Postmodernism Timeline

  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
  • Philippines given indolence by US

    Philippines given indolence by US
  • Truman Doctrine announced to Congress

    Truman Doctrine announced to Congress
  • Jackie Robinson breaks barrier against colored players in Major League Baseball

    Jackie Robinson breaks barrier against colored players in Major League Baseball
  • North American Treaty Organization founded

    North American Treaty Organization founded
  • Korean War begins

    Korean War begins
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower becomes president

    Dwight D. Eisenhower becomes president
  • First color television goes on sale

    First color television goes on sale
  • First big polio vaccination against polio

  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
  • Integration of deliberate speeds in school incorporated

  • Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat to a white male on a bus

    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat to a white male on a bus
  • Signing of Federal Aid Highway Act

    Signing of Federal Aid Highway Act
  • Operation of First Transatlantic Telephone began

  • President Dwight D. Eisenhower inaugurated for a second time in office

  • Alaska admitted as the 49th State

    Alaska admitted as the 49th State
  • Daytona 500 stock race runs for the first time

    Daytona 500 stock race runs for the first time
  • Hawaii admitted as the 50th state

    Hawaii admitted as the 50th state
  • First weather satellite is launched by the US

  • To Kill a Mockingbird released

    To Kill a Mockingbird released
  • 50 star flag of the United States is debuted in Philadelphia

    50 star flag of the United States is debuted in Philadelphia
  • Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba

    Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
  • Martin Luther King speaks at Civil Rights Rally

    Martin Luther King speaks at Civil Rights Rally
  • First Super Bowl held in Los Angeles

  • Martin Luther King is assassinated

  • Walt Disney World Opens in Orlando, Florida

  • Watergate cover up files are completed, all found guilty

    Watergate cover up files are completed, all found guilty
  • First premier of Wheel of Fortune

  • Mt. St. Helens erupts in Washington State

    Mt. St. Helens erupts in Washington State
  • Ronald Regan wins election of 1980

  • Stock Market Crash known as Black Monday occurs

  • George Herbert Walker Bush wins election of 1988

  • World Trade Center Bombed

    World Trade Center Bombed
  • World Trade Center Bombed

    World Trade Center Bombed
  • Civil Activist, Rosa Parks dies

  • Barack Obama wins election of 2008

  • Osama Bin Laden is finally killed

  • Barack Obama wins election of 2012

  • Donald Trumps wins election of 2016