
  • Presentation

    I'm Juan Tivabizco and I'm 17 years old, I live in Cajica and this is my timeline in what I've been living ...
  • my first pet

    my first pet
    I was 2 years old when my mom brought a little dog which we call matteo and from that moment I like animals very much
  • When I enter my first school

    I was 7 years old and my first school was the Liceo Campestre San Jose
  • My 5th grade graduation

    With 11 years I graduated with honors of grade 5 thus finishing my primary
  • When I started training soccer

    When I started training soccer
    After starting 6th grade in March, I entered a football academy because I really liked that sport and I wanted to learn it very well
  • When I arrived at the San Gabriel school

    When I arrived at the San Gabriel school
    I was 11 years old and I was ready to start high school and start thinking about my future
  • When I lost 7th grade

    In 7th grade, I had difficulties for many subjects and I did not give my best, apart from that my behavior was not the best and I lost that year academically
  • When I graduated from basic technical

    When I graduated from basic technical
    When I was just 16 years old, I already met the goal of graduating in technical school at San Gabriel School
  • The beginning of "The Dark Sound"

    The beginning of "The Dark Sound"
    one day at school with some friends we came up with the idea of ​​creating a metal band
  • My guitar lessons

    My guitar lessons
    It's not very old since a few days ago it was ... But the electric guitar lessons will prepare me for my future in music