
Pre-Confederation leading up to the BNA

  • Period: to

    Pre-Confederation leading up to the BNA

  • War of 1812 begins...

    War of 1812 begins...
    Who was involved: United States of America vs. Those belonging to the British Empire
    Where did the War of 1812 begin: the campaigns began in Michigan.
    What were some main reasons for the war of 1812:
    -The USA was trading with France. At that time the British Empire was in a war with France. The British Empire accussed USA of helping the french.
    -numerous British violations of American sovereignty
    -American Expansionism later opposed of manifest destiny
  • Laura Secord overhears a Surprise Invasion of Lt. Fitzgibbon's Headquarter's

    Laura Secord overhears a Surprise Invasion of Lt. Fitzgibbon's Headquarter's
    After Laura Secord's (My Great Great Great Aunt) was treating her wounded husband James Secord. He was stabbed by a the sharp blade on the end of a muskit. She overheard some people talking in the other room. It turned out to be the americans discussing there plan to invade Lieutenent Fitzgibbon's Headquarters. Laura Ssecord knew what she had to do. She ignored the dangers that could occur. NEXT DAY...
  • Laura Secord sets out for Fitzgibbon's Headquarter's

    Laura Secord sets out for Fitzgibbon's Headquarter's
    Laura Secord set out on a 20 mile journey to Fitzgibbon's Headquarters, on foot. She had to go through the forest afraid the American Soldiers would see her. It took her 8 hours to get to Fitzgibbon's headquarter's. She warned him in time so that Lt. Fitzgibbon and his men planned a surprise attack on the Americans also planning a surprise attack. At the end of the Battle Lt. Fitzgibbon had won!!
  • The Signing and Sealing of the Peace Treaty. (End of the war of 1812)

    The Signing and Sealing of the Peace Treaty. (End of the war of 1812)
    Who: The British Empire and USA
    Where was the Peace Treaty Signed: 1st in Ghent, Belgium. 2nd in Limbo between the First French Empire. 3rd in the United Kingdom of Netherlands.
    Why: The British party wanted to create native territory between Canada and the U.S. The Americans did not like this idea mainly because there were hundreds of American settlers living on the territory they would use. Also many Americans had been victims to native attacks.
  • Quebec Conference

    Quebec Conference
    When was the Conference Held: during 1864
    Colonies/provinces represented: Quebec
    Major Negotiators: Jacque Cartier
    Main Purpose:
    -Quebec made 72 resolutions
    -e.g. The United Province would be split into Ontario and Quebec
    -eleceted of representation presentation
  • Charlottetown Conference

    Charlottetown Conference
    When was this conference held: Septemberr 1st, 1864.
    When did the conference end: September 9th, 1864.
    Colonies\Provinces represented: Nova Scotia
    Major Negotiators: Howe Tupper
    Main Purpose for the Conference:
    -new Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and P.E.I.
    -discussed the idea of union of all four colonies.
  • London Confernce

    London Confernce
    When was the Conference Held: December 1866
    When did the Conference: March 1867
    Colonies/Provinces Represented: Ontario
    Major Negotiators at the Conference: Sir John A. MacDonald
    Main Purpose: to Unite Canada