
Prenatal Timeline

  • Period: to

    first and second week

    your body is gearing up for ovulation and preparing for fertilization
  • Period: to

    what happens during this weeks

  • third week

    the blastocyst will attach itself to the endometrium, the lining of the uterus. This is called implantation.
  • fourth week

    The embryo continues to implant in your uterus, burying itself deep within the endometrium.
  • third week

    the blastocyst will attach itself to the endometrium, the lining of the uterus. This is called implantation.
  • fifth week

    Your baby's nervous system is developing, and the brain and spinal cord are taking shape. The tiny heart is starting to form and will beat for the first time around now.
  • four week

    the embryo grows and develops within the lining of your womb.
  • sixth week

    The arms and legs are starting to form and are known as limb buds. There are tiny dents where the ears will be. There's a bump where the heart is and another bulge where the head will be.
  • fifth week

    Your baby's nervous system is already developing, and the foundations for its major organs are in place.
  • first and second week

    your body is gearing up for ovulation and preparing for fertilization