President George W Bush

  • George was Born

    George was Born
    George W Bussh was born on this lovely day.
  • Moving

    george W bush moved his family to texas for his oil business
  • Robin dies of Leukemia

    Robin dies of Leukemia
    George W Bush's sister, Robin dies of leukemia at the age of three. George didnt even know she was sick.
  • Started at Yale

    Started at Yale
    George W Bush started schooling at Yale University
  • Joins Military

    Joins Military
    George W bush joined the Air Force
  • Started at Harvard

    Started at Harvard
    George W Bush started at Harvard and later graduated with an MBA degree.
  • Arrested

    george was arrested for drinking and driving. He pled guilty and paid a 150 dollar fine.
  • Got married

    Got married
    George got married to Laura Welch on this date.
  • Twin daughters were born

    Twin daughters were born
    On this date, George W. Bush's twin daughters, Barbara and Jenna, were born.
  • Gives Up Drinking

    Gives Up Drinking
    On his 40th birthday, George W Bush pledged to himself that he would stop drinking.
  • Bought Texas Rangers

    Bought Texas Rangers
    George W Bush bought the Texas Rangers as he and his father were big baseball fans.
  • Became governor of Texas

    Became governor of Texas
    George W Bush was governor of Texas for two terms before he became president.
  • Drug Accusations

    Drug Accusations
    George W Bush refused to talk about any of the drug accusations and simply says "I will not talk about what I did as a child, only about what I have learned from the mistakes I have made."
  • Skipping Debate

    Skipping Debate
    George W Bush skipped the first debate of his second run for president.
  • Elected as President

    Elected as President
    George was elected as president of the United States of America on this date.
  • Daughters Caught

    Daughters Caught
    His daughters were caught trying to buy alcohol while underage on vacation to their hometown.
  • 9/11 Occured

    9/11 Occured
    4 airlines were hijacked and they flew them through the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a Pennsylvanian field.
  • Signs No Child Left Behind Act

    Signs No Child Left Behind Act
    George signed the No Child Left Behind Act which gives schools requirements to be taught.
  • Announced War with Iraq

    Announced War with Iraq
    George W Bush announced war with iraq after 9/11
  • Late-Term Abortion Banned

    Late-Term Abortion Banned
    George W Bush banned all late-term abortions. He was very against abortion as he passed many laws against it.
  • Wins Second Inauguration

    Wins Second Inauguration
    George W Bush wins the race for president and gets his second presidential inauguration.
  • Assassination Attempt

    Assassination Attempt
    While visiting Georgia Bush was targeted for assassination and a grenade was thrown but luckily it didn't go off.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Hurricane Katrina struck and George W Bush was criticized for his lack of rush to help the affected.
  • Left presidency

    Left presidency
    George left his 8 year presidency.
  • Decision Points published

    Decision Points published
    George W Bush's first book, Decision Points, was published.
  • Africa Trip

    Africa Trip
    George and his wife traveled to Africa to spread awareness of cervical cancer.
  • Presidential Center Completed

    Presidential Center Completed
    George W Bush completed his new Presidential Center called the George W Bush Presidential Center.
  • 41: A Portrait of my Father Published

    41: A Portrait of my Father Published
    Gerge W Bush's second book was published. It is a biography about George HW Bush.
  • Barbara Bush died

    Barbara Bush died
    Barbara Bush, George W Bush's mother, died.
  • George HW died

    George HW died
    George W Bush's father, George HW Bush died.