President Project

  • Birth

    Born in Braintree, Massachusetts
  • Siblings

    he had 5 siblings
  • Fun fact 4

    Fun fact 4
    he was VERY quiet
  • Fun Fact 3

    Fun Fact 3
    liked to read
  • Growing up

    Growing up
    grew up during the american revolution
  • Fun Fact 1

    Fun Fact 1
    started writing a journal
  • Fun fact 2

    Fun fact 2
    suffered from depression
  • Education

    Attended Harvard University
  • Fun Fact 13

    Fun Fact 13
    he was VERY well educated
  • Marriages

    Married, Charming Louisa Adams
  • Fun Fact 5

    Fun Fact 5
    got married in London
  • Pets

    he had an Alagator
  • Birth of Children

    Birth of Children
    George Washington Adams- 1801, Berlin, Germany
    John Adams- 1803, NA
    Charles Francis Adams- 1807,Boston, Massachusetts
    Louisa Catherine Adams- 1811,NA
  • Fun Fact 11

    Fun Fact 11
    he was the driving force behing the Monroe Doctrine
  • Fun Fact 12

    Fun Fact 12
    he became a lawyer without going to law school
  • Jobs or Careers

    Jobs or Careers
    U.S senator
  • Fun Fact 7

    Fun Fact 7
    he was a major in science advancement
  • Political Party

    Political Party
  • Money

    he had $21 million
  • Nicknames

    Old Man Eloquent
  • Fun fact 10

    Fun fact 10
    he went skinny dipping in the Potomac River everyday
  • Date Elected to Office

    Date Elected to Office
    John Quincy Adams
    Got Elected
  • Fun Facts 6

    Fun Facts 6
    first president to have a Father that was once president
  • Fun fact 8

    Fun fact 8
    many people where mad he won the election
  • Fun fact 9

    Fun fact 9
    Adams only won bc of corruption
  • News Worthy Events

    News Worthy Events
    Jackson won presidency during Adams presidency. Adams demanded a re-election, and won. Jackson was sworn 7th president
  • Date left Office

    Date left Office
  • Location they restired

    Location they restired
  • News Worthy Events After Presidency

    News Worthy Events After Presidency
    Jackson Inaugurated, he was sworn to be the 7th president.
  • Death

    Where: Washington D.C
    How: stroke