Bill of rights added to the constitution
documents listing out the rights of american citizens -
Election of George Washington
General Washington was elected almost undoubtedly thanks to the nations respect and awe of him -
Whiskey Rebellion
War between us and Great Britain. America was mad that Great Britain was stealing our cargo while trying to trade, and forcing our men to join there navy, so we decided to go to war. But in the end no one ended up winning nothing was lost and nothing was changed -
Sedition Act
made it a crime to publish false, scandalous, and malicious writing against the government -
Alien Act
When the U.S. stopped trade completely, and then cut off trade England and France -
Election of Thomas Jefferson
Owed his election win to the South and how much voters there were -
John Marshall Appointed
fair judge appointed by john adams on his last night of office but it happened for the better -
Louisiana purchase
President Jefferson doubled the size of the U.S. by buying land from Napoleon, which was explored by lewis and clark -
Marbury VS Madison
When John Adams packed the court, Marbury wasn't allowed the privilege because Jefferson didn’t think he had that right, but Madison got the blame. it went to supreme court and Madison won. -
Lewis and Clark Expedition
President Jefferson sent two Men to explore the land that he bought from Napoleon -
Embargo Act
America completely shut off trade with every single country -
Election of James Madison
Running as a Democratic-Republican against James Monroe and George Clinton he won by a landslide -
Monroe Doctrine
President Monroe wanted almost exclusive trade with the new countries , so he protected them from Europe, in turn making allies -
Non-Intercourse Act
America would trade with every country except Great Britain and France after they were taking our cargo -
War of 1812
War between us and Great Britain. America was mad that Great Britain was stealing our cargo while trying to trade, and forcing our men to join there navy, so we decided to go to war. But in the end no one ended up winning nothing was lost and nothing was changed -
Battle of New Orleans
The Battle of New Orleans was the final battle of the War of 1812 -
Election of Monroe
Monroe was the last President that was a Founding Father of the United States -
McCulloch v. Maryland
Maryland was saying that the national bank had to pay a tax since it was a bank in Maryland, McCulloch thought otherwise and went to supreme court. They ruled in favor of the national bank. -
Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise was an agreement between the pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions in the United States Congress, involving primarily the regulation of slavery in the Western Territory -
Expanded Suffrage to all white males
The American citizens wanted more equal rights and with the uprising of the common man, it was possible -
Gibbons v. Ogden
New york gave permission to the people of New york that they could use the rivers without taxes, but when Gibbons from New jersey tried he had to. So he took New york to court and didn’t have to pay a tax anymore -
Closing of the u.s. bank
President Andrew Jackson believed that the u.s. bank was unfair to common americans and that it was too strong, so he managed to turn it down when up for renewal -
Election of Andrew Jackson
Andrew won by a landslide in 1828 because of The Jacksonian Democrats -
Election of Andrew Jackson
Jackson did several things during his presidency like the Indian removal act, and the trail of tears. -
Indian Removal Act
A peace full way that president Andrew Jackson tried to move Indians off there land so America could grow in wealth and in size -
Worcester v. Georgia
Worcester passed laws saying they could kick Indians off there land, but the supreme court said that the Indians were under national law and therefore they couldn’t be kicked off there land unless Congress said so