Period: to
After becoming president, Reagan asked Congress to cut taxes by 30%. Congress explained that this would increase the deficit, but Reagan said that the tax cut would give people more money to spend and they would invest in the money productively, thus giving the government more money. This was passed, and won congressional approval of the Budget Reconciliation Act -
Election of 1980
During Reagan's campaigning, he denounced criminals, drug addicts, and all varieties of immortality and spoke in support of patriotism, religion, family life, and other "old-fashioned" virtues. This won him the support of fundamentalist religious sects and other conservative groups. -
Assassination Attempt
While leaving a hotel in Washington D.C. when he is shot by John Hinckley. He makes a full recovery after surgery -
The Granada Invasion
U.S. Marines invade the island of Granada while resisting anti-aircraft and ground attacks. This gave Reagan another reason why communism needs to be stopped -
Evil Empire Speech
This speech was directed toward the Soviet Union, calling them an evil empire. This speech led to the deployment of NATO missiles being set up in Western Europe and were used as bargaining chips with Gorbachev. -
Reagan's Reelection
Reagan was reelected for a second term as president. During the election he had advantages like popularity among religious fundamentals and conservative groups. He was reelected in a land slide. -
Iran-Contra Affair
Scandal during Reagan's 2nd term as president. Accused of funding Contra rebels in Nicaragua. This was in violation of the 1984 Congressional laws prohibiting this aid. -
The Explosion of the Challenger
After take off, The Challenger exploded, killing its 7 crew member. This put a stop the Regan's "Star Wars" program to a stop temporarily -
Tear Down This Wall!
Ronald Reagan went to West Berlin in June of 1987. This is a line from his famous speech given at the Brandenburg gate. He directed his speech to the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, and told him to tear down the wall that had separated East and West Germany since 1961. -
Reagan Appoints Supreme Court Judges
Gradually, Reagan increased his president power and appointed 3 new conservatives to the Supreme Court, including Sandra Day O'Connor, the first female to appointed to the Supreme Court