Shay's Rebellion
Northwest Ordinance
Federalist Papers are published by Hamilton, Jay, and Madison -
Constittion Ratified
George Washington is Elected
Period: to
George Washington
Slave Trade Out Lawed
In all states except Georgia and South Carolina -
Whiskey Rebellion
Ratification of the Bill of Rights
Bill of Rights Ratified
Washington's Neutrality Proclamation
Controversy Over Genets Visit
Washington's Farewell Address
End of George Washington's term
John Adams is Elected President #2
XYZ Affaire
Period: to
John Adams
Alien and Sedition Act
Neturalization Act
Capital Moves to Washington
End of John Adams term
Thomas Jefferson is Elected President #3
Period: to
Thomas Jefferson
Judiciary Act
New Land Act
Enabling Act
Judiciary Act Repealed
Louisiana Purchase
Large western territory bought from France (Napoleon). -
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Marbury Vs Madison
National Bank Begun
Non-Importation Act
Embargo Act
Chesapeake--Leopard Affair
Congress Prohibits Slave Trade
End of Thomas Jefferson's Term
James Madison is Elected President # 4
Period: to
James Madison
War is declared against Great Britain
Treaty of Ghent
Hartford Convention
Hartford Convention
Battle of New Orleans
Battle of New Orleans
Second Banks of the U.S. Chartered
End of James Madison's Term
James Monroe is Elected President
Period: to
James Monroe
Missouri Compromise
Bank Panic and Depression
Monroe Doctrine
End of James Monroe's Term