• G.I. Bill

    G.I. Bill
    The G.I Bill also known as the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 was created to help veterans of World War II.'G.I." stands for government issue or general issue.This was signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on June 22, 1944.This bill covered tuition and expenses for veterans attending college or trade school.It also established hospitals and made low-interest mortgages available. The G.I Bill made it easier for veterans when they returned home.President FDR wanted better for veterans.
  • Hollywood 10

    Hollywood 10
    During the cold war many Americans were scared of the spread of communism. They panicked and often accused people of supporting the communist. HUAC often was formed in 1938 to investigate Fascist and Communist activities in the United States. In Hollywood ten directors, producers and screen-writers refused to answer questions based on their communist affiliations. They spent time in prison and were mostly blacklisted by the Hollywood studios. Most were never again employed in Hollywood.
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    Cold War

  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    Harry Truman was the President of the United States during the cold war. The Truman Doctrine was established in 1947 after Britain no longer could afford to provide anti-communist aid to Greece and Turkey. Truman Doctrine stated that the U.S. would support any nation threatened by Communism. This was the official declare of the Cold War. President Harry S. Truman asked Congress for $400 million in military and economic assistance for Turkey and Greece.This was the start of the Cold War.
  • Marshall plan

    Marshall plan
    The Secretary of State George C. Marshall proposed the idea of a European self-help program to be financed by the United States. The United Sates Congress established the European Recovery Program, which was signed into law by President Harry S. Truman on April 3, 1948.This plan was called the Marshall Plan and it was very successful. Due to the Marshall plan Western European countries had a rise in Gross national products by 15 to 25 percent. The Marshall Plan helped keep faith in capitalism.
  • Fair Deal

    Fair Deal
    The fair deal was introduced in 1949 by President Harry Truman. President Harry Truman believed that the federal government should guarantee economic opportunity and social stability. His Fair Deal recommended that all Americans have health insurance, that the minimum wage be increased, and that, all Americans be guaranteed equal rights. Truman addressed Congress and presented a 21-point program of legislation outlining a series of proposed actions in the fields of economic development.
  • Beat Generation

    Beat Generation
    The Beat generation was established in the 1950's. It was a new cultural and literary movement.They saw runaway capitalism as destructive to the human spirit and it was antithetical to social equality. It was a group of writers that non-conformity. But the Beat Generation did not become official until the 1950's. Mainstream America was horrified by their supposed sexual deviancy and illicit drug use.The Beat Generation was way more educated and sophisticated than they seemed at first glance.
  • North Korea invades South Korea

    North Korea invades South Korea
    In 1945 Korea had been divided along the 38th parallel, The north being occupied by the Soviets and the south by the Americans. North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950.This was a surprise to Americans. The Communists taking power in the north did not see eye to eye with the nationalists who the Americans supported in the south.President Truman had sent American forces to fight them, acting in the name of the United Nations. This quickly lead to the Korean War which was 1950 through 1953.
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  • Tv Shows

    Tv Shows
    Televisions were becoming a thing in the 1950's. Almost every American at this time owned a television in their home. TV culture begin to be very popular as well as TV shows. Some popular TV shows in the 1950's were I Love Lucy and Father Knows Best. These TV shows demonstrated the way American families should be, The roles of American women, and how the men should prominent one in the family. Television has an huge impact on Americans the election of 1960 was even publicized on television.
  • Hydrogen Bomb

    Hydrogen Bomb
    The Cold War was beginning to escalate. A group of scientists supported its development. They made approaches to the military and the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. In 1950, President Harry S. Truman announced work on the hydrogen bomb was to continue. On the November 1, 1952 the United States tested their first hydrogen bomb. This was also an advantage since the United States was in the Arm's Race with the Soviet Union. The hydrogen bomb is 1,000x more powerful than other nuclear weapons.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    The Brown v. Board of Education was a very significant court case to American History. This court case stated that state-sanctioned segregation of public schools was a violation of the 14th amendment and was therefore unconstitutional.The Brown v. Board of Education was an landmark for the civil rights movement. Thurgood Marshall was the lawyer in this historic court case.This case allowed for Blacks and whites to attend the same places without separation. This case happened in Topeka, Kansas.
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    Civil Rights

