Presidential Timeline

  • Washington elected to First and Second Continental Congress

    • elected by the Virginia legislature to both the First and the Second Continental Congress
  • jefferson- Published "A Summary View of the Rights of British America"

    articulated the colonial position for independence and foreshadowed many of the ideas in the Declaration of Independence
  • National Bank- Washington

    generally backed Hamilton on key issues, such as the funding of the national debt, the assumption of state debts, and the establishment of a national bank
  • Jefferson- Declaration of Independence

    creditted for writing Declaration of Idependence
  • Washington- Turned down chance to be called king

    quelled bid by officers to declare him king
  • Washington- Second term

    unanimously supported by electoral college
  • Washington-Declaration of Neutrality

    he issued a Declaration of Neutrality on his own authority
  • Jefferson- left Washington administration

    quarrels with Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton over his vision of a centralized national bank caused Jefferson to resign his post
  • Washington- Quelled Whiskey Rebellion

    showed power of national government
  • Jefferson- Louisiana Purchase

    Negotiated with France for $15 million which doubled size of country
  • Washington Farewell Address

    Had foreign policy of no international relations
  • Adams xyz Affair

    The three man American peace commission is received coolly and then asked to pay a bribe in order to speak with French Foreign Minister Charles Maurice Talleyrand. This episode becomes known as the "XYZ Affair." (Diplomacy)
  • Adams -The Eleventh Amendment

    The Eleventh Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is declared in full force by President Adams. It says that federal courts shall not have the jurisdiction over litigation between individuals from one state against individuals from another state. (Political)
  • Adams- Alien and Sedition Acts

    The first of four acts known collectively as the Alien and Sedition Acts is adopted. The Alien and Sedition acts aimed to curb criticism of administration policies and prevent internal subversion. (Social)
  • Adams-Alien Act Passed

    Congress passes the Alien Act, granting President Adams the power to deport any alien he deemed potentially dangerous to the country's safety. (Social)
  • Adams- End of Quasi naval War

    The "quasi"-naval war with France effectively ends with the signing of the Treaty of Mortfontaine in Paris. France agrees to lift its embargos on American ships, respect neutral ships and property. The United States agrees to return captured warships but not captured privateers. (Diplomatic)
  • Jackson-Northwest Territory

    Congress passes an act dividing the Northwest Territory into two parts, with the border between them running north from the junction of the Ohio and Kentucky Rivers. (Economic)
  • Jackson-Treaty of Mortfontaine

    With the signing of the Treaty of Mortfontaine in Paris, France agrees to lift all embargos effecting the United States.(Economic)
  • Adams loses reelection

    He did not attend Jefferson's inauguration and instead spent his last hours in office appointing numerous Federalist judges and other office holders based on the Judiciary Act of 1801. These would be known as the "midnight appointments.(political)
  • Jefferson- Barbary Pirates

    sent warships to the Mediterranean blockaded North African nations after refusing to pay the increased demands made by the Pasha of Tripoli
  • Jefferson- Marbury vs. Madison

    established midnight judges; seen as corrupt to the public
  • jefferson- Lewis and Clark Expedition

    authorized expedition to explore land unknown to America
  • Jefferson-suspended trade with Europe

    congress published Intercourse Act
  • jefferson- Attempted to repeal Alian and Sedition Acts

    pressured Congress to repeal Alien and Sedition Acts
  • madison- American Colonizationn Society

    supported plan to transport black slaves back to Africa
  • Madison-90 Day Embargo

    During Madison Presidency, Congress voted for military preparations and, in April 1812, a ninety-day embargo. This decison increased tension between Great Britain and America.(Diplomatic)
  • Madison-War of 1812

    Congress allows President Madison to declare War on Great Britain. This war lasted for about two years resulting in a American Victory. This War was also condisered a second indepence for America by the War Hawks and President Madison. (Diplomatic)
  • Madison-Supported by Abigail Adams

    Abigail Adams, wife of federalist John Adams, declared support; showed decline of Federalist party
  • Madison- Democratic/Republican Party

    creditted as co-founder of Democratic-Republican Party
  • madison- Inauguration Speech

    stressed commitment to neutrality in the Franch-English conflict
  • Madison-American System

    supported Henry clay's American System-tied East and West in national market withnational bank, protective tariffs, and national roads
  • Madison- Re-chartering of National Bank

    chartered bank with 20-year term
  • Jackson- wins presdential election

    Military hero and self-made man Andrew Jackson is sworn in as the seventh President of the United States. .(Social)
  • Indian Removal Act of 1830

    Congress passes the Indian Removal Act, sanctioning the forcible relocation of Creek, Chickasaw, Cherokee, Choctaw, and Seminole tribes to land west of the Mississippi river. This removal is known as the Trail of Tears by the Native Americans.(Diplomatic)
  • Jackson-Veto of Maysville Road Bill

    Jackson vetoes the Maysville Road bill, which would have sanctioned the federal government's purchase of stock for the creation of a road entirely within Kentucky, the home state of longtime foe Henry Clay. Jackson regards the project as a local matter and thinks its funding should come from local sources.(political)
  • Jackson-Peggy Eaton Affair

    Members of Jackson's inner circle and their wives feud over accusations about the woman's alleged behavior. Jackson supports the Eatons and is outraged by the charges.
  • Jackson-Veto of Recharter of Second Bank of the United

    Jackson vetoes a bill that would have extended the life of the Second Bank of the United States. This causes Henry Clay to attack him on his decision.(Economy)
  • Jackson- Ordinance of Nullification

    Jackson issues the Nullification Proclamation, reaffirming his belief that states and municipalities are forbidden from nullifying federal laws. (Political)
  • Jackson- Mexico Rebellion

    American emigrants to Texas, led by Jackson's old Tennessee comrade Sam Houston, mounted a successful revolt against Mexico and declared their independence.(Diplomatic)
  • Jackson- Panic of 1837

    Andrew Jackson believed that planters, farmers, laborers, and mechanics were the "chosen class". He viewed industrialization as essential to the American economy, and saw the Bank of the United States as a monopoly of the rich.With thee removal of the Second Bank of the United States, it led to the Panic of 1837.(Economic)