Exploré mis personalidades
I explored my personalities. I started looking at my personalities and what cause I wanted to do -
Escogí my causa.
I chose my cause. I chose which cause I wanted to help and started the project. -
Investigué mi causa
I investigated my cause. I dug deeper into the my caused and learned more about it. -
Elegí el proyecto que iba a terminar.
I chose which project I was going to complete. I chose that I was going to volunteer at the soup kitchen to help -
Period: to
Aprendí español para ayudarme durante mi proyecto.
I learned spanish to help me throughout my project. -
Comencé mi sitio en weebly
I started my site a weebly. I started creting my online site at weebly.com -
Me puso la Durango Mana Soup Kitchen
I contacted the Durango Mana Soup Kitchen. I e-mailed the leader at the soup kitchen to talk about when I could come. -
El administrador en el comedor respondió
The admin at the soup kitchen replied. She told me when I come come in. -
Terminé mi sitio weebly
I finished my weebly site. -
Terminé el proyecto.
I finished the project.