President George W Bush Timeline

  • Election of 2000

    Election of 2000
    George W Bush barely beat Al Gore in electoral votes (271-266). The outcome of the election was because of Florida's 25 electoral votes. Al gore had won the popular vote but the electoral votes were sent to Bush. This was the fourth time that the electoral votes did not match the popular vote.
  • Period: to


    George W Bush was the 43rd president of the united states. Bush served 2 consecutive terms. First from 2001-2004, second from 2005-2009. This was the closest election in American history.
  • 9/11

    4 separate but equal attacks took place on September 11th, 2001 causing 2,996 deaths and over $3 trillion in damage. 4 passenger airliners were hijacked by an Islamic group called al-Qaeda. 2 planes crashed into the north and south towers causing them to collapse. A third plane crashed into the Pentagon and a fourth aimed at Washington DC crashed into a field. After the attacks, Muslims and south Asians were harassed, their places of worship were burned down, and few were fatally shot.
  • Bush Ground Zero speech

    Bush Ground Zero speech
    This speech was very important because it was only 3 days after one of the worst terrorist attacks ever experienced. At first, George W Bush was not planning on giving a speech of any kind. The White House staff thought it would be a good idea for Bush to give a speech for the people. The only thing that was available to project Bush's voice was a bullhorn. He stood on some rubble and started speaking but many exclaimed that they could not hear him. Bush then says "I can hear you".
  • War with Afghanistan

    War with Afghanistan
    In 2001 George W Bush wanted the Taliban to hand over Osama Bin Laden. In December of 2001, United Nations Security Council established the International Security Assistance Force. The Taliban begin their long assault of attacks in 2003. Then on the 2nd of May, 2011 Navy Seals killed Osama Bin Laden.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    The No Child Left Behind Act was signed into law on January 8th, 2002. Basically what this did was introduce standardized testing to federally funded public schools. Schools must make Adequate Yearly Progress every year in order to get funded. Which basically means that every generation has to be smarter then the last which actually makes no sense to me.
  • US Congress authorizes the declaration of war with Iraq

    US Congress authorizes the declaration of war with Iraq
    Also known as the Iraq Resolution. US Congress enacted this joint resolution on the 16th of October, 2002. The Iraq resolution authorized military action against Iraq. It supported George W Bush's decision to use force to gain an advantage over Iraq.
  • Space Shuttle Columbia

    Space Shuttle Columbia
    The Space Shuttle Columbia launched for the first time on April 12th 1981. It was in service for 22 years and completed 27 missions before disintegrating on re-entry to the Earths atmosphere. On the 1st of February 2003, Columbia was re-entering into the Earths atmosphere when it suddenly disintegrated killing all 7 members on board.
  • Bush declares war on Iraq

    Bush declares war on Iraq
    Address Given the day before the invasion of Iraq. George W Bush said that " American freedom will be defended" and " No outcome but victory will be accepted. Bush gave this address in the Oval Office.
  • Operation Red Dawn

    Operation Red Dawn
    Operation Red Dawn was an American Military operation that led to the capture of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. Named after a movie that came out in 1984 called "Red Dawn". The initial search of 2 sites did not reveal Hussein. Hussein was found hiding in a hole and did not resist capture.
  • 9/11 Commission Report

    9/11 Commission Report
    This was the official report of the events leading up to 9/11. Written by the "9/11 Commission", at the request of George W Bush and Congress. Interviewed 1,200 people and reviewed over 2 million pages during the creation of the report.
  • Wins Re-election

    Wins Re-election
    Incumbent George W Bush Vs John Kerry. Popular vote was smallest ever for the incumbent but Bush still won. Bush won his re-election because people loved how he took action as a wartime president.
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    Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina is the Costliest natural disaster in the history of the US. 1,245 confirmed death and $108 billion in damages. At one point Katrina went as fast 175 Mph.
  • Chief Justice Roberts

    Chief Justice Roberts
    Chief Justice Roberts took his seat on September 29th, 2005 after the death of Chief Justice William Rehnquist. In 2003 George W Bush appointed him as a judge on the DC circuit. Then in 2005 Bush nominated Roberts to be Chief Justice of the US.
  • Saddam Hussein found guilty

    Saddam Hussein found guilty
    On the 5th of November, 2006 Saddam Hussein was sentenced to hanging for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. Hussein was executed by hanging on the 30th of December, 2006.
  • Democratic Party takes control of both Houses

    Democratic Party takes control of both Houses
    On the 7th of November, 2006 the Democratic Party took control of both Houses of Congress. They held 230-435 seats in the House of Representatives and 51-49 margin in the Senate. Democrats gained 23 seats in the House of Representatives. They only needed 15 to become the major party.
  • Former President G. Ford dies

    Former President G. Ford dies
    Gerald Ford was the 38th President of the US. Ford was born on July 14th, 1913 and passed on the 26th of December, 2006 (93). Ford was President during the worst economy of the Great Depression. Inflation increased while he was President.
  • Nancy Pelosi

    Nancy Pelosi
    Nancy Pelosi was the 52nd speaker of the US house of representatives (2007-11) and is still the only woman to do so. Pelosi is the highest ranking female politician in American history. Pelosi was a speaker of the house alongside Bush and Obama.
  • The New Way Forward

    The New Way Forward
    On January 10th, 2007 George W Bush gives a speech Announcing that 20,000 troops were being deployed to Iraq. Bush increased the amount of troops in Iraq to protect Baghdad and Al Anbar Province. The troops increased security and ability to protect the population.
  • Obama Elected

    Obama Elected
    Democrat Barack Obama beat Republican John McCain by almost 200 electoral votes. Obama is the first and only African American to be President of the US. Obama beat McCain in popular and electoral votes.