Pre-Revolutionary Timeline

By anhines
  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    The English wanted the Native American's land, but the French did also. The French got along with the Native American a lot more tan the English did, so the Native Americans and the French decided to unite and fight against the English to defend the land around them. Sadly, the English overpowered the French and Indians and won the war. The war ended in 1763.
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War - The Declaration of Independence

    This timeline will cover events that date from the time span between the French and Indian War and the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The events will give an insight to why the American colonies decided to rise up against Great Britain's rule.
  • The Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation of 1763
    The Proclamation Act of 1763 was issused by King George III made the white settlers leave the land that the Native Americans were already on and it prohibited the settlers from moving to the land west of the Appalachian Mountains. The colonists where basically told were they could or could not live.
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
    The Sugar Act was passed on April 5, 1764 and the British and they were taxing things like sugar, wine, etc. The British needed more money and they were hoping that imposing this act would caused the colonies to only trade their goods with Britain and no other countries. This could be an example of merchantilism because Britain is controlling America's trade. The colonists were not happy about that.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was passed by the British Parliament on March 22, 1765. This act was imposed on all American colonists and required them to pay a tax on every piece of paper, from legal documents to playing cards. This act was like a way for the British to obtain money from the colonies and the colonists did not like it because they had never been taxed that way.
  • The Boston Masscre

    The Boston Masscre
    The Boston Masscre was like a street fight between the British and the Americans. The Americans were throeing snowballs, sticks, stones, etc. and the British fought back with guns, killing some of the patriots. This was one of the bloodiest days because the sides were not fair according to weapons.
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    This was the final spark for revolution in Boston. It was suppose to reduced the surplus of tea by the British East India Company and in warehouses. It was suppose to convice colonists to purchase Company tea, and down the line, meaning you were accepting the taxes. This act was like the other acts and it could be considered merchantilism as well I think.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was when colonists dressed up as Native Americans and took over ships that were carryingtes and dumped it into the harbor to protest high taxes and what they felt about government rule. This could be an example of virtual representation because the colonists are rejecting British legislation.
  • Paul Revere's Midnight Ride

    Paul Revere's Midnight Ride
    Paul Revere was sent by Dr. Joseph Warren and was told to ride into Lexington, Massachusettes to warn Samuel Addams and John Hancock that the British troops were coming to arrest them. He did not say "The British are coming" , he said, "You'll have noise enough before long. The regulars are coming out!" His ride also mentions the 2 lanterns to determine where the British were coming from- 1 for land, 2 for sea.
  • 1st Continental Congress

    1st Continental Congress
    The 1st Continental Congress met in Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia This meeting was about who would be elected officials and how the people would run the country of America once they were free from the British Empire. This was basically a meeting about who was going to run what, how everything was going to be ran, and how would the country progress once it had its freedoms. This could also be salutary neglect.
  • Battle for Bunker Hill

    Battle for Bunker Hill
    This was one of the first battle between the American patriots and the British. Rebels for the partiot army were starting to grow and they were driving the British out of the colonies, especially Boston. The battle was for Bunker Hill but took place on Breed's Hill. While the British won the battle, about 1,000 men died, so the Americans began to hope.
  • Common Sense Pamplet

    Common Sense Pamplet
    This pamplet, by Thomas Paine, gave the colonists reasons why they should revole and it might have helped the colonists decide whether fight for freedom was going to be a good things because some people were still undecided about it. "Common Sense" was opinions, facts, and views and many people responded to it. It was a good way to relate to the people of the colonies.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was a written constitution that stated that the 13 American colonies became the United States of America and that they were no longer under the rule of Great Britain. This is an example of salutary neglect because the British did not really impose the power that they had and then the colonists had to goern themselves. This is the day it was written.