Election of George Washington
George Washington won by a lanslide in the election of 1789. He had 69 electoral votes. He did not particularly want to be president, but took the position out of the sense of duty he held to our country. Nobdy disapproved of his election. His election is significant because he essentially established our government. -
Bill of Rights added to the Constitution
The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the Constitution. They guarantee basic human rights. It was originally proposed by George Mason. It was passed by Congress on September 25, 1789. The Bill of Rights was supported by Anti-Federalists, and thought unnecessary by Federalists. They addressed the original grievances presented in the Olive Branch petition. -
Beginning of the Federalist Party
This Party was formed by Alexander Hamilton.It was the first political party the U.S. had.The Federalists wanted strong central government.They favored merchants and buisinessmen.They had a generally dull view of human nature and tried to stay more isolationism. -
Beginning of the Democratic Republican Party
This was started by Thomas Jefferson and it favored the common man such as farmers.Democratic Republicans wanted strong state government.They wanted strict use of the constitution, though Jefferson was later called a hypocrite for the Louisiana Purchase. -
Whiskey Rebellion
A rebellion in response to a tax on whiskey was passed by George Washington. The significance was that it proved the the new government could act calm in a time of rebellion. This event contributed the formation of political parties. -
Election of John Adams
The election was Johns Adams vs. Thomas Jefferson. It was significant because it was the first major political contest between Federalists and Democratic-Republicans. Adams was the Federalist candidate. Republicans controlled the South, while Federalists dominated New England, New Jersey, and South Carolina. Adams won the presidency by three electoral votes. Jefferson became vice-president since he had second-most votes. -
XYZ Affair
France thought the Jay Treaty meant we supported Britain, and issued an order allowing the seizure of American merchant ships. John Adams dispatched three U.S. envoys negotiate with France. The foreign minister’s representatives-called X,Y, and Z-would not let them meet them meet him without paying a bribe. American envoys refused. This sparked the phrase “A million for defense, not a penny for tribute!” This showed that America was a force to be reckoned with. -
Alien Act
The Alien Act increased the residency requirement for citizenship to fourteen years. They also authorized the president to imprison or deport aliens considered "dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States".These laws were designed to silence and weaken the Democratic-Republican Party. They were passed by John Adams. Negative reaction to the Alien and Sedition Acts helped contribute to the Democratic-Republican victory in the 1800 election.
Congress rep -
Sedition Act
This made people get arrested or a newspaper company shut down if scandalous or malicious writing was written.They were punished by fine or imprisoned.People thought this was unconstitutional, because it went against freedom of speech and freedom of press. -
Election of Thomas Jefferson
December 3, 1800, was the fourth presidential election of the united states. Thomas Jefferson defeated John Adams by a close run. Biggest achievement was the Louisiana Purchase. -
John Marshall appointed
John Marshall was a Federalist. President Adams nominated Marshall Chief Justice of the United States, and the Senate confirmed the appointment on January 27, 1801. Although offered appointment to the United States Supreme Court in 1798, Marshall preferred to remain in private practice. During his tenure, he helped establish the Supreme Court as the final authority on the meaning of the Constitution. This is significant because he created the idea of judicial review. -
Marbury v. Madison
On the last day of his presidency John Adams made one last judge appointment .This was called a midnight judge. Jefferson did not approve of these midnight judges .He told madison not to the deliver the letter to Marbury whom supposed to be a judge.Marbury took the case to the supreme court, but lost since he didn't go to the lower level courts first. -
Louisiana Purchase
Jefferson wanted to purchase New Orleans to allow for trade from West of the Appalachians. Napoleon needed money for his war, so he offered to sell the entire Louisiana Territory for only $15 million, or approximately four cents an acre. This decision doubled the size ofthe United States. People criticized Jefferson he was supposed to support strict following of the Constitution, which did not grant the right to purchase land. Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to map and explore the territory. -
Lewis and Clark Expedition
After the louisiana purchase jefferson needed someone to explore the new land.Jefferson sent William Clark, an old ex-soldier, and his personal secretary, Meriwether Lewis, to document all that they found.Along their journey they met Sacagawea a Shoshone Indian with a young child who giuded them and interpreted things for them -
Embargo Act
The Embargo Act destroyed New England's shipping capacity and seriously damaged American markets, especially for exporters. Markets where the U.S. had gained advantage, such as the West Indies, were lost to Britain and the economic cost to the country was extremely high. In the long-run, the Embargo Act had to be repealed because its significance was to nearly cripple the young American economy. -
Election of James Madison
It would prove to be the last election in which Virginia had the most votes in the electoral college. After the Congressional appoitment following the 1810 census, New York would have the most electoral votes for the first time, and it would continue to have the most votes until the presidential election of 1792. -
Non-Intercourse Act
collective name given to six statutes passed by the united states congress. the act regulates commerce between non indians and native americans. the most notable provisions of the act regulate the inalienability of aboriginal title in the united states. -
War of 1812
lasted 32 months between America and the british empire. “Second war of Independence.” Huge win for the country. Ended December 24, 1814. This war proved how important a good navy was to the americans. It was significant because it proved that America was a powerful force. -
Election Of James Monroe
Being Madison’s secretary of state monroe easily gained many electoral votes and became the 5th president of the united states.In the previous 4 years was the war of 1812 leaving the country in peace until the panic of 1819.He won with 183 electoral votes -
Monroe Doctrine
Made by James Monroe.It made the Americans closed to further colonization .Europe should not interfere with the Americas.The United States recognized all existing colonies, and the United States would not meddle in European affairs.This doctrine ended up being largely diregarded due to the U.S.’s small navy. -
Gibbons v. Ogden
New York required another license for steamboat navigation through New York Waters.Ogden had a license to operate his steamboat in new york waters.He didn't like gibbons to go in new york waters without a license because it was unfair to everyone else.When this case was sent to New York they sided with Ogden.By the time this case was brought to the supreme court Judge Marshall said that Gibbons was free to operate his steamboat with his federal license. -
McCulloch vs. Maryland
This landmark case declared that the United States government had implied powers as well as those specifically listed in the Constitution. The decision provided the avenue for the federal government to expand or evolve its powers to meet an ever-changing world.