President George W Bush

  • Into office

    Into office
    in January 20, 2001, president George Bush got elected for the 43rd president in the united states. before being the president, he was the governor of Texas. unfortunately, he feel in to some extremely hard times
  • president bush creates his first policy decisions

    president bush creates his first policy decisions
    his first policy was to reinstate the ban on abortion.this was originally made by president Ronald Reagan, because he thought it was human not to get abortions. this act was not enforced during Bill Clinton presidency.
  • September 11 terroist attacks

    September 11 terroist attacks
    on September 11, 2001, planes were stolen and crashed into the twins towers. many civilian died in the plain crashing into the building. the event was the cause of the Islamic extremist group.
  • war on afghanistan/terror

    war on afghanistan/terror
    after the 9/11, america started it's attack on Afghanistan, and started the war on terror. the war lasted for about 15 years, and there was a lot of conflict. many people died during the war, and will be remebered
  • Bush Ground Zero Speech

    Bush Ground Zero Speech
    soon after the 9/11 indecent, President Bush spoke his Ground Zero speech. he stood in front of the rubble and spoke the speech. this speech was to inspire moral in american people, and get our revenge against the terroist
  • no child left behind act

    no child left behind act
    it's an education programs that are administered by the state. it's gives student's a chance to get an education that is proficient for latter in life. it has student's in the grades 3-8 to have education in English and math.
  • former president jimmy carter travel to cuba

    former president jimmy carter travel to cuba
    jimmy carter travels to Cuba to tour and visit with the Cuban president. this travel marks the first trip by an american president in 40 years. bush also announced that the forty year old trade against Cuba will continue until the conditions are met.
  • US congress authorizes the declaration of war with iraq

    US congress authorizes the declaration of war with iraq
    in October 10 & 11, 2002, it gave us the right to go to war with Iraq, to try and clear out the terrorist. we got 70% votes for the war against Iraq from the house and the senate. this deal was called the "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002".
  • space shuttle Columbia self-destructs

    space shuttle Columbia self-destructs
    in February 1, 2003, the Columbia space shuttle blew up in the sky and came back down to earth. NASA knew that it might happen, but still went with the plan anyways, and it fell under intense scrutiny. 16 people died in this terrible accident.
  • bush national address declare war on iraq

    bush national address declare war on iraq
    the main reason for starting the war was to locate and stop Saddam Hussein guilty. there was rumors that he had access to weapons of mass destruction.
  • operation red dawn

    operation red dawn
    it was launched to find out the dictator at the time. there was two likely location where he might be. an additional area that was searched and founded the dictator.
  • 9/11 commission report

    9/11 commission report
    this commission interviewed around 1,200 people and 10 this report, it also considered 15 out 19 people who were responsible for the plane crash that was from saudi Aabia. but some of the things were incluses
  • relection

    in this election, bush wanted to go through a reelection for the republicans. for the democratic party john F. Kerry, and got 251 electoral votes. George w bush won with 286 electoral votes.
  • hurricane katrina

    hurricane katrina
    this hurricane hit the gulf coast of the united states, and it was a category 3 rating on the hurricane scale. the winds scale from 100-140 miles per hour winds. this hurricane cause $100 billion damage because of it's streangth
  • chief Justice Roberts-Supreme court

    chief Justice Roberts-Supreme court
    after the death of the William Rehnquist, we needed a new chief justice. john Roberts was elected by George bush during his presidency. he had a conservatve judicial philosophy in his area of work
  • Saddam Hussein found guilty

    Saddam Hussein found guilty
    Saddam Hussein was founded guilty for his crimes against all of humanity. for his charges, he was hanged for his crimes but everyone from Iraq was furious. a man killed himself to prove it, by strapping an explosive belt to his waist.
  • the democratic party takes over both houses

    the democratic party takes over both houses
    the democratic party has taken control of both the us congress and the house of representative. in the house of representatives ,they won 230 out of 435 seats holding about the majority of the house. some of the republican leaders took leave and had some events happen to them.
  • former president Gerald ford dies

    former president Gerald ford dies
    former president Gerald ford dies in his hospital. he was 93 when he died, making him the longest living president in american history. he was the one who pulled america out from president Nixon presidency, and led us away from the Watergate era.
  • new troops in iraq

    new troops in iraq
    at this time, president bush was recommended on January 5th to send a surge of troops into Iraq. on the 10th, he sen't around 20,000 into Iraq, to tale them out. through out the time, this was very effective.
  • Obama elected, bush bids farewell

    Obama elected, bush bids farewell
    Barack Obama, originally a senator from Illinois, was elected for president. he was part of the democratic party, and was the 44th president of america. he was also the first African american president e=in the history of american historty