Presidents 1

  • kanagawa treaty

    kanagawa treaty
    franklin pierce
  • whiskey rebellion

    whiskey rebellion
    george washington
  • jay treaty

    jay treaty
    george washington
  • treaty of mortefontaine

    treaty of mortefontaine
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Thomas Jefferson
  • tariff of abomination

    tariff of abomination
    andrew johnson
  • panics of 1833 & 1839

    panics of 1833 & 1839
    martin van buren
  • oregon treaty

    oregon treaty
    james k.polk
  • clayton-bulwer treaty

    clayton-bulwer treaty
  • civil war

    civil war
    abraham lincoln
  • boxer rebellion

    boxer rebellion
    william mckinley
  • big stick diplomacy year

    big stick diplomacy year
  • squar deal

    squar deal
    theodore roosevelt
  • federal reserve act

    federal reserve act
    woodrow wilson
  • veracruz incident

    veracruz incident
    woodrow wilson
  • Dawes plan

    Dawes plan
    calvin coolidge
  • great depression ended

    great depression ended
    franklin D.roosevelt
  • neutrality act of 1937

    neutrality act of 1937
    franklin D.roosevelt
  • marshall plan

    marshall plan
    harry Truman
  • fair deal

    fair deal
    harry truman

    dwight D.eisenhower
  • alliance for progress

    alliance for progress
    john f.kennedy
  • peace corps

    peace corps
    john F.Kennedy
  • gulf of tonkin resolution

    gulf of tonkin resolution
    lyndon johnson
  • watergate

    richard nixon
  • iran-contra affair

    iran-contra affair
    ronald reagan
  • persian gulf war

    persian gulf war
    george H.W.bush
  • 9/11

    George w bush
  • SALT

    jimmy carter