Prenatal Timeline

  • Conception

    The joining of a sperm and egg, also known as fertilization.
  • 3 Days

    3 Days
    Within the 3 Days, the zygote begins dividing into more cells.
  • 5-6 Days

    5-6 Days
    It has travelled through the fallopian tube into the uterus, which is called Blastocyst.
  • 10-12 Days

    10-12 Days
    The zygote has become and embryo.
  • 4 Weeks

    4 Weeks
    The embryo is developing the structures that will form the face and neck. The heart and blood vessels still develop. The lungs, stomach and liver start to develop. The placenta starts to form and a pregnancy test should show up positive.
  • 8 weeks

    8 weeks
    Eyelids and ears are forming. You can see the tip of the nose. The arms and legs are well formed. The fingers and toes are growing. At the end of 10th week the embryo is considered a fetus.
  • 12 weeks

    12 weeks
    Measures up to 2 inches and starts moving on its own
  • 20 weeks

    20 weeks
    Weighs about 10 inches. Can suck its thumb, yawn, stretch, and make faces. you'll feel it move.
  • 24 weeks

    24 weeks
    weighs 1.4 pounds. Can respond to sounds by moving. inner ear fully developed
  • 28 Weeks

    28 Weeks
    Weighs about 2 pounds and 6 ounces and changes positions more often.
  • 32 Weeks

    32 Weeks
    weighs around 4 pounds and moves often.
  • 36 weeks

    36 weeks
    The brain has been developing rapidly, Lungs are almost fully developed, The head is positioned down towards the pelvis.
  • Birth

    Your baby is ready to come out