  • Little Richard

    Little Richard
    Little Richard was a musical icon during the 1950's.He was an African American man who made rock n roll music.He is mostly known for his song, "Tutti- Frutti", which was an billboard hit that reached number 17. He was a very influential artist and many people loved his music. In fact, Elvis Presley did a re-make to the song "Tutti-Frutti". Little Richard established rock as a real musical form and inspired others.In 1986 he was one of the 10 original inductees into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
  • Polio Vaccine

    Polio Vaccine
    Dr. Jonas Salk announced the vaccine for polio. The polio vaccine was available for United States citizens in 1955 where it was considered effective and safe, but Dr. Jonas Salk announced the vaccine in 1953. Polio was an epidemic in the United States and it was affecting a great amount of people, even the former president of the United States,Franklin D. Roosevelt.It affected many kids. In the summer of 1894 the first major breakout in Vermont occurred.It was the worst recorded epidemic.
  • Dr. Jonas Salk

    Dr. Jonas Salk
    Dr. Jonas Salk was an American biologist and physician best known for the research and development of a killed-virus polio vaccine.On April 12, 1955, Dr. Jonas Salk developed a vaccine for polio and it was available for citizens to use. In 1963,Salk launched his own research organization known as the Salk Center for Biological Studies. Later on in his career he studied AIDS and HIV. President Dwight D. Eisenhower gave him a special citation at a ceremony. Many people considered him to be a hero.
  • Emmett Till

    Emmett Till
    Emmett Till was murdered on August 25, 1955 by Roy Bryant and J. W. Milam. Emmett Till initially lived in Chicago, but he moved to Mississippi with some family members. Before he left, his mother gave him a ring with engraved initials "L.T". Emmett Till and a group of teenagers entered Bryant's Grocery Store. A white girl passed him and he was accused of either whistling at, flirting with or touching the hand of the store's white female clerk.White men found the and they shot him in the head.
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    Elvis Presley, also known as the "King of Rock n Roll". He was born in Mississippi and he was exposed to gospel music a Pentecostal church. Many know of him by is record-breaking single "Heartbreak Hotel". He was influenced by African Americans and stole many of their dance moves, he stole their rhythm as well. Presley helped popularize rock 'n' roll music in America. He also won three Grammy Awards for his gospel recordings. August 16, 1977, Presley died of heart failure, at the age of 42.
  • Little rock 9

    Little rock 9
    There were nine African American students who got the opportunity to attend an all white school. In 1957, the group of of students enrolled in Little Rock High School.They encountered a large white mob in front of the school, who began shouting, throwing stones, and threatening to kill the students.The Governor,Orval Faubus, sent soldiers to make sure those nine students do not enter Little Rock High School,President Dwight Eisenhower sent troops that will assist those students into the school.
  • NASA

    On July 7, 1958, National Aeronautics and Space Administration was established after the Soviet Union had sent the world's first artificial satellite ever into space. This was when the United States was in the Space Race with the Soviet Union. The Sputnik launch caught American to surprise. When Americans found out about Sputnik they were embarrassed and they felt played. In response Americans established NASA and July 20, 1969, America sent the first person, Neil Armstrong, ever to the moon.
  • Nixon vs. Kennedy

    Nixon vs. Kennedy
    In the election of 1960 the presidential candidates were John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon. John F. Kennedy ran as a democratic and Richard Nixon ran as a republican.JFK was the youngest president to ever run for president during this time and he was only 43. This election was very significant because it was the first election publicized on television .People who saw it won TV thought JFK won, due to his appearance, People who heard it on the radio thought Richard Nixon won.JFK won the election.
  • Albert Sabin

    Albert Sabin
    Albert Sabin developed an vaccine for the polio disease as well. Many say it was more effective than Dr.Jonas Salk's. Dr. Jonas Salk vaccine was given through an injection and it only lasted for a small amount of time, less than a year. Also, Salk's vaccine had been accidentally contaminated with some live virulent polio viruses, so this caused many to go with Albert Sabin vaccine. Albert Sabin developed a vaccine for polio and it was approved in 1955.His vaccine was given orally.
  • Counterculture

    The counterculture originated in the 1960's.Hippies were one of the groups that contributed to the counter culture. They were against the Vietnam war. They believed in a society based upon peace. They loved rock n roll, colorful clothes, and the use of drugs such as LSD. Which was very fulfilling to them. Many of these hippies resided in San Francisco in what are called "crash pads" due to the availability of drugs and freedom. They also believed in anti-conformity and interracial relations.
  • New Frontier

