Presidential Timeline Period 7 group6

  • Election of George Washington

    Election of George Washington
    Him being a war hero had already made him to into a American leader. He had a challenge coming into his presidency; debt. Though that was a problem he still is recognized as one of the best presidents in U.S. history. He showed with his presidency the the central government had power and authority.
  • Bill Of Rights added to the Constitution

    Bill Of Rights added to the Constitution
    The original Constitution ratified in 1787 was written without a Bill of Rights. This made the Constitution very debatable among Americans. The Constitution wouldn't pass unless they added a Bill of Rights. So, they did. The Bill of Rights is one of the most important bills in American history. This bill give us all of the freedoms we are recognized for as a country. The land of the free.
  • Beginning of Federalist Party

    Beginning of Federalist Party
    The federalist party began in 1792. It formed under the leadership of Alexander Hamilton. Federalists favored a strong central government. The federalist party also thought the wealthy, educated, elite men deserved to run the government.
  • Beginning of Democratic Republican party

    Beginning of Democratic Republican party
    The republican party was started by Thomas Jefferson in 1792. It was formed by Anti-Federalists who joined together to oppose Alexander Hamilton. The Democratic-Republicans believed in a strong state government. They thought the common people deserved to rule government.
  • Election of John Adams

    Election of John Adams
    The election of John Adams took place in 1796 after George Washington retired. The election was between Adams, representing the Federalists and Jefferson representing the Republicans. In the end John Adams won the election. Jefferson came in second and was appointed Vice President even though we was from an opposite party. Adams was inaugurated on March 4 1797.
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    Tension was growing between France and Adams was trying to not go to war. So, he sent 3 diplomats to discuss a deal with France. Those men were, John Marshall, Elbridge Gerry, and Charles Pickney. When they arrived to negotiate with the French demanded they pay them $250,000 and a 12 million dollar loan. They refused and a famous quote arose, “Millions for defence, but not one cent for tribute.” When they came back to America they referred to the French repersenatives as “x,” “y,” and “z.” That'
  • Alien Act

    Alien Act
    With the war with France arising America had to do something to make the Federal government stronger. So they passes 3 laws those including the Alien Act. The Alien Act stated that the president could deport “aliens” the they were a threat to national security. It was useful at the time but is still debatable.
  • Sedition Act

    Sedition Act
    It was an act that stopped plans that would destroy government. It also forbade rude words against government. Anyone who disobeyed these rules would be severely punished by the government. This rule was signed into law by John Adams. Thomas Jefferson got rid of the act because he strongly believed that it was a path to Civil War , and wanted to avoid it.
  • Election of Thomas Jefferson

    Election of Thomas Jefferson
    Thomas Jefferson went against John Adams. This was Adam’s second term running, and Jefferson’s first. The election took place in 1800. Thomas Jefferson had won the election. He had gotten more electoral votes. Many citizens believed that Adams was not a good president his previous term.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was made int 1803. It was sold from France to the U.S. because Napoleon need money to pay off France’s debts. It was a huge victory for the U.S. It gained them more land and more power. A pure success.
  • Lewis & Clark Expedition

    Lewis & Clark Expedition
    With the new purchase of the Louisiana Terrority, America needed someone to explore its vast unknown lands. The first man chosen was Meriwether Lewis. He was chosen because of his “vast knowledge of the western country.” William Clark was brought into the expedition by Lewis himself; co-commander. The expedition was a success and a major factor in America’s history.
  • Embargo Act

    Embargo Act
    It was a general embargo that occured during the Napoleon wars.It is a law passed by congress.It stopped trade between American and Foreign nations The act backfired. It ended it 1809. The main reason was to stop between American trade with France and Britain, but it did not go as planned
  • Election of James Madison

    Election of James Madison
    Instead of running for a third term, Thomas Jefferson asked a friend if he was interested for running for president. His friend was James Madison. Many people opposed this run. The newspapers slammed him with rude comments. James Madison won 122 votes compared to Pickney’s 44 votes.
  • John Marshall Appointed

    John Marshall Appointed
    John Marshall’s was a long, well severed term, 34 years, as Chief Justice. He served as Secretary of State for John Adams through his term as President that gained him a lot of respect. Soon after he was appointed to Chief Justice and did a lot for the government. He helped establish the Supreme Court as the final authority of the meaning of the Constitution.
  • Non-Intercourse Act

