Richard Milhouse Nixon
Richard Milhouse Nixon was born in Yorba Linda, California on January 9, 1913. -
Nixon graduated college in 1934 from Whittier College with a BA Degree. -
Law School
Nixon graduated from Duke University School of Law. He then returned to California to practice law. -
House of Representatives
Became a member of the House of Representatives on January 3rd 1947 until December 1st 1950; represented California's 12th district. -
Senator For California
Nixon became a U.S. Senator for the state of California on December 4th 1950 and held his seat until January 1st 1953 -
United States Vice President
Served as a United States 36th Vice President for Dwight D. Eisenhower from January 20, 1953 to January 20, 1961. -
Campaign Promise
Nixon promises he will end the war within six months of his being in office.
He did not follow throw with this promise and infact only ended US involvment, however that didn't even happen untill 1973. -
Campaign Issues
When Nixon ran for president the main issues he had to address in his campaign were about ending the war, pulling troops out of South Vietnam, and restilling peace in the country. -
President of the United States
Richard Nixon took over the office of the president and role of Commander and Chief on January 20th 1969. -
First Lady Pat Nixon
First Lady Pat Nixon chose to continue what she called "personal diplomacy", she would travel around to other countries and states and visit people who deserved recognition. She also encouraged people to address social issues at the local level and promoted volunteerism by citizens at homeless shelters, civic organizations, and hospitals, -
Largest Crisis- Watergate Scandal
People on Nixons re-election committee ordered a break-in of the Watergate Complex, the headquarters for the Democrate nominee campaign, to find incriminating evidence about his competetor.
Although Nixon was unaware of the break-in initially, when he did find out he covered it up instead of going to the athorities. He asked the CIA to block the FBI's investigation so as to hide his committee and his own involvement in the break-in/burglery. -
Resignation of Presidency
After the Watergate Scandal President Richard Nixon resigned and stepped down as president on August 9th 1974, after five and a half years of office.
*Only president to resign in US history. -
Negative Change
The biggest change that came about after Nixon left office was how the people viewed the government, he made people realize the amount of power the government has and how easily they can take advantage of it and the people. The change was negative and we can still see it today with the people who distrust the US government and think they lie to us. -
Public Opinion at End of Term
At the end of his term the people had lost much, if not all, trust in Nixon, the office of the president, and the United Sates government as a whole. -
Richard Nixon death date
Richard Nixon died on April 22, 1994 in New York City, New York at the age of 81 from a severe stroke and blood clot.