George Washington - Politcal Issue
George washingtons political issue was that he let started a eading new form of goverenment. -
George Washington
George Washingtons's Inauguration
His first day in office as president. -
Political-John Adams
Judicidary Act of 1789 established the US Federal Judicidary. Or Judicial Review. -
Economic Issue- John Adams
Hamiltonians Economic Policy. Treasurer Alexander Hamiltion created this policy to create credit to the economy. -
Washingtons - Foregin Issue
Goerge Washington Social Issue
The Whiskey Rebellion was a 7000citizen revolt against a tax on whiskey. This was opposed by the settlers aswell as western farmers because it affected them. -
John Adams
John Adams Inaguration -
George Washington
Last day in office -
Forgien Affair- John Adams
The XYZ Affair was a foregin issue that John Adams had with the french, -
John Adams Social Issue
The alien and sedition acts were intended to protect Americans from their foreign enemies like the French and they were also made to make it harder for foreigners to become citizens. These acts were ruled unconstitutional. -
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson -
John Adams
Last day in office -
Thomas Jefferson
Lousiana Purchase- A foreign issue in which helped the french in war, which led to more land for the US. -
Thomas Jefferson Social Issue
Marbury Vs Madison was made to decide whether Congress could expand the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. It established the judicial review of the US under Article III of the Constitution. -
Thomas Jefferson Economic Issue
Embargo act, this was passed in 1807 and it was an act where American ships were no longer allowed to sail to foreign ports, and it also closed American ports to British ships. it repleaded in 1809. -
James Madison
James Madison Inaguration -
Thomas Jefferson
Last day in office -
James Madison Social Issue
Hostility with Indians after Tippecanoe was when the British were helping the Indians resist the Americans. This caused even more hatred towards the British than there had been before. -
James Madison Foreign Issue
War of 1812 caused an increase in American patriotism, it also weakened Native Americans resistance, and also made U.S. manufacturing to grow. -
Economic Issue- James Madison
without the bank it made war with Britian so this lead to a second charter of the National Bank. -
James Monroe
James Monroe Inaguration -
James Madison
Last day in office -
James Monroe- Economic Issue
Aftrer the war of 1812 they had a Panic of 1819. -
Economic Issue- James Monroe
In 1819 the Untited stateds had the Pacnic of 1819. They blamed the Us National bank for this Panic. -
James Monroe Social Issue
The missouri compromise was an agreement between the North and the South that was passed by Congress which allowed Missouri to be admitted as the 24th state in 1821. -
James Monroe Foriegn policy issue
One of Monroe's forigen policy issues was the Monroe Doctrine which stated that the United States would defend the Freedom of other nations. This doctrine was actually written by John Quincy Adams. -
James Monroe- Foregin Issue
On Dec 2nd 1823 Monroe set the Monroe Doctrine which was vry important during his presidental term. He set various limits with Europe and other parts of the us. The Doctorine had four parts to it. -
John Quincy Adams
JQA inaguration -
James Monroe
Last day in office -
Corrupt Bargin
Political Issue when Monroe was in office. -
JQA Social Issue
JQA created an ambitious progam in which was modernization that included roads, canals, a national university, an astronomical observatory, and other initiatives as well as a comprehensive program of internal improvements like roads, ports and canals. -
Andrew Jasckson
Andrew Jasckson inaguration -
John Quincy Adams
Last day in office -
Eaton Affair - Political
This was Involving the President Andrew Jackson. -
Andrew Jackson Social Issue
The Trail of Tears was created because of the law which Jackson signed which was The Indian Removal Act made for the Indian removal "Indian Territory" which is now modern day Oklahoma. It was called like this by the indians due to their 14 states walk to Oklahoma, leading to death and crying. -
American System-Economic
Was an economic plan that played an imorptant role in the american society in the first part of the 19th centuary. -
Andrew Jackson Democrat
Nullification is when a state law can cancel out. From here the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions happend. The Nullification crisis was when Jackson was prepared to use troops to enforce federal laws, because South Carolina was making a threat that they would seperate from the US. -
Mormon War
The 1838 Conflict between the Latter Day (Saints) and their neighbors in the northwest region of the US state of Missori Duning Martins Presidency. SOCIAL -
Martin Van Buren
MVB Inaguration -
Andrew Jackson
Last day in office -
Economic Issue - Martin Van Burden
Panic of 1837 started in May in the state of New York while Martin Van Burden was President. -
MVB Social Issue
The Mormon war of 1838 was -
MVB Foreign Issue
La Amistad was the name of a 19th century Spanish slave ship which was taken over by the slaves and captured by the US navy. A rebellion took place on this ship. This all led to a large victory for the abolitionist movement. -
William Henry Harrison
WHH inaguration -
John Tyler
John Tyler Inaguration -
Martin Van Buren
Last day in office -
Last day in office -
James Knox Polk
JKP inaguration -
John Tyler
Last day in office -
James Knox Polk - Foriegn Affairs
The Mexican-American war started in 1846 and ended in 1848. -
Walker Tariff
Ws set for the rate of Tariffs. Adopted by United States. -
John Tyler Social Issue
The anexation of Texas was when the US took control of TX under an agreement that made it the 28th US state. -
James Knox Polk Social Issue
He signed a bill into law that required that all federal money be deposited in treasures independent of private banks reverting to the system used under MVB. -
Political Issue-James Knox Polk
Manifest Density starts -
James Knox Polk
Last day in office