Prehistoric Art Timeline

  • 270,000 BCE

    Lower Paleolithic Era

    A period of time marked by Ice Ages and the human development of stone tools. Period lasted from 2,500,000- 230,000 BCE
  • 260,000 BCE

    Bhimbetka Petroglyphs

    Bhimbetka Petroglyphs
    Earliest example of art. Found in Daraki-Chattan Cave in Central India
  • 230,000 BCE

    Venus of Berekhat Ram

    Venus of Berekhat Ram
    Oldest example of the human figure. Discovered in Northern Israel.
  • 230,000 BCE

    Middle Paleolithic Era

    Modern man (homo sapiens) appears in Sub-Sharan African. Lasts from 230,000-40,000 BCE
  • 70,000 BCE

    Blombos Cave Rock Art

    Blombos Cave Rock Art
    Crosshatch pattern found on cave walls in South Africa
  • 40,000 BCE

    Upper Paleolithic Era

    Modern man replaces Neanderthal and the last Ice Age occurs. From 40,000-10,000 BCE
  • 35,000 BCE

    Fuman Cave Painting

    Fuman Cave Painting
    First examples of figurative paintings. Pictures show a weasel-like animal. Discovered in France.
  • 30,000 BCE

    Ubirr Rock Art

    Ubirr Rock Art
    Oldest and most famous example of Aboriginal art work. Found in Australia.
  • 18,000 BCE

    Xianrendong Cave Pottery

    Xianrendong Cave Pottery
    Oldest example of pottery in the world
  • 10,000 BCE

    Mesolithic Era

    Transitionary time from 10,000-8,000 BCE when the last Ice Age ends and societies change from hunter-gather based to farming.
  • 10,000 BCE

    Cooper Bison Skull

    Cooper Bison Skull
    One of the oldest examples of Native American Art and painting. Found in Oklahoma.
  • 8000 BCE

    Neolithic Era

    Characterized by farming, domestication of animals and humans creating and using polished stone weapons and fools. Lasts from 8,000 to 3,000 BCE
  • 7300 BCE

    Cueva de las Manos

    Cueva de las Manos
    Discovered in Rio Pinturas, Argentina. A collage of hand stencils that cover most of the inside a the cave.
  • 3200 BCE

    Bronze Era Begins

    Metal weapons and tools are created. Empires, dynasties, and large established societies are found worldwide. Fine arts, written cuneiform and and glass making are developed. 3,200-1,500 BCE
  • 2600 BCE

    Egyptian Pyramids

    Egyptian Pyramids
    The pyramids of Ancient Egypt begin to be built. This period lasts from 2,650 t0 1,800 BCE
  • 2500 BCE

    Ram in a Thicket

    Ram in a Thicket
    Mesopotamian sculpture. One of the finest examples of ancient art. Found in Iraq. Made from gold, copper and lapis lazuli.
  • 1500 BCE

    Iron Age Begins

    Many great societies rise and fall. Written works, sculptures and pottery are prevalent. The time of Ancient Greece, Rome, Zhou Dynasty and Celtic culture. Period lasts from 1,500-600 BCE
  • 1450 BCE

    Irish Celtic Bann Disc

    Irish Celtic Bann Disc
    A decorated iron disc found in Ireland
  • 1050 BCE

    Greek Pottery

    Greek Pottery
    The first patterns are found on Greek pottery featuring geometric designs.