oregon
  • Period: to

    Zachary Taylor

    Born in Virginia
    Raised in Kentucky
    40 years in the army
    Did not defend Slavery
    Only son served in the confederacy
  • Period: to

    Millard Fillmore

    Born in Finger Lakes County of New York
    Last president not affiliated with Democrats or Republicans
    Fell in love with his red headed teacher
  • Period: to

    Franklin Pierce

    Born in Hillsborough New Hampshire
    Attended Bowdoin College
    Studied Law and Politics Elected to the New Hampshire Legislature.
    Served in the Mexican War
    2 months before he took office he watched his 11 year old son die in a train wreck
    Proclaimed an era of Peace and prosperity
    Repealed the Missouri Compromise and reopened the question of slavery
  • Period: to

    James Buchanan

    Born in Pennsylvania
    Graduate of Dickenson College
    Studied Law
    Elected 5 times to the House of representatives
    Was President Polks Secretary of State
    President Pierces Minister of Russia
  • Period: to

    Abraham Lincoln

    Born in larue county
    Self educated
    issued emancipation proclamation
    Abolished slavery
    Preserved the Union
  • Period: to

    Andrew Johnson

    Born in Raleigh North Carolina
    Born into poverty
    Had 0 kids
  • Period: to

    Ulysses S. Grant

    Born in Point Pleasant Ohio
    Led the Union Armies to victory in the Civil War
    Attended West Point
  • Period: to

    Rutherford B Hayes

    Born in Delaware Ohio
    Had 8 children
    Served in Congress
    Served as Governor of Ohio
  • Period: to

    James Garfield

    Born in Moreland Hills Ohio
    He had 6 children
    Graduated from Williams College
    Studied law
  • Period: to

    Chester A Arthur

    Born in fairland Va
    has 3 children
    entered office after James A Garfield was assassinated
    graduated from union college
    Republican Lawyer
  • Period: to

    Grover Cleveland

  • Period: to

    Benjamin Harrison

    Born in North Bend OH
    had 0 children
    he was a local attorney
    Graduated from Farmers College Miami University
  • Period: to

    Grover Cleveland

    Born in Caldwell New Jersey
    Had 0 children
    Was president 22 and 24
  • Period: to

    William McKinley

    Born in Niles OH
    had 0 children
    Victory in Spanish- American War
  • Period: to

    Theodore Roosevelt

    Born in new york
    had more than 2 children
    Apart of the great white fleet
    Won Nobel Peace Prize
    Conservationist and Naturalist
    Went to Harvard University
  • Period: to

    William Howard Taft

    Born in Cincinnati

    attended Yale University
    Had 0 children
    Studied Law
    Succeeded Roosevelt but was more quiet with his approach
  • Period: to

    Woodrow Wilson

    Born in Staunton Va
    Led the United States into WW1
    Wilson's 14 Points
  • Period: to

    Warren G Harding

    Born in Blooming Grove
    had 0 children
    signed budget act and accounting act
  • Period: to

    Calvin Coolidge

    Born in Plymouth Notch
    had 0 children
    signed indian citizenship act of 1924
    Was a republican lawyer
    Attorney and Politician
  • Period: to

    Herbert Hoover

    Born in West Branch LA
    Led American relief administration
    Stanford University
    held office during great depression
  • Period: to

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt

    Born in Hyde Park
    Graduated from Harvard
  • Period: to

    Harry S Truman

    Born in Lamar MO
    A member of the Democratic party
    Truman's Domestic Policy
    Dropped both Atomic bombs after taking over role as president after FDR passed away in office.
  • Period: to

    Dwight D Eisenhower

    Born in Denison Tx
    Graduated from West Point
    had 2 children
    served during WW2
  • Period: to

    John F Kennedy

    Born in Brookline Massachussetts
    Had 3 children
    Bay of Pigs
    Assassinated during motorcade
  • Period: to

    Lyndon B Johnson

    Born in Stonewall Texas
    Went to southwest Texas state teachers college
    Worked as a highschool teacher
  • Period: to

    Richard Nixon

    Born in Yorba Linda CA
    Only President to resign
    had 2 children
    Graduated from Duke
  • Period: to

    Gerald R Ford

    Born in Omaha, NE
    Worst economy since great depression
    Served in U.S Naval Reserve
  • Period: to

    Jimmy Carter

    Born in Plains, GA
    Served in Navy
    Camp David Accords
    Panama Canal
    U.S Department of Energy and Education
  • Period: to

    Ronald Reagan

    Born in Tampico IL
    An Actor
  • Period: to

    George H.W. Bush

    Born in Milton, MA
    Had 6 children
    End of the Cold War
    Soviet Union divided
  • Period: to

    William (Bill) J. Clinton

    Born in Hope, AR
    Monica Lewinski scandal
  • Period: to

    George W Bush

    Born in New Haven Conneticut
    Global War on Terror
  • Period: to

    Barack Obama

    Born in Honolulu, Hawaii
    First African American president
    Led America through 2008 financial Crisis
  • Period: to

    Donald Trump

    Born in New York
    Has 5 Children
    Businessman and Celebrity
    Charged with felony level falsifying business records