Election of George Washington
George Washington was elected as the first president of the United States. He was the obvious choice for many Americans. Washington became the president right after we made our new constitution. His election was not an actual election because not everything was set up in our country. -
Bill of Rights added to the Consitution
During the first Congress meeting in New York City, Congress quickly addressed the need for a Bill of Rights. Several states had ratified the Constitution while recommending that a bill of rights be added. The first Congress made a set of 12 amendments, written by James Madison. By December 1791, three fourths of the states ratified 10 of the 12 amendments, which were later known as the Bill of Rights. -
Beginning of the federlist party
n the beginning of the federalist party it began with Hamilton and his supporters. The reason they were called the federalist was because they wanted strong federal government. they got their support from manufactures and merchants in cites such as New york and Boston. They also had support from a lot of southern farmers. -
Whiskey Rebellion
Protest over a tax. It was on all liquor made and sold in the United States. It tested the will of the new government. It showed that they would act firmly in times of crisis. The president showed that those who disagreed would not be harmed. -
XYZ Affair
The French objected Jay’s Treaty after Adams was elected. They began seizing American ships in the West Indies. America called for war against the French, but Adams wanted to avoid war. He sent 3 diplomats to Paris, but Talleyrand did not speak directly with them. He sent 3 agents to offer the Americans a deal. Talleyrand said he wanted $250,000 for himself and $10 million to loan to France. The Americans refused to pay money to bribe another nation. -
Alien Act
During the crisis with France, Federalists pushed several laws through Congress. Under the Alien Act, the President could expel any alien, or foreigner, thought to be dangerous to country. It made it harder for immigrants to become citizens. The act would also keep these immigrants from voting for years. -
Sedition Acts
Under the threat of war with France, Congress in 1798 passed four laws in an effort to strengthen the Federal government. Known collectively as the Alien and Sedition Acts, the legislation sponsored by the Federalists was also intended to put an end to any political opposition from the Republicans, led by Thomas Jefferson. -
Election of Thomas Jefferson
This election was one between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. The election exposed one of the flaws in the original Constitution. Members of the Electoral College could only vote for president. Each elector could vote for two candidates, and the person who received the largest number of votes during the balloting became President. -
John Marshall appointed
John Marshall was appointed as the chief justice of the Supreme Court. He was a rich Virginia planter with a brilliant mind. He gave more power to the federal government. Marshall also defined the judicial branch through many of his important cases. -
Marbury v. Madison
Marshall decided a case that would increase the power of the Supreme Court. William Marbury was involved in the case, too. He was one of the judges appointed by Adams. Marbury then sued Madison and the case of Marbury v. Madison was tried before the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court then ruled against Marbury. This ruling gave the Supreme Court the power to decide whether laws passed by Congress were constitutional and to reject laws that it considered to be unconstitutional. -
Indian Removal Act
The Removal Act was strongly supported in the South, where states were eager to gain access to lands inhabited by the Indians. In particular, Georgia, the largest state at that time, was involved in a contentious jurisdictional dispute with the Cherokee people. President Jackson hoped removal would solve the Georgia crisis. The Indian Removal Act was also very controversial. While Native American removal was, in theory, supposed to be voluntary, in practice great pressure was put on Native Ameri -
Louisiana Purchase
Jefferson wanted to make sure that American farmers would always be able to ship their goods through the port. He sent Robert Livingston and James Monroe to buy New Orleans and West Florida from Napoleon. Once the two men got there, they negotiated with Talleyrand. It was later agreed that the United States would pay the French $15 million for Louisiana. -
Lewis and Clark expedition
Lewis and Clark set out on an expedition up the Missouri River from St. Louis. They met many people from various Indian nations. Lewis and Clark stayed with the Mandans during the first winter and met Sacagawea. Her and her husband agreed to accompany Lewis and Clark as translators. They met the Shoshones who supplied them with food and horses and advised Lewis and Clark with the best route. The soon crossed the Continental Divide and returned to America in 1806 with a lot of useful information -
Embargo Act
The Embargo Act of 1807 was a general embargo enacted by the United States Congress against Great Britain and France during the Napoleonic Wars. American merchantmen and their cargo were seized as contraband of war by the belligerent European navies. The British Royal Navy, in particular, resorted to forcing thousands of American seamen into service on their warships. -
