
Power In Humanities

  • 2100 BCE

    Epic of Gilgamesh (Literature)

    Epic of Gilgamesh  (Literature)
    Gilgamesh, a mighty king, learns that true power isn't just about physical strength but also about understanding human connections and accepting mortality, showing the transformative power of wisdom and empathy.
  • 2000 BCE

    Vishnu (Visual Arts)

    Vishnu (Visual Arts)
    Vishnu, a Hindu deity, symbolizes divine power and preservation, showcasing the enduring influence of belief systems in shaping perceptions of power and cosmic balance.
  • 800 BCE

    The Iliad by Homer (Literature)

    The Iliad by Homer (Literature)
    Through the struggles of mortal heroes and the whims of gods, Homer's epic reveals the complexities of power, illustrating how even the mightiest are subject to its consequences, whether mortal or divine.
  • 1452

    Leonardo da Vinci (Visual Arts/Science)

    Leonardo da Vinci (Visual Arts/Science)
    Da Vinci's groundbreaking work exemplifies the power of human intellect and creativity to redefine boundaries, showcasing the transformative potential of interdisciplinary thinking and innovation.
  • 1484

    The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticell (Visual Arts)

    The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticell (Visual Arts)
    Botticelli's depiction of Venus symbolizes the idealized power of beauty and divine grace, reflecting the Renaissance belief in the transcendent power of aesthetics to evoke emotion and spiritual enlightenment.
  • 1503

    The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci

    The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci
    Leonardo's masterpiece symbolizes the enduring power of artistic mastery and cultural iconography, captivating viewers with its enigmatic smile and timeless beauty.
  • 1532

    Machiavelli's "The Prince (Literature/Philosophy)

    Machiavelli's "The Prince (Literature/Philosophy)
    Machiavelli's treatise on governance highlights the pragmatic pursuit of power, illustrating the Machiavellian notion that the ends justify the means, emphasizing the strategic and ruthless aspects of political power dynamics.
  • 1564


    Shakespeare's plays delve into the corrupting influence of power, exploring the moral dilemmas and psychological complexities faced by individuals in positions of authority, offering timeless insights into the nature of power and ambition.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte
    Napoleon's rise to power and subsequent fall highlight the complexities of ambition, leadership, and the pursuit of dominance, serving as a cautionary tale about the allure and pitfalls of unchecked authority.
  • Beethoven

    Beethoven's compositions resonate with the transformative power of music to evoke emotions, inspire revolutions, and unite humanity, transcending barriers of language and culture.
  • Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

    Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
    Shelley's novel warns of the dangers of unchecked scientific power, illustrating the hubris of human ambition and the ethical responsibilities inherent in the pursuit of knowledge and innovation
  • The Scream by Edvard Munch

    The Scream by Edvard Munch
    Munch's painting captures the overwhelming power of existential angst and emotional turmoil, reflecting the subjective nature of human experience and the haunting influence of inner demons on the psyche.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The economic upheaval of the Great Depression underscores the stark power differentials between socioeconomic classes, revealing the systemic inequalities and vulnerabilities inherent in economic structures.
  • Empire State Building

    Empire State Building
    The Empire State Building stands as an enduring symbol of American industrial power and ambition, representing the optimism and innovation of the modern age, and showcasing the monumental achievements of human ingenuity and engineering prowess.
  • The Wounded Table by Frida Kahlo

    The Wounded Table by Frida Kahlo
    Kahlo's painting serves as a powerful expression of personal pain and resilience, confronting themes of suffering and self-empowerment, showcasing the transformative power of creativity as a means of healing and self-expression.
  • The Bicycle Thief by Vittorio De Sica

    The Bicycle Thief by Vittorio De Sica
    De Sica's film exposes the power dynamics at play in post-war Italy, highlighting themes of poverty, inequality, and desperation, and showcasing the resilience of the human spirit in the face of social and economic hardships.
  • My Generation by The Who

    My Generation by The Who
    "My Generation" symbolizes the generational power struggles and cultural upheaval of the 1960s, capturing the spirit of youth rebellion and the desire for social change, serving as a timeless reminder of the transformative power of music and collective action.
  • The Godfather directed by Francis Ford Coppola

    The Godfather directed by Francis Ford Coppola
    "The Godfather" explores the dynamics of power within organized crime families, offering a nuanced portrayal of loyalty, betrayal, and the pursuit of dominance, illustrating the seductive allure and moral compromises inherent in the quest for power.
  • The Shawshank Redemption directed by Frank Darabont

    The Shawshank Redemption directed by Frank Darabont
    The film portrays the transformative power of hope and resilience in the face of injustice, showcasing how inner strength and determination can triumph over adversity, even within the confines of institutional power.
  • Girl with the Death Mask

    Girl with the Death Mask
    This contemporary painting explores themes of mortality and remembrance, inviting viewers to contemplate the fragility of human existence and the enduring legacy of those who have passed, showcasing the power of art to provoke introspection and evoke emotional responses.