President rutherford hayes 1870   1880 restored

President Rutherford B Hayes

  • Birth Date of Rutherford B Hayes

    Birth Date of Rutherford B Hayes
    born in Delaware,Ohio
  • Education (Elementry/high school)

    Education (Elementry/high school)
    Acadamy at Norway,Ohio and Isaac Webb's school at Middle town conni
  • Education (collage)

    Education (collage)
    Kenyon collage ,gambier , Ohio and Harvard law school 1842-1845
  • Marriage

    To Lucy ware Webb they haved eight kids
  • Brichard Austin Hayes was born

    Brichard Austin Hayes was  born
    Cincinnati, Ohio
  • Sardis Birchard (Austin) Hayes was born

    Sardis Birchard (Austin) Hayes was born
    Cincinnati, Ohio,
  • Webb Hayes was born

    Webb Hayes was born
  • James Webb Hayes was born

    James Webb Hayes  was born
  • Became city soliciter of cincinati

    Became city soliciter of cincinati
    In 1858, the Cincinnati City Council appointed the up-and-coming Rutherford Hayes to fill the position of city solicitor.
  • Millitary experiance

    Millitary experiance
    commissioner majiored in 23rd ohio volunteres resigned as majior general in june 1862-1865
  • Joseph Thompson Hayes was born

    Joseph Thompson Hayes was born
    Cincinnati, Ohio
  • George Crook Hayes was born

    George Crook Hayes was born
    Chillicothe, Ohio
  • Became a U.S congress man

    Became a  U.S congress man
    His entrance into national politics began with his election to the United States Congress Hayes enjoyed a brief tenure in the Thirty-Ninth and Fortieth Congresses, serving from March 4, 1865 to October 31, 1867.
  • Frances Hayes was born

    Frances Hayes was born
    in Walnut Hills, near Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • Scott Russell Hayes was born

    Scott Russell Hayes was born
    In Columbus, Ohio
  • Manning Force Hayes was born

    Manning Force Hayes was born
    Spiegel grove
  • Became a Republican

    Became a Republican
    He was nominated as the Republican candidate for the presidency in 1876 and elected through the Compromise of 1877 that officially ended the Reconstruction Era by leaving the South to govern itself.
  • Elections

    Close nummbers
  • While in office

    While in office
    Ended reconstruction in the south
  • While in office (with drawing from South Carolina)

    While in office (with drawing from South Carolina)
    South Carolina,Troops go and meet at the white house without support,Camberlin gives in and Hampton becomes govener.
  • While in office (pattroling the mexican boarder)

    While in office (pattroling the mexican boarder)
    Hayes sent his trops to ther mexican boarder to pursue bandits.Mexican president sent troops there also they agreed to work out a settlement.
  • Grate Rail Road Strike of 1877

    Grate Rail Road Strike of 1877
    Workers went on strike b/c of pay cuts ,troops were sent to control riots and angry workers.
  • Rutherford becomes president

    Rutherford becomes president
    to 1881 -banned alcohol from the white house
  • While in office (green back ,buy back) and recovering economy

    While in office (green back ,buy back) and recovering economy
    Freemont ,ohio -Hayes allowed gold payments for civil war greenbacks-papermoney.Silver coins incresed economy recovered goverment.
  • While in office

    While in office
    singned a bill allowing female atterneys to argue cases before the supreme court.
  • while in office (Suppoerts a cannal)

    while in office (Suppoerts a cannal)
    panama,Hayes gave a speech that supoorted the cannal,said its under american control and going to be completed in 1914.
  • Retirement

    Hayes had announced in advance that he would serve only one term, and retired to Spiegel Grove, his home in Fremont, Ohio
  • Wife dies

    Wife dies
    Lucy Ware Webb at the age of 57 in Fremont, Ohio. Lucy's cause of death was stroke.
  • Date of death

    Date of death
    Buried at Spiegel grove state park,Freemont Ohio. Died of a heart attack.
  • Actually left office

    Actually left office
    smoiking, dancing ,and playing cards were banned from the white house.