Preschool timeline

  • Period: to

    36-42 months

  • Content

    Sarah understands some relational terms for example she says "My teddy bear is soft"
  • Form

    Sarah begins to use compound sentences with "and." For example, "Can I have chips and a juice?"
  • Use

    Sarah starts to engage in loner dialogs. For example, she is frequently practicing conversational skills by talking to her peers around her.
  • Period: to

    42-48 months

  • Content

    Sarah is understanding how to use reflexive pronouns for example she says "The doll is sitting by herself"
  • Form

    Sarah is now combining 4 to 7 words in her sentences. For example, "I want to go to the park today."
  • Use

    Sarah is now able to construct true narratives. For example, when Sarah gets back home from school she is now able to talk about her day with her mom.
  • Period: to

    48-54 months

  • Content

    Sarah "what do" "what does" and "what did questions" for example she tends to ask "what did you do today" to her family members
  • Form

    Sarah is being to combine 4-7 words in a sentences for example she says "today I saw my friend Sammy"
  • Use

    Sarah now uses interpretive, logical, participatory and organizing functions. For example, speaks of imaginary conditions such as "What if..." or "I hope..."
  • Period: to

    54-60 months

  • Content

    Sarah is beginning to use deictic such as this, that, here and there. She uses them by saying "The ball is over there"
  • Form

    Sarah is now able to recognize the letters in her own name
  • Use

    Sarah is now able to describe sequence of events. For example, she now is able to describe the events that took place during her play date to her parents.