Prenatal timeline

By MalenyA
  • Germinal stage (week 1-2)

    Germinal stage (week 1-2)
    This stage begins at conception when the sperm fertilizes the egg , forming a zygote. The zygote starts rapid cell division and implants itself to a wall. At this stage the neural tube forms and the brain basic structure takes shape. This is crucial for further development .
  • Period: to

    Layer formation

    During this time The embryo develops layers that start their organ and body tissue. Their throat, jaw and blood cells start developing and circulation will begin
  • Period: to

    Zygote forms into embryo

    By this time the zygote is starting to form into the embryo
  • Period: to

    Embryonic stage/ First month

    During this stage, Most of the embryos major organs and structures of their body have started their forming process. the brain has developed to the neural tube and by the end of their timespan the basic structures of its brain is in place.
  • 2nd Month

    2nd Month
    During the second month our embryo goes through significant development. Their heart begins to form and beat and the brain and spinal cord continue to develop and their essential organs begin to take shape. Their brain starts forming its different regions and structures, laying the foundation of their central nervous system. Their neurons start developing between nerve cells start to form.
  • 3rd month/ end of first trimester

    3rd month/ end of first  trimester
    During our third month, our baby's brain is still developing because their neurons are still multiplying and forming more connections and their brain structure begins to look more defined. These formations set the foundation of the baby' s brain development. At this time as well the baby's limbs, fingernails and teeth are developed.
  • 4th month / start of 2nd trimester

    4th month / start of 2nd trimester
    During the 4th month of our pregnancy the baby's brain is obviously still developing. But it develops their key structures such as cerebral cortex, cerebellum and brainstem. These are crucial for movement, balance, and vital process like breathing and heart rate regulation. Their nervous system is starting to function and their reproductive organs and genitalia are fully formed
  • 5th month

    5th month
    During the 5th month of our pregnancy our baby their brain structures look more defined and this sets a huge part for their maturation influencing how they learn , process information and for functions in their future. IN this month the baby's brain begins to direct compressions into their chest and diaphragm that is controlled by their brain stem .
  • 6th month / end of second trimester

    6th month / end of second trimester
    By the end of the baby's second trimester in the womb, our baby has developed their entire brain stem, be able to move and have a range of specific movements which the mom can already start feeling. This is all thanks to their cerebellum. Their nervous system has already veloped as well allowing them to be able to react of thunder or maybe even the moms voice and they'll be able to even have a sleep cycle all thanks to the development of their brain stem.
  • 7th month/ start of 3rd trimester

    7th month/ start of 3rd trimester
    During the 7th month of our pregnancy the baby has so far developed their cereal cortex, which is responsible for cognitive functions and the cerebellum, which is needed for coordination and movement. This is an explosive amount of growth compared to the first trimester. The cerebellum will begin to develop ridges and separate into the left and right brain.
  • 8th month

    8th month
    During this time of the pregnancy, the babys brain has gone through huge amounts of growth and their brain will triple in size during this time. This will result in the baby being more active, wiggling fingers and toes, kicking ,and even stretching.
  • 9th month / Final month

    9th month / Final month
    During the last stage of our pregnancy, we realize it is almost time for baby to get here. In the final trimester of pregnancy our babies brain not only triples in size but even in weight reaching 10.6 ounces. The surface of their brain is more grooved and the cerebellum develops even faster, this supports the cerebral cortex and these both play a huge role in the babys ability to feel and memory.
    But it only really functions right when it matures throughout your babys life. Welcome baby