Pottawatomie Trail of Death

  • Death

    There was a tiny baby that was fairly new that had died on the second day of this trail. In which this was the first death of many many more.
  • Burned...

    General Tipton and close to 100 other people, arived at "Twin Lakes Village" and began to burn down all of the crops and homes and destroying everything there.
  • Peace.

    By this time most of the Native Americans apart of this journey had started to migrate peasfully to their new land but then again, many of them did not want to go so they had put up a fight.
  • Period: to

    Trail of Death

  • Arrival.

    The tribes of this trail had ended up in Kansas.
  • Letters by Father Petit.

    Fatehr Petit had written a letetr to the Osage river in Mousiri and had described the march as he watched it with his own eyes.
  • Set out...

    In this event Fatehr Petit had set out for Indiana.
  • The final death of it all.

    Many of them had died by the end of this time. Appromimitly, 40 and 850 of them were very enjured or sick.
  • Death Of Father Petit..

    Father Petit had gorwn to sick to travel any far ther then he already had and soon after had passed away.