president grover cleveland

By wm3297
  • Birth

    Grover Cleveland was born to Anne and Richard Cleveland in Cadwell New Jersey.
  • Grover Cleveland goes to elementary school

    Grover Cleveland goes to elementary school
    Cleveland got elementary education at the Fayetteville Academy and the Clinton Liberal Academy
  • Grover Cleveland drops out of school

    Grover Cleveland drops out of school
    Grover Cleveland drops out of school to help his father and work
  • Grover Cleveland gets married

    Grover Cleveland gets married
    In 1864 Grover Cleveland gets married to Frances Folsom in the White House
  • Grover Cleveland takes his first democratic position

    Grover Cleveland takes his first democratic position
    in 1871 Grover Cleveland took the position of the democratic sheriff
  • Scandal

    Grover Cleveland was assumed to have fathered the child of Maria Crofts Halpin whos name was Oscar in 1874. He offered to take responsibility of the child but then forgot about the incident until 10 years later
  • Grover Cleveland is elected president

    Grover Cleveland is elected president
    on march 4th 1885 Grover Cleveland was inaugurated
  • Grover Cleveland is inaugurated

    Grover Cleveland is inaugurated
    Grover Cleveland is inaugurated as the 22nd president of the United States
  • Grover Cleveland accepts the statue of liberty

    Grover Cleveland accepts the statue of liberty
    Grover Cleveland receives the statue of liberty from France in 1886
  • Grover Cleveland signs the dawes act

    Grover Cleveland signs the dawes act
    The act gave 160 acres of land to each family, 80 acres to single adults and 40 acres to orphaned children. The act prohibited recipients from selling the land for a period of 25 years. Indians who renounced their tribal holdings were made eligible for U.S. citizenship. The federal government purchased the land remaining after the allotments were made and then sold much of it to non Indians.
  • Grover Cleveland signs the Chinese exclusion act

    Grover Cleveland signs the Chinese exclusion act
    Grover Cleveland signed the Chinese Exclusion Act. Which restricted Chinese immigration to the United States. The law prohibited Chinese immigrants who returned to China from coming back to the United States. President Chester Arthur passed the first bill limiting Chinese immigration in 1882
  • Grover Cleveland loses re election

    Grover Cleveland loses re election
    Grover Cleveland looses re election to Benjamin Harrison
  • Grover Cleveland creates the department of agriculture

    Grover Cleveland creates the department of agriculture
    In 1889 Grover Cleveland creates the department of agriculture
  • Grover Cleveland creates new states

    Grover Cleveland creates new states
    Grover Cleveland creates South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, and Washington
  • Grover Cleveland leaves office.

    Grover Cleveland leaves office.
    On march 4th 1889 Grover leaves office after losing to Benjamin Harrison
  • Ruth was born

    Ruth was born
    Grover Cleveland's oldest child was born on a fall day
  • Grover Cleveland runs for president again

    Grover Cleveland runs for president again
    After his defeat in 1888 Grover Cleveland announces he will be running again in 1893
  • Grover Cleveland wins his second term

    Grover Cleveland wins his second term
    In 1893 after Grover Cleveland wins his second term to become the only president to serve 2 non consecutive terms
  • Grover Cleveland is inaugurated for the second time

    Grover Cleveland is inaugurated for the second time
    Grover Cleveland gets inaugurated and become the only president to serve 2 non consecutive terms
  • Grover Cleveland withdraws from a treaty

    Grover Cleveland withdraws from a treaty
    Cleveland withdrew the Hawaiian annexation treaty, signed just prior to his inauguration. He takes the advice of a special commissioner who reports that proponents of the annexation are sugar planters; the majority of the population opposes such action. Cleveland advocates the restoration of the queen but the provisional government rejects this idea.
  • Grover Cleveland's health declines

    Grover Cleveland's health declines
    Grover Cleveland gets signs of oral cancer with a malignant on the roof of his mouth
  • Grover's secret operation

    Grover's secret operation
    Grover Cleveland meets a specialist to remove a portion of his jaw due to is oral cancer
  • Esther was born

    Esther was born
    In 1893 esther was born in the white house
  • Marion was born

    Marion was born
    In 1893 Marion was born.
  • Grover Cleveland makes Utah a state

    Grover Cleveland makes Utah a state
    Utah is admitted to the union as the forty-fifth state.
  • Grover Cleveland retires

    Grover Cleveland retires
    In 1897 Grover Cleveland would retire from politics. He was known to comment on politics and fish
  • Grover Cleveland leaves office

    Grover Cleveland leaves office
    In 1897 Grover Cleveland's term is up and he will no longer be the president
  • Richard was born

    Richard was born
    Richard was born in 1897.
  • francis was born

    francis was born
    On July 18th 1903 Francis was born.
  • Death

    Grover Cleveland dies in Princeton New Jersey