Bill of Rights
When the constitution was first established people were worried their rights wouldn’t be protected because, it didn’t have the bill of rights attached to it. The bill of rights included the 10 amendments, and a written list of freedoms that everyone has. -
Federalist Party
This was document made by james monroe that told european powers to stay out of the U.S. This was basically made because they didn't want to get involved with foreign affairs. -
Whiskey Rebellion
The Whiskey Rebellion that took place on October 1, 1794 was a protest, executed by farmers, over a tax on all liquor made and sold in the United States to raise money for the Treasury. During Mr. Washington's presidency, he responded quickly by calling up the militia and sending them off to Pennsylvania. The farmers quickly retreated once they heard the news of the militia and Washington’s response. The Whiskey Rebellion tested the will of the new government to act firmly in a time of crisis. -
Election of John Adams
The federalist party campaigned heavily for John Adams, so he gained popularity. The results, John Adams won by 3 votes over Democratic-Republican, Thomas Jefferson. So, Jefferson had the second most amount of votes, so he became VP. -
Electin of George Washington-
During Washington’s election no one else ran for president. Everyone thought Washington was the best person for president. Because of this, Washington wrote a speech to the public called the George Washington’s Farewell Address. It basically stated that he wanted to be among one of them and did not want to make himself superior to anyone else.During his presidencyhe set presidents like only 2 terms, Mr.President, Cabinet members, etc. -
XYZ Affair
During Adams presidency, his main priority was to have peace in the new nation, so when he heard about the french revolution he tried stay out of it as much as possible. When the french heard this they were very angry with U.S. That’s when the phrase, “Millions for defense; not 1 cent for tribute”
. -
Alien Act
During Adams presidency, he began to worry about subversion. To response of that Adams passed four new laws, one being the alien act. Which made it to where if government saw anyone that looked suspicious or a threat to the nation they had the right to imprison them -
Sedition Act
In the sedition act, citizens could be fined or jailed if they criticized the current government, or the people that work for the government. So, many authors of newspapers were fined for expressing their opinion. This limited freedom of speech and freedom of press. -
Election of Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson officially became the 3rd President of the United States of America on March 4, 1801. This peaceful transition of power between two political parties, Democratic Republican and Federalist, was a major key to the future success of the nation. The transition of power was the 1st ever peaceful transition between two political parties. Jefferson’s presidency would become a major success with the Louisiana Purchase. -
John Marshall appointed
John Adams appointed John Marshall as the chief justice in 1801. He used this opportunity to strengthen the supreme court. He did this by persuading the justices to support a single majority opinion in all cases. This made the voice of the court more authoritative. The first overturned act by congress was the court case of Marbury v. Madison, in 1803 -
Marbury vs. Madison
This event happened on the last night of Adams presidency. He scheduled an appointment for the next day, for Marbury. The next day when madison asked Jefferson about it, Jefferson told madison to cancel it. When Marbury heard about this he sued madison and they went to court. -
Lewis and Clark
Lewis and Clark were two explorers sent by Jefferson to explore the new land when they bought the Louisiana Purchase. While they were exploring the west they were accompanied by an indian named sacagawea. She taught them about the indian ways and helped them with any indians they encountered in their path. -
Louisiana Purchase
Thomas Jefferson wanted to expand US territory, so he tried to buy Spanish territory, starting at New Orleans. Jefferson negotiated with Talleyrand, the French foreign minister. The result, we paid them $15 million for Louisiana territory. -
Embargo Act
In order to try to avoid war with Great Britain, on December 21, 1807, Jefferson imposed a ban on trade to try to hurt Great Britain and France by cutting off supplies. It was a complete ban on foreign trade. But the results backfired on Jefferson when the ban ended up hurting the United States more than the foreign countries. The act was later replaced by the Non-Intercourse Act. -
Election of James Madison
On December 7, 1808, James Madison was elected as the 4th President as the United States of America. Madison easily won the election when Jefferson refused to run for a 3rd term because of Washington's precedent. One key event during James Madison’s presidency was the War of 1812. He was the only president after Washington to have major conflict with foreign nations. Enough conflict to go to war. -
Non-Intercourse Act
The Embargo Act proved to be no good. Congress resolved to a more limited ban on trade with Great Britain and France instead of on all foreign nations. On March 1, 1809 they replaced the Embargo Act with the Nonintercourse Act that only banned trade with Great Britain and France. -
War of 1812
Americans declared war on Great Britain in June of 1812, however fighting didn’t actually begin until September 11th, 1812. The British were seizing American ships for their own war they were involved in with the French. In the end however, a peace treaty between the two countries was signed in Ghent, Belgium in December 24, 1814. The conclusion of the war showed the power and strength the United States of America possessed and the unwilling ability to never give up. -
Election of James Monroe
Presidential election in which a candidate ran unopposed. James Monroe became 5th president for the USA. He became president during the Era of Good Feelings, which helped him gain popularity. -
Monroe Doctrine
This was document made by james monroe that told european powers to stay out of the U.S. This was basically made because they didn't want to get involved with foreign affairs. -
Gibbons v. Ogden
New York gave the power of boat navigation to two (one was ogden) individuals, but only with state boundaries. With this power, states would trade with each other. Gibbons said states shouldn’t have power to do this because it interferes with foreign trade. They went to court, and gibbons won. -
McCulloch vs. Maryland
The Supreme Court tried to strengthened the power of the federal government to promote economic growth by chartering another Bank of the United States. Maryland, the state that held the Bank, tried to tax the Bank in order to eliminate the competition the Bank brought to the other banks of Maryland. The case was taken to the Supreme Court on March 6, 1824, and the court ruled that the state had no right tax federal institutions. It ultimately strengthen the power of the federal government. -
Start of Democratic-Republican party
Party was founded for the election of Thomas Jefferson. His opponent, Alexander Hamilton, who was a federalist. Party’s beliefs were a limited government, and personal liberty. (Amendment 1)