Period: to
George Washington
From Westmoreland County, VA
Local public school in Fredericksburg
Commander of the Continental Army in 1775
Delegate of the continental Congress -
First naturalization law
Congress passes the United States' first naturalization law, establishing terms of citizenship. -
May 29, 1790 Ratifying the Constitution
Rhode Island ratifies the Constitution, becoming the last of the original thirteen states under the Articles of Confederation to join the newly formed Union. -
Copyright Law
Washington signs the first US copyright law. -
Establishing the capital
Washington signs bill into law that permanently places the nation's capital along the Potomac River, -
Revolutionary War debts
President Washington signs a bill into law that directed the federal government to assume the Revolutionary War debts of the states. -
First revenue law
Congress approves its first internal revenue law, creating fourteen revenue districts and placing a tax on all distilled spirits. -
Ratifying the Bill of Rights
Treaty of San Lorenzo
Granted US citizen to ship goods through New Orleans port without paying the Spanish government -
Tennessee becomes a state
Period: to
John Adams
From Braintree, MA
Harvard educated lawyer
785 to 1788 he was minister to the Court of St. James’s, -
Militia against France
Raised a 80,000 man militia if they went to war with France -
11th Admendment
Federal courts shall not have the jurisdiction over altercations between individuals from one state against individuals from another state. -
Establishing the library of congress
Federal Bankruptcy Act
Treaty of Mortfontaine
Period: to
Thomas Jefferson
From Shadwell, VA
7 years in Williamsburg
Commander in chief of the Virginia militia
Previous vice president -
Establishing West Point
Passes an act, which is signed into law by Jefferson, establishing an official United States Military Academy at West Point. -
Naturalization laws repealed
Naturalization laws of 1798 are repealed the required length of residency reverts from fourteen years to five years. -
Enabling Act
President Jefferson signs the Enabling Act, establishing procedures under which territories organized under the Ordinance of 1787 can become a state. -
Washington incorporated as a city
Importation of slaves prohibited
The Embargo Act
The Embargo Act, modified and authorized by President Jefferson, now permits vessels to transport American goods from foreign ports. -
British sea aggression
In spite of Thomas Jefferson's vehement protest, the British government announces it will continue to impress seamen on American ships thought to be British. -
Slave trade ban official
The Second Embargo Act
A more stringent than the first and is commonly known as the “O grab me Act.” -
Period: to
James Madison -
From Port Conway, Virginia
College education later known as Princeton University
Colonel in the Orange County militia.
Virginia representative -
Battleship President
After it is attacked, the U.S. battleship President fires on the British ship HMS Little Belt. -
End of Orders in Council
The British foreign secretary announces an end to the Orders in Council. The announcement comes too late, however, as Madison requested a declaration of war against Britain on June 1. -
Special session of Congress
Madison calls a special session of Congress to convene November 4 in preparation for war against Britain. -
War message
November 5, 1811
War message
Madison delivers a tentative war message to Congress, indicating his shift in policy. -
War message .
Madison delivers a tentative war message to Congress, indicating his shift in policy -
Battle of Tippecanoe
Harrison's militia is barely successful at the Battle of Tippecanoe, an engagement that serves as a prelude to the War of 1812. Tecumseh flees to Canada and British protection. -
Army bill
The increase in manpower is far greater than Madison's request he had asked for a force of 10,000 but the bill provides less flexibility than Madison had requested. -
Treaty of Ghent
In Europe, the United States and Britain sign the Treaty of Ghent. News of the Treaty will reach the United States in February 1815. -
End of the War of 1812
The Senate ratifies the Treaty of Ghent on February 16. -
Period: to
John Quincy Adams
From Braintree, MA
Graduated Harvard college in 1787
Served as a colonel in the Union Army during the American Civil War
US secretary of state, & US minister to Russia -
Erie Canal Completed
The first passage on the 363 mile-long Erie Canal is completed from Lake Erie to New York City, linking the Atlantic and trans-Atlantic marketplaces. -
Military Training Manuals Created
Military standardization and integration of Union and state militias is a foremost concern during the Adams administration. -
Resolution of war damages
President Adams finalizes a settlement with the British over restitution for damages incurred during the War of 1812, left unresolved by the Treaty of Ghent. -
Ports closed to British
Adams proclaims all American ports closed to trade with British colonies. -
MFN Trade System
Additional European states are incorporated into the MFN trade system, the pre-conditions of commercial growth -
Period: to
Dwight Eisenhower
From Denison, TX
Graduated from Abilene High School in 1909
General in WWII -
Submerged Lands Act
Eisenhower signs the Submerged Lands Act, allowing states to submerge navigable lands within their borders to create waterways such as rivers. -
Proposes Social Security coverage increase Eisenhower proposes broadening the provisions of the Social Security Act to cover more than 10 million additional Americans.
Eisenhower proposes broadening the provisions of the Social Security Act to cover more than 10 million additional Americans. -
Refugee Relief Act of 1953
Eisenhower signs the Refugee Relief Act of 1953, admitting 214,000 more immigrants than permitted under existing immigration quotas. -
U.S. and Japan agree on rearmament
The United States and Japan sign a mutual defense agreement that provides for the gradual and partial rearmament of Japan. -
Eisenhower signs Wiley-Dander Seaway Act
Creating jointly with Canada the St. Lawrence Seaway, a canal, lock and river system which allows for water travel from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes -
U.S., Taiwan sign mutual defense pact
The United States signs a mutual defense pact with Taiwan -
U.S., Taiwan sign mutual defense pact
The United States signs a mutual defense pact with Taiwan -
Peaceful atomic purposes
Eisenhower releases $1 billion worth of Uranium-235 for peaceful atomic purposes. -
U-2 approved
Eisenhower approves U-2 spy flights over the Soviet Union. -
Period: to
Bill Clinton
From Hope, AR
Graduated from Georgetown University in 1968,
Joined the R.O.T.C. as a way of avoiding being drafted into service during the Vietnam War