Election of James Madison
his election was the first of only two instances in American history in which a new President would be selected but the incumbent Vice President would continue to serve. (The re-election of John C. Calhoun in 1828 was the other time)
It would prove to be the last election in which Virginia had the most votes in the electoral college. After the Congressional reapportionment following the 1810 census, New York would have the most electoral votes for the first time, and it would continue to have th -
Non-Intercourse Act
The Non-intercourse Act is the collective name given to six statutes passed by the United States Congress in 1790, 1793, 1796, 1799, 1802, and 1834. The Act regulates commerce between Native Americans and non-Indians. The most notable provisions of the Act regulate the inalienability of the original title in the United States, a continuing source of litigation for almost 200 years. The prohibition on purchases of Indian lands without the approval of the federal government has its origins in the -
War of 1812
The War of 1812 was a conflict between the U.S and the British. Americans declared war for many reasons including British trade restrictions due to their ongoing war with France. Also, taking American merchants to join the British Navy. The battle was fought both on land and sea, and in the end Americans won! -
Battle of New Orleans
This was a major battle in the War of 1812.This war was between the United States and the British.Andrew Jackson, commander of the U.S. Army of the Southwest, which consisted chiefly of militiamen and volunteers, fought the British regulars who stormed their position on Jan. 8, 1815. The victory raised national morale, enhancing Jackson's reputation as a hero and preparing his way to the presidency. All thanks to the leadership, hard work from the soldiers America claimed their victory. -
Election of James Monroe
The election of james monroe was the beginning of the Ear of Good Feelings. Monroe was the choice of both Thomas jefferson and James Madison. His vice president was Daniel D. Tompkins.There was little support from federlist, and Monroe won 183 out of 217 electoral votes. -
Expanded Suffrage to all White Males
When Jackson ran for president for the first time, more farmers started to vote. All white males were then allowed to vote no matter how much land they owned. This expanded the country's political views. Because of this, Jackson gained more votes and more common people took part in government elections. -
Monroe Doctrine
When Latin America won Independence, President Monroe got worried. He decided to act independently of Britain. He made a bold foreign policy statement that declared that the U.S. would not interfere in the affairs of European nations. The Doctrine also stated that the U.S. would oppose to any attempt to build new colonies in the Americas. This message showed the U.S. was determined to keep European powers out of the Western hemisphere. -
Gibbons v.ogden
In this 1824 court case,the supreme court upheld the power of the federal government to regulate between states. the court struck down the New York law that tried to control steamboat travel between New York and New jersey. the court ruled that they could regulate trade on on the borders. -
McCulloch v. Maryland
McCulloch provided the U.S. Supreme Court its opportunity to define how broad Congress' power should be and, additionally, to what extent states could regulate activities which fell within the powers of the national government. In McCulloch the Court specifically was asked to consider if Congress had the constitutional power to charter a national bank, and, if so, could a state constitutionally impose a tax on that bank. -
Election Of 1824
Act passed by the U.S. Congress admitting Missouri to the Union as the 24th state.a compromise led by Henry Clay allowed Missouri admission as a slave state and Maine as a free state, with slavery prohibited from then on in territories north of Missouri's southern border. -
Election of Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson Inguration in 1829 reflected the growing sprit of democracy. The spread of political power to more people was part of what was known as the jacksonian democracy. Jackson defeated John quincy Adams in this election. He was the decives winner. -
Beginning of the Democratic party
This party all began with Andrew Jackson. When it was all said and done they called themselves democrats. Since the whigs had too much power, Andrew Jackson and his followers broke apart from them and made their own poltical party. This was also established due to the ending of the federlist party. -
Worcester v. Georgia
the United States Supreme Court let go the conviction of Samuel Worcester and said that the Georgia law that prohibited non-Indians from being present on Indian lands without a license from the state was unconstitutional. -
Closing of the US Bank
The U.S. Bank had to close because they did not have a new charter. Jackson refused to wait. He ordered Roger Taney, Secretary of the State to stop putting government money in the Bank, but Taney did the opposite. There was later a loss in federal money that hurt the Bank of the United States. The closing of the Bank led to an economic crisis.