Pinckney's Treaty, George Washington
Alien and Sedition Acts Passed, John Adams
Marbury v. Madison, John Adams
War of 1812, James Madison
Adams-Onis Treaty, James Monroe
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, James K. Polk
Reconstruction, Andrew Johnson
Chinese Exclusion Act, Chester Arthur
Hawaiian Annexation, William McKinley
Gold Standard Act, William McKinley
Dollar Diplomacy, William Howard Taft
Zimmermann Telegram, Woodrow Wilson
14 Points, Woodrow Wilson
19th Amendment Passed, Woodrow Wilson
Washington Naval Conference, Warren G. Harding
New Deal, Franklin D. Roosevelt
Atlantic Charter, Franklin D. Roosevelt
New Look Policy, Dwight D. Eisenhower
Bay of Pigs Invasion, George H.W. Bush
Cuban Missile Crisis, John F. Kennedy
Civil Rights Act of 1965, Lyndon B. Johnson
Tet Offensive, Lyndon B. Johnson
EPA Created, Richard Nixon
Detente, Richard Nixon
Iran Hostage Crisis, Jimmy Carter
Moscow Olympics Boycott, Jimmy Carter
Fall of the Berlin Wall, Ronald Reagan
NAFTA, Bill Clinton