ppkn thing

  • ppkn thing

    On 1945 the Indonesian an amendment was going to be issued without opposition, how ever many ex military, elites and scientist opposed the amendment and wanted the constitution instead.
  • Japanese Surrender

    On August 17, 1945, two days after the Japanese surrender, Soekarno-Hatta proclaimed
    the independence of Indonesia, and one day later the Constitution 1945 (UUD 1945) was
    enacted. The Dutch who came back together with the Allied forces attempted to reestablish
    control over Indonesia by launching military aggressions, first in 1947 and second in 1948. They
    also carried out a policy of “divide at impera”
  • Dutch forfeits its land to Indonesia

    the Dutch agreed to give up their claim to sovereignty over all Indonesia except West New
    Guinea or West Irian and to support the establishment of the Republic of the United States of
    Indonesia (RUSI or Republik Indonesia Serikat – RIS), a federation of which fifteen small Dutch-
    built states would be members but where preponderant power would lie with the sixteenth
    member state, the Republic of Indonesia. (Feith 1970: 63) The
  • The Second republic of Indonesia

    The next few months, however, saw the quick collapse of the Dutch-established states,
    and so by August 17, 1950, RUSI/RIS had been transformed into a new unitary state, the second
    Republic of Indonesia.
  • Provision Reinstated

    The Provisional Constitution 1950 (UUDS 1950), however, was only enacted until July 5,
    1959 when President Soekarno, supported by the military officers and a number of political
    elites, issued a decree popularly called the Presidential Decree (Dekrit Presiden), dissolving the
    Constituent Assembly, re-enacting the Constitution 1945 (UUD 1945),
  • Soekarno Gets Overthrown

    For almost six years (1959-1966) Soekarno ruled the country based on the Constitution
    1945 (UUD 1945). But he was forced to step down after the failure of the Communist rebellion
    (on September 30, 1965) led by DN Aidit (leader of the Indonesian Communist Party). Through
    what popularly called “Surat Perintah Sebelas Maret” (Letter of 11 March), on 11 March 1966