Prenatal Development Timeline

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    Prenatal Development Timeline

  • Week 5- The embyro begins to take a distinct shape. The cells have clumped together and created the placenta.

  • Week 10-All the baby's vital organs have been developed and started to work together. Facial features have taken shape and fingers and toes are starting to form.

  • Week 15- Baby's eyebrows and hair starts to grow. Genitals are full formed and second trimester began week 13.

  • Week 20- Halfway through pregnancy. Baby bones have began to harden, about 5 inches in length.

  • Week 25-Hearing continues to develop. Taste buds and sense of touched is developed. Baby will practice breathing movements as the lungs still develop.

  • Week 30-Baby continues to make breathing movements, getting ready to take first breaths at birth. Eyes have opened and baby is taking first glimpses of the womb. Week 27 began the first week of third trimester.

  • Week 35- The baby is cramped inside the uterus. Baby sleeps most of the day and night.

  • Week 40-Babies are born around this time. Baby is in delivery position, at week 38 baby has dropped into pelvis in preperation for birth.