
  • Sir Étienne-Paschal Taché is Born

    Sir Étienne-Paschal Taché is born in Montmagney, Quebec to parents Charles Taché and Geneviève Michon. He was later promoted to lieutenant and fought in the Chasseurs Canadiens.Taché was elected to the new Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada in 1841 as a member from Canada East (Quebec)
  • War of 1812

    The war of 1812 was a military conflict between the United States and Great Britain. As a colony of Great Britain, Canada was swept up in the War of 1812 and was invaded a number of times by the Americans. On June 1, 1812, President James Madison sent a message to the Congress, recounting American grievances against Great Britain, though not specifically calling for a declaration of war.
  • John A Macdonald Born

    John A Macdonald was born in Glasgow, Scotland to Hugh Macdonald and Helen Shaw. He later became the first Prime Minister of the new nation. Macdonald served 19 years as Canadian Prime Minister.
  • George Brown Born

    George Brown was born in Alloa, Clackmannan, Scotland to Peter Brown and Isabella Mackenzie
  • First Cholera Outbreak

    Cholera was originally brought to Canada from Britain in 1832. By 1854 20,000 people were killed by the disease. A quarantine station called Grosse Île was needed to inspect ships just outside of Quebec. People burned so many smudge pots to battle the disease that Quebec was encloaked in smoke.
  • Battle of St-Denis

    Lower Canada sent an army to arrest the leaders of the Patriotes. The group split up; one lead by Col Wetherall took a south route, and the other lead by Lt-Col Gore took a north route. Gore's troups found the rebels hunkered down at St-Germain house, and Gore eventually had no choice but to retreat. However, on November 30th the town is captured by Gore.
  • Act of Union

    The Act of Union was passed in 1840, but Upper and Lower Canada were officially united as the Province of Canada on February 10th, 1941. The union was reccomended in the Durham Report.
  • First Election After Act of Union

    The new constitution for United Canada came into effect and the election commenced. Upper Canada became West Canada and Lower Canada was known as East Canada. The system was designed to reduce the political clout of French Canadians and to facilitate their assimilation. English became the official language of the legislature and Kingston was chosen as capital.
  • Ottawa is born

    The town of Bytown is renamed Ottawa, the name that still stands in the present day.
  • Ottawa becomes the capital

    Queen Victoria designates Ottawa as capital of the Province of Canada.
  • Ottawa was chosen as the capital of Canada

    Queen Victoria chose Ottawa as the capital of Canada because it was the only land big enough to settle on and it was near Quebec and Ontario
  • The Beginnings of Confederation (Charlottetown Conference)

    Originally designed to discuss Maritime union, the Charlottetown Conference (Sept. 1-9) takes the first steps toward Confederation. Delegates from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward island and the Province of Canada ( modern day Ontario and Quebec) were present.
  • Another Month, Another Conference (Quebec Conference)

    The second Conference took place in Quebec in 1864 to discuss Canadian Confederation.The conference was held from the 9th of October and ended on the 27th of October, and the delegates returned to their provinces to submit the Seventy-Two Resolutions to the provincial legislatures. Only Prince Edward island rejected the resolutions. The other representatives set out to gain autonomy from Britain.
  • Building Parliament

    The cornerstones of the Parliament buildings are set. These buildings still stand in the present day.
  • Battle for Freedom

    The Battle of Ridgeway was fought near Ridgeway, Canada West, currently Ontario, Canada on June 2, 1866, between British and Canadian troops and an irregular army of Irish-American invaders, the Fenians. An eventual Fenian victory caused the fathers of confederation to move quickly towards uniting the territory.
  • Off to London

    The London Conference was held in the United Kingdom in December 1866 and was the final in a series of conferences that led to Canadian confederation in 1867. Sixteen delegates from the Province of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick met with officials of the British government to draft the British North America Act, 1867.
  • Freedom at Last!

    The Story of Confederation Britain's North American colonies are united by means of the BNA Act to become the Dominion of Canada. The British Province of Canada was divided into the new Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec, and two other British colonies, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, also became provinces of Canada. Sir John A. Macdonald is Canada's first Prime Minister. Ottawa offically becomes capital of the Dominion.
  • Period: to

    John A. Macdonald as Prime Minister

    John A. Macdonald became the first Prime Minister on July 1st, 1867. Unfortunately, due to the hints of bribary during the building of the railroad that led to the Pacific Scandal, he was forced to resign in 1873.