Presidential Timeline Project

By wester
  • Mar 1, 1089

    non-intercourse act

    non-intercourse act
    Non-Intercourse Act happened on March 1, 1809. The act replaced the embargo act of 1807. It was an act to interdict the commerical intercourse between the United States and Great Britain and France.
    This act was put in place on the last couple days of Thomas Jefferson's Presidential time.
  • Sedition Act

    Sedition Act
    Sedition Act was approved July 14 1778. It said any false ,Scandals and malicious writings will be punished by fine or imprisonment.By virtue of this legislation 25 men were arrested and their papers were forced to shut down. Many Americans questioned the constitutionality of the law.
  • The beginning of the Federalists party!

    The beginning of the Federalist party began in the early 1812. the federalists wanted a strong central government. Some federalists opposed the war of 1812. Many of the men earned their living through trade.
  • The beginning of the democratic party!

    The beginning of the democratic party!
    The beginning of the Democratic-Republican Party was organized in 1792. Its members held the power nationally between 1801-1805. It was the antecedent of the present Democratic party. The Democratic Republican party was one of the first two political parties in the United States.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    The whiskey Rebellion was a clash between the federal government and farmers on the western frontier in 1794. Whiskey Rebellion was a protest because of the tax on whiskey. The tariff eliminated any profit of the sale on whiskey to the farmers the farmers rioted. George Washington sent out an army of about 13000 the size of the army that defeated the British to order the farmers to go back to their home it showed the strength of federal government.
  • The election of John Adams

    The election of John Adams
    The election of John Adams was the election of 1800. John Adams was competing against Thomas Jefferson. It was a tough campaign for the both of them. Federalists said that Jefferson was an Unchristian deist. Both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were Founding Fathers of the United States.
  • Thomas Jefferson election

    Thomas Jefferson election
    Thomas Jefferson was running against John Adams in 1800. Thomas Jefferson won eight states and John Adams won seven. They split the electoral vote in the remaining states.Jefferson won the electoral vote. Jefferson ending up becoming president in 1800.
  • Embargo

    Embargo Act happened December 21 1807.But they came up with it on the 21.It was an answer to British orders in council. It forbid international trades to and from Great Brittan.
  • James Madison

    James Madison
    Election of James Madison he was elected in December 7 1808. Following Washington’s precedent. He was elected after Thomas Jefferson because he felt serving 2 years was enough.He was a Democratic Republican.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The war of 1812 broke out for many reasons including the fact that Britain was capturing American ships.During the war of 1812 James Madison was president. When the British came to burn down the white house and other capital building Dolly Madison saved the portrait of George Washington. The lyrics to the start spangle banner were also written during the war by Francis Scott Key as he watched American Forces take down Fort Mchenry.
  • The battle of New orleans

    The battle of New orleans
    The Battle of New Orleans started in January 8, 1815. A group of Americans faced a very powerful millitary in New Orleans. America was in really bad shape. It’s treasury was bankrupt. The capital of New Orleans had been ransacked the summer before the battle.
  • Election of James Monroe

    Election of James Monroe
    There wasn't a specific date... The election of James Monroe started in 1808. George Clinton ran as vice president. He was the fifth president of the U.S.
    His presidency was marked by the “Era Of Good Feelings”.
  • McCulloh vs Maryland

    McCulloh vs Maryland
    McCulloch vs Maryland was ruled in March 6, 1819.It was James McCulloh vs the state of Maryland.They ruled in favor of McCulloch by saying that Congress had a constitutional power to establish a national bank.Also that states could not legally interfere with federal law.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise was an agreement passed in 1820 between the pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions in the United States Congress. The Compromise made an imaginary line at 36 degrees and 30 degrees North latitude, dividing Louisiana territory into two areas, one North and one South. Missouri was a slave state and Maine was a free state. It was repealed by the Kansas- Nebraska Act. Two years later it was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
  • The Era of Good Feelings

    The Era of Good Feelings
    The “Era of Good Feelings” ended around the time of the Election of 1824. All of the candidates were Democratic-Republicans. Some of the Candidates included: John Adams, Henry Clay, Andrew Jackson, and John Calhoun. A year later, In 1825 John Quincy Adams was elected President. The official candidate of the Democratic- Republicans to replace Monroe was William Crawford, the secretary of treasury
  • Gibbons vs Ogden

    Gibbons vs Ogden
    Gibbons vs Ogden happened March 2 1824.Ogden brought this lawsuit seeking an injunction on Gibbons. Ogden wanted to restrain Gibbons from operating steamboats in New York Waters.The US Supreme Court voted in favor of Gibbons because the Constitution assigns authority to regulate business between the states under the articles 1 section 8
  • Election of Andrew Jackson

    Election of Andrew Jackson
    There wasn't a specific date...Election 0f 1828 was about Adams reelection. Andrew Jackson defeated John Adams. Jackson was a very decisive winner. It was the first decided popular vote. Both of them were attacked.
  • Beginning of Democratic party

    Beginning of Democratic party
    The beginning of the democratic party started in 1828. Jackson and his supporters called themselves Democrats, democrats included frontier farmers, as well as workers in the eastern cities. Jackson’s policies followed the era of Jeffersonian Democracy. Jackson’s supporters began to form the modern Democratic Party.( Dec. 3 1828)
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    Indian Removal Act made Indians move westward. Andrew Jackson was the president who put this act over weight. The Indians had to walk through harsh weather . The act was
    passed in 1830.
  • Worcester vs Georgia

    Worcester vs Georgia
    Worcester v. Georgia occurred in 1832. This court case was held in the supreme court between Samuel Worcester vs Georgia. It was saying that the state of Georgia had no right to pass laws regulating activities within the boundaries of the Cherokee Nation.
  • Closing of the U.S bank

    Closing of the U.S bank
    Hamilton called on the Congress to set up a national bank. In 1971, Congress created the Bank of the United States. The government deposited money from taxes in the bank. In turn, the bank issued paper money to pay the government’s bills and to make loans to farmers and businesses. Through these loans, the Bank encouraged economic growth.