    Non-Intercourse Act
    There was many conflict with the Britain and French seizing ships. To avoid these problems, U.S made a law. They said American ships cannot leave port. It caused distress to the economy.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The conflict was between the U.S. and Britain. America declared war for many reasons. One of them was impressments on American goods. Another reason was that Britain was against American expansion had helped the Indians with war by giving them weapons. This war was made of multiple battles. Britain had won many, but at the end U.S. emerged. U.S won the battle.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    The Battle of New Orleans was fought after the Treaty of Ghent was signed. The American forces were led by General Jackson. 251 British men was killed during the battle; only 11 Americans were killed. The British were defeated on January 8, 1815.
  • Election of James Monroe

    Election of James Monroe
    By 1816 the Federalist party had almost vanished. James Monroe virtually ran for President unopposed. His opponent Rufus King lost by a landslide. Monroe was sworn into office on March 4, 1817.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Of the 22 states in the union 11 were free states and 11 were slaves states. They were equal in order to keep a balance in the senate. This balance was threatened when in 1819 Missouri applied for admittance into the union. Henry Clay made a compromise that Missouri could be admitted as a slave and Maine be admitted as a free state keeping the balance in the senate.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    The Monroe Doctrine was a foreign policy issued on December 2 1823. America agreed not to interfere in Europe affairs. In return Europe would not interfere with America. The Monroe Doctrine stopped Europe from further colonizing the Western Hemisphere.
  • Gibbons v Ogden

    Gibbons v Ogden
    The conflict started when New york allowed Robert Fulton and Aaron Ogden the right to operate steamboats in New York. Rival steamboat trader Thomas Gibbons was given permission from the federal government to operate in the same area. He was prevented from using his boats in the area by the state of New York. Gibbons sued Ogden. The case was brought before the supreme court and was won by Gibbons. The supreme Court decided the Federal government had the power to regulate interstate commerce.
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    McCulloch v. Maryland
    A decision taken by The supreme court, that the state of Maryland had tried to add tax to the Second Bank of united States. McCulloch believed that this gave the state too much power. He though that it can government. He had opposed the decision of Maryland. No one in Congress had voted him.
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    The election of 1824 was a very important event in U.S. history. The election was between Andrew Jackson and John Quincey Adams. Andrew Jackson being the candidate of the common man had one his the majority vote but, not the election. John Quincey Adams was a federalist with connections because of his father John Adams. And, with those connections he one the election. He had struck a deal or as referred to as the “Corrupt Bargain” with Henry Clay that one him the presidency. He is now know as th
  • Election of Andrew Jackson

    Election of Andrew Jackson
    The election of 1828 was one of the dirtiest elections of all time. The election was between Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams. The election dealt more with the Character then with the issues. In the end Andrew Jackson won. Jackson’s election was a victory for the common people.
  • Beginnig of Democratic Party

    Beginnig of Democratic Party
    The Democratic party began when Andrew Jackson was elected.. It was formed as a result of fighting between John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson. The common people supported the Democratic Party. Farmers and workers in eastern cities mostly made up the democratic party.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    It was an act that made Indians move westward. It was signed by Andrew Jackson. The purpose of the Act was to try to get Indians as a separate union because they wouldn’t join America. Many Indians died on the trail. Only one-fourth of the population survived.
  • Worcester v. Georgia

    Worcester v. Georgia
    The Cherokee Indians owned a vast land of Georgia. They did not like how the state of Georgia ruled them. They brought a case to the Supreme Court. At the end, they ordered against Georgia.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    This was tax rule was in act during George Washington’s term in presidency. The U.S had high taxes on heavy liquor. Many farmer were angered. It limited their profit. This was approved to gain money to repay the debts. This act made many conflicts in the U.S. having to bring military in
  • Closing of the U.S. Bank

    Closing of the U.S. Bank
    It started with Andrew Jackson being elected and being AGAINST the U.S. Bank. He wanted to shut it down because he didn't believe in the federal government having that much power with Americans funds. It ended up biting him in the butt. The closing started an economic disaster and put the American economy in a slump.
  • Expanded suffrage to all white males

    Expanded suffrage to all white males
    This movement was made when Andrew Jackson was elected into office. He wanted a two party system. It is still in use today(to an extent). This gave all white males 21 and older the right/ability to vote.
  • Marubary v. Maddison

    Marubary v. Maddison
    At the end of John Adams presidency, he was trying to get the judiciary bench filled federalist so they could serve life terms on good behavior. Marubury then accused Maddison and took him to court. This case sparked the Judicary Act of 1789 that gave the power of the meaning of the Constitution to the Supreme Court.