
  • Period: to


    The time before Canada united as their own country.
  • French Settlement

    French Settlement
    Samuel De Champlain (Explorer) found the land of Canada and established the first French settlement. This was relocated to Port Royal in 1605 but was originally founded on St. Croix Island. Later, in 1608, on the St. Lawrence River, Quebec City was founded and became the first permanent French settlement in North America.
  • British Settlement

    British Settlement
    Christopher Newport (Explorer) established Jamestown as the first British colony, permanently, in North America. This eventually grew to be named the Colony of Virginia. Around 30,000 Algonquian people got kicked out of their land during this process.
  • Hudson's Bay Company Founded

    Hudson's Bay Company Founded
    King Charles II granted rights to his cousin, Prince Rupert as well as his colleagues, creating the Hudson's Bay Company. It was established as a way to the Pacific Ocean, using the bay and going north-west.
  • The Queen Anne's War

    The Queen Anne's War
    The Queen Anne's War was the war between the French and the British over claiming land across North America. It was happening at the same time as the War of the Spanish Succession in Europe. In 1710, the French ruled Acadia (today known as Nova Scotia) as well as Newfoundland and Hudson's Bay were captured while the British captured France's Port Royal fortress.
  • The Great Expulsion

    The Great Expulsion
    The British kicked the Acadians off their own land. While doing so, their houses were burned down, they were evicted to the 13 Colonies, and the land was given to loyal British settlers. Around 11,000 Acadians got deported while around 5,000 died during the process from disease, shipwrecks, or from getting starved.
  • The Seven Years War

    The Seven Years War
    The Seven Years' War (French and Indian War) was officially the first-ever global war. It was a war between India, parts of Europe, and America. It was also fought out at sea. This war consisted of the British and the French fighting for control over Canada. However, the Indigenous were fighting alongside both of them. This is why, today, Canada is founded by all three of the Indigenous, French, and British. But, Canada settled for having a British monarch.
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    This war was a fight between the U.S.A. and the British-ruled parts of North America. The cause of this war was mainly tension created from the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. As the British were struggling to fight both the United States of America as well as fighting Napoleon I, they got Indigenous peoples/Native Americans as well as the Canadian militia volunteers. However, the British still managed to defeat most of the American forces.
  • Cancelation of the Reciprocity Treaty

    Cancelation of the Reciprocity Treaty
    The Reciprocity Treaty is a free trade compromise through the U.S.A. and the colonies inside of North America. However, the treaty ended after the American Civil War because of the anger that got into the Northern States in North America. They were angry at Britain because of how they had been trading with the Southern States. This resulted in the Northern States canceling the treaty and losing access.
  • Canadian Confederation

    Canadian Confederation
    This event had occurred when the four British North American colonies (the Province of Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia) united as a whole to form what is now Canada. This happened because of an act by the name of the British North American Act which was passed by the British Parliament in which the prime minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, passed this act. This act was very important for the reason that this granted strength and independence to the British North American Colonies.