
  • 1534

    Cartier's 1st Voyage

    Cartier's 1st Voyage
    Jacques Cartier travels to the Gulf of St Laurent and Gaspé.
  • 1535

    Cartier's 2nd Voyage

    Cartier's 2nd Voyage
    Jacques Cartier travels the St Lawrence River to Stadacona and Hochelaga.
  • 1541

    Cartier's 3rd voyage

    Cartier's 3rd voyage
    Jacques Cartier travels one ;last time to Canada to colonize it, which resulted in a failed settlement with Roberval.
  • Economic settlement in the St Lawrence Valley #1

    Economic settlement in the St Lawrence Valley #1
    Foundation of Quebec City because of fur trade.
  • Economic settlement in the St Lawrence Valley #2

    Economic settlement in the St Lawrence Valley #2
    Foundation of Trois-Rivières also because of fur trade.
  • Religious settlement in the St Lawrence Valley

    Religious settlement in the St Lawrence Valley
    Ville-Marie (Montreal) was founded.
  • Military Government

    Military Government
    New France has a military government.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris ends the Seven Years War and forces New France to give up all its territories in North America except for St Pierre and Miquelon.
  • Royal Proclamation

    Royal Proclamation
    It created a much smaller territory called the "Province of Quebec", set up a civilian government consisting of an appointed governor (James Murray) and an appointed council, put the Test Act oath in place, replaced French law with English laws and the Protestant Church and Protestant schools were established.
  • Constitutional Act

    Constitutional Act
    The presence of loyalists in Quebec brought about an elected assembly via the Constitutional Act. It's purpose was to satisfy Loyalists demands for elected assemblies, land tenure, territory and religion.
  • Bank of Montreal

    Bank of Montreal
    The Bank of Montreal was founded.
  • Decline in agriculture

    Decline in agriculture
    There was a large decline in agricultural production between 1820 and 1832.
  • Cholera outbreaks

    Cholera outbreaks
    Lower Canada unfortunately had to face cholera outbreaks in 1832 and 1834.
  • Cholera epidemics

    Cholera epidemics
    In 1832 and 1834, Lower Canada had to face cholera as an epidemic.
  • 92 Resolutions

    92 Resolutions
    The Patriotes wanted an elected legislative council, responsible government, and control over public spending, so they created the 92 Resolutions.
  • Russell's 10 Resolutions

    Russell's 10 Resolutions
    Russell's 10 Resolutions rejected most of the demands made in the 92 Resolutions.
  • Violence outbreak

    Violence outbreak
    There was an outbreak of violence in November 1837.
  • Lord Durham's Report

    Lord Durham's Report
    Recommendations to assimilate the French, grant responsible government and unite Upper and Lower Canada.
  • Act of Union

    Act of Union
    Upper and Lower Canada are now the Province of Canada. One United Assembly with 42 members each for Canada East and Canada West and one Legislative Council with an equal number of members. Also public debts are combined.
  • Responsible Government

    Responsible Government
    Attained gradually through an alliance of moderate reformers such as R Baldwin and L-H Lafontaine. Lord accepted the principle of responsible government with the passing of the Rebellion Losses Bill. Responsible government occurs when members of the Executive Council are responsible to the elected Legislative Assembly.
  • Railroad building

    Railroad building
    The railroad-building era happens from 1850-1860.
  • Reciprocity Treaty

    Reciprocity Treaty
    A Reciprocity Treaty was signed with the United States. The treaty dealt with natural products such as fish, minerals, wheat and timber.
  • Confederation

    Canada achieves a confederation.
  • Economic Depression

    Economic Depression
    There was an economic depression from 1873-1878.
  • First Interprovincial Conference

    First Interprovincial Conference
    The first interprovincial conference was organized by Mercier, who was the first Quebec premier to defend provincial autonomy.