Pre Revolutionary War Timeline

  • Proclomation of 1763 pt. 2

    However, the Proclamation specifically forbade this, which many Americans took as a violation to their inherent right to property.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    Summary: An order by King George III that forbids Americans from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains.This was created at the end of the French & Indian War.
    Effect: One of the main goals of the war was to capture the Ohio RIver Valley, an area rich in timber and fur. After years of grueling warfare, the Americans believed that they had earned the right to settle and harvest this land.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    Summary: The Sugar Act technically lowered the tax on molasses to try and make the Americans who were not paying taxes start. It also enforced more strict smuggling laws and made smuggling harder. It was a way for the British to make money to pay off the French and Indian War.
    Cause: It was put in place by the British to regulate trade.
    Effect: It harmed the American economy because the cost of importing things became more expensive.
  • Sugar Act pt. 2

    It also limited the exports that the Americans were able to send out to other countries and colonies.
  • Stamp Act pt. 2

    driving factor towards independence and one of the indirect factors in the signing of the declaration of independence.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Summary: The Stamp Act required a tax to be payed on essentially all paper products.It was an indirect tax that required Americans to purchase a stamp for the paper products. It was implemented to help pay for British Soldiers in America after the French and Indian War.
    Effect: Americans boycotted paper products and held several protests/riots. The This was one of the first acts that was put in place and started the move towards independence in America. Taxation without Representation is the
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Summary: A conflict between the British soldiers and an American mob. The mob was protesting and throwing things and British soldiers opened fire. It is a somewhat controversial event.
    Effect: The Boston Massacre furthered the anger between the Americans and the British. It was a driving factor towards protest and eventually would indirectly lead towards independence.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    Summary: The Tea Act allowed the British East India Company to ship their tea directly to America without stopping in Great Britain first. This allowed them to sell their tea cheaper and it also limited the Americans ability to sell tea. It essentially gave the British East India Company sole possession of the tea trade in America.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Summary: The Boston Tea Party was a protest by the Americans. They were protesting the “taxation without representation.” They dressed as Native Americans and boarded a British ship carrying tons of tea. They dumped the tea in the harbor ruining nearly 1 million dollars in tea.
    Effect: The Boston Tea party infuriated the British. In response to The Boston Tea Party, the British installed the intolerable acts. It restricted the Americans from basic rights that they felt they deserved.
  • Intolerable Act pt. 2

  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    Summary: The Intolerable Acts were put in place as a punishment for the Americans, specifically Boston. After the Boston Tea Part, the king was furious. He implemented the intolerable acts as a way to show he was in charge and punish the people of Boston.
    Effect: The intolerable acts did not go as planned. The acts caused mayhem and protest in America. The people felt as though their god given rights were being violated. This was one of if not the last straw towards the Declaration of
  • 1st Continental Congress

    1st Continental Congress
    Summary: Delegates from each of the colonies met in Philadelphia to discuss how they were being treated by the British. The Intolerable acts were a strong factor in the forming of the 1st continental congress. They talked about their future with or possible without Great Britain.
    Effect: The Americans requested an agreement with the British. The king feeling much stronger, denied. The Americans responded with the declaration of independence and end up becoming an independent nation.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    Summary: The first battles, which signaled the start of the Revolutionary War. The British army set out to capture American leaders and collect/destroy their weapons.
    Effect: The Americans won the battle and pushed the British back out of Lexington and Concord. The battle of Lexington and Concord marked the start of the Revolutionary War. the battle gave the Americans confidence against the much stronger and numerous British Army.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    Summary: They tried to set up the colonies as one nation and set up nation like attributes. They set up political and military leaders, a military, and issuing a paper currency
    Effect: The second continental congress directly led to the Declaration of Independence and the creation of the Articles of Confederation.The 2nd continental congress sort of led to the set up of America as one country and structured it.