Election of George Washington
Washington was elected in 1789 and he served for two terms. During his presidency he created the first Cabinet. He also put down the Whiskey Rebellion that had started from tax on whiskey. Another thing he did was that, he created his Farewell Address. This address stated that he was not going to seek a third term at presidency. -
Bill of Rights added to the Constitution
On December 15, 1791, the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution. It was added to give the people rights, instead of nobody having any rights. Also it was a way to get the states to agree to the Constitution. If the states agreed, then Congress would add a Bill of Rights to the Constitution. -
Beginning of the Federalist Party
On December 5, 1792, the Federalist Party was created. It was formed when they didn’t agree with the other people, causing the start of the Democratic-Republican and Federalist parties. The Federalists believed that the U.S. showed have a strong national government. They also believed that the economy should be mainly be based off of industry. -
Beginning of Democratic-Republican Party
On December 5, 1792 the Democratic-Republican party began with mainly small farmers, artisans and wealthy planters.Jefferson was a Republican who ran against the federalist John Adams and won. He believed that we should not have a strong central government. Instead he tought that we should have a strong state government(run by the people). Republicans also did not favor the National bank. However the Federalist disagreed with the Republicans most of the time. -
Whiskey Rebellion
Farmers were forced to pay new taxes on leftover grain and corn for whiskey on October 1, 1794. As officials tried to collect taxes, farmers rebelled. George Washington and the government decided to dispatch a militia to stop stop the rebellion. Upon hearing the marching troops, the rebellious farmers fled. This event showed that the government can act firmly in times of crisis. -
Election of John Adams
John Adams(federalist) became the 2d president of the U.S. on December 7, 1796 and served 1 term(1796-1800) while his wife Abigail Adams became the 1st lady. He helped pass many important laws like the Alien and sedition acts and became known for also passing the midnight judges. He also sent three men (Marshall,Gerry and pickney) to make a peace treaty with France known as the x,y,z affair. -
The XYZ Affair
The XYZ Affair that occurred April 1,1798,was caused when France began to attack U.S. ships that were involved with trade with Great Britain. When U.S. representatives went to negotiate, France wanted a bribe. This is where the quote,”Millions for defense, not one cent for tribute!” came from. This statement showed that the U.S. were willing to spend millions for war, but not a cent for bribery. -
Alien Act
On June 25, 1798, the Alien Act came to effect. This Act gave the president power to deport aliens suspected of activities posing a threat to the national government. It also gave the government the right to imprison them. This was created by John Adams. -
Sedition Act
Our government began to worry about subversion so on July 14, 1798 ,John Adams passed the sedition act . The sedition act allowed for punishment to those who criticized the government either verbally or in writing. Many believe that these laws were unfair because they made the federalist strong and weaken the power of the republicans. -
Election of Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson (along with Aaron Burr as vice) and John Adams fought against each other through political campaigns that started on December 3, 1800. Federalists wanted strong federal authority to limit popular majorities. Democratic-Republicans wanted decrease in national authority for state governments to rule directly. During the election, Hamilton helped Jefferson in success for he felt him being less evil. On March 4, 1801, Jefferson was in office after being elected as president. -
John Marshall appointed
On January 27,1801 john adams appointed John Marshall as the chief of justice in the supreme court.He was a rich Virginia planter and was very intelligent. He was also a Federalist who wanted to build a strong government. Marshall also decided the Marbury v. Madison case that increased the power of the supreme court. -
Marbury v. Madison
The Marbury v. Madison case started when President John Adams appointed William Marbury as a judge on the last night of his presidency. The Republicans accused the Federalists of using unfair tactics.When Thomas Jefferson ordered James Madison to not deliver the official papers confirming Marbury’s appointment, the problem went to the Supreme Court. This case took place on February 24, 1803. In the end, the Supreme Court ruled against Marbury, and this case helped create the Judicial Review. Thi -
Louisiana Purchase
Thomas Jefferson wanted to buy New Orleans because of the problems with trade and offered Napoleon 10 million. Napoleon needed money to pay for the debt he was in because of the war so he offered the entire louisiana territory for 15 million. The louisiana purchase on December 1, 1803, doubling the size of the U.S. -
Lewis and Clark Expedition
When Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana Territory, he hired Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore the vast land. Jefferson also asked Lewis and Clark to map a route to the Pacific Ocean. Their party consisted of about 50 men, willing to go on the exploration. They headed out on May 14, 1804. Along the way, they kept journals over what the they saw, they also met Sacagawea, a Shoshone indian that was willing to translate along their journey. On November 7, 1805, they reached their goal -
Embargo Act
Signed into law on December 21, 1807, during Jefferson’s presidency, American ships were restricted from engaging in foreign trades in order to badly affect Great Britain and France. Americans were hurt instead of those two due to decreasing exports of more than $80 million a year and accumulation of cotton and tobacco in the south docks. Merchants protested while some violated laws by smuggling or importing and exporting goods. -
Election of James Madison
Thomas Jefferson endorsed James Madison in becoming a president. Many people were Anti-Madison because he supported the embargo and seemed weak; however, some were convinced that he had a strong sense of power for Democratic-Republicans. On December 7, 1808, electoral college delegates’ ballots casted in. Madison was up against Pinckney whom he defeated by nearly three times more by having 122 to 44. Congress declared him as president on February 8, 1809. -
Non-Intercourse Act
This act, passed on March 1, 1809, replaced the Embargo Act that lifted all embargoes except for British or French ports mainly to damage Great Britain’s and France’s economies. It was ineffective which lead to serious damage of America’s economy instead. Even then, the bill helped American begin industrialization for British manufactured goods could not be imported and instead have to be produced. -
War of 1812
Great Britain interfered with international trade by impressment of American sailors to the British navy. Because of this, on September 11, 1812, Congress declared war on Great Britain and fought them at sea by attacking each other’s merchant ships, and fought at land near the American-Canadian Territory along the Great Lakes. It officially ended on December 24, 1814. -
Election of James Monroe
James Monroe (Republican) won the election of 1816 against Rufus King by a landslide on December 4, 1816.He became the 5th president of the U.S.and served 2 terms (1817-1825).He came up with the Monroe Doctrine, Missouri compromise and was involved in the era of good feelings. -
McCulloch v. Maryland
McCulloch claimed unconstitutional of Maryland state tax imposing on United States bank. As he refused to pay taxes, the state of Maryland sued him which lead to the case. Chief Justice John Marshall made his decision of ruling in favor with McCulloch for Congress to establish national bank and not let states interfere with federal law was made on March 7, 1819. He believed that states never had the right to tax federal government as he wrote, “The right to tax is the right destroy.” -
Monroe Doctrine
James Monroe created a Doctrine that Europe would not interfere with the western hemisphere. He created this knowing that Europeans would try to come and establish or influence the new free country. He wanted to keep both of the America’s safe from European influences. This was created on December 2, 1823. -
Gibbons v. Ogden
On March 2,1824 a New York law allowed both Gibbons and Ogden to operate their steamboats within the state.However the state needed Gibbons to pay a fee to operate because he worked from New York to New Jersey. Gibbons challenges the monopoly and didn't have to pay the fee.