prenatal timeline

  • Period: to

    Trimester 1

    After twelve weeks of developing, the embryo is about 2 inches and has developed many features.
  • Conception

    A sperm joins with an egg, called fertilization. Within about three days the zygote begins dividing into more cells, by day 10-12 the zygote becomes an embryo
  • Developing Organs

    The embryo begins to form vital organs such as the heart, blood vessels, lungs, stomach, and liver. The placenta that nourish the fetus appears soon. Pregnancy tests should appear positive now
  • Developing Face and Limbs

    The embryo is a little over a half an inch in size. Facial features such as eyelids, ears, partial nose develop. Arms and legs develop and toes and fingers become more recognizable.
  • Movement & Development

    The fetus is about 2 inches now and is beginning to make it's own movements. Heartbeat can be heard. End of trimester 1.
  • Period: to

    Trimester 2

    The baby is near full development weighing in at around 2 pounds and 6 ounces
  • Heart, Blinking, & Fingerprints

    The fetus can now blink and the heart and blood vessels are fully formed. Fingerprints are formed. Weighs around 3 ounces and about 4.6 inches.
  • Moving

    The fetus is now around 10 ounces and more than 6 inches long. The fetus can suck its thumb, yawn stretch, and make faces.

    An ultrasound around week 20 will be able to reveal the heartbeat, show the movement, and reveal the gender.
  • Responding

    The fetus weighs around 1.4 pounds now. The fetus can respond to noises and movements. The inner ear is fully developed.
  • Preparation

    End of the second trimester. The fetus weighs about 2 pounds and 6 ounces and may change its position in the womb. Time to register in birthing classes to be prepared.
  • Period: to

    Trimester 3

    The last developments of the child are beginning to wrap up as birth approaches quickly!
  • Getting closer

    The fetus weighs about 4 pounds now. A layer of fat forms under the skin. Most people go to the doctors every 2 weeks at this stage
  • Almost Fully Formed

    About 18 inches and weighs around 6 pounds. The brain has been developing rapidly. Lungs are almost fully developed. The head is positioned near the pelvis.
  • BIRTH!!!

    The due date may not be completely accurate to 40 weeks, it may even stretch out to 42 weeks. Sometimes a doctor may have to induce labor if a baby isn't coming out within 4 weeks of the due date