    New Frontier
    Th New frontier was a slogan to describe John F.Kennedy's goals and plans through his presidency.The campaign program advocated by John. F. Kennedy in the 1960 election.JFK was a liberal Democrat. He promised to regenerate the stagnant economy and enact reform legislation in civil rights, healthcare and education. He used this democratic slogan to inspire.America to support him. He wanted to rise new challenges such as be the first nation to land a man on the moon.He wanted support by Americans.
  • OPEC

    OPEC is an acronym for The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries is a permanent intergovernmental Organization. This organization was created by Iran,Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela. The main function of this is to regulate petroleum. OPEC’s formation by five oil-producing developing countries in Baghdad. The purpose for the organization is for the members of this organization to unify petroleum policies of its member Countries and ensure the stabilization of oil markets.
  • LSD

    LSD been around since 1940, but did not become available for recreational use until 1960.It started to gain a massive reputation as a magic pill for direct spiritual experience. As LSD became associated with hippies and the counter cultural movement, it quickly earned a stigma in the rest of society. Due to all the crazy things people were doing on the drug, the government made it illegal in the late 60's. Many hippies associated with this drug because it rejected the morals of the mainstream.
  • Feminism

    During the 1960's there was a second wave of feminism and it was inspired by the civil rights movement. Women of all ages began to fight for a role in America's society. Women filled significant roles in organizations fighting for civil rights like the Student National Coordinating Committee. In 1966, the National Organization for Women, formed and proceeded to set an agenda for the feminist movement. The world of American women was limited from family life to the workplace.
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  • Peace Corps

    Peace Corps
    Peace corps was a federal agency created by President Kennedy in 1961 to promote voluntary service by Americans in foreign countries.This was part of Kennedy's New Frontier vision,the organization represented an effort by postwar liberals to promote American values.This was part of JFK plan that provided labor power to help developing countries improve.It was like an army of idealistic and youthful volunteers who brought American skills to underdeveloped countries helping improve their society.
  • Cesar Chavez

    Cesar Chavez
    Cesar Chavez was an American civil rights activist for Mexican-Americans.Chavez founded the National Farm Workers Association in 1962. Cesar Chavez wanted better working conditions for Mexican-Americans. In 1968, he called for a massive grape boycott for California grape growers. He dedicated his life to improving treatment, pay and working conditions for farm workers.promoted non-violence just like Martin Luther King. He led marches, boycotts,and he even went on several hunger strikes.
  • Resolution to the Crisis

    Resolution to the Crisis
    During the Cuban Missile crisis there was a 13-day political and military stand off in 1962 of October President John F. Kennedy informed Americans of the missile and Americans were terrified. The United States agreed to Nikita Khrushchev’s, the Soviet Union's leader. Who offered the United States an exchange if they would remove missiles from Cuba and if the United Sates promised not to invade Cuba. President John F. Kennedy secretly agreed to remove missiles from Turkey.
  • Birmingham Bombing

    Birmingham Bombing
    The Birmingham Bombing occurred on September,15,1963 in Birmingham, Alabama. This was a hate crime by the white people of Alabama. This Bombing occurred in a baptist church on 16th street. Four black girls were killed, and at least 14 people were injured. This bombing sparked riots around the south and a national outcry to the rest of the world. Three former Ku Klux Klan members are eventually convicted of murder for the bombing. This was a prime example of racial injustice in Southern America.
  • Assassination of JFK

    Assassination of JFK
    President JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963. He was killed in Dallas Texas by Lee Harvey Oswald. JFK was on tour campaigning and he felt it was very important for him to win Florida and Texas.JFK was in a Lincoln Continental Convertible. In the car was Agent Bill Greer, Roy Kellerman, Governor John Connally, Nellie Connally, President Kennedy and Jackie Kennedy. Bullets struck the president's neck and head and he slumped over toward Mrs. Kennedy. The governor was also hit in the chest.
  • Daisy Girl Ad

    Daisy Girl Ad
    The Daisy Girl Ad was first introduced in 1964, by Lyndon B. Jonson's administration. The Daisy Girl ad was a controversial political advertisement. This political commercial caused Berry Goldwater's chances to win short. Many people remember it primarily because of its brilliant, innovative approach to negative advertising. It was not a commercial everyone thought it would be, the ending shocked everyone.This was one of the leading causes why President Lyndon B. Johnson won the election.
  • Great Society

    Great Society
    The Great Society was a reform plan proposed by Lyndon B Johnson. LBJ sponsored the largest reform agenda since Roosevelt's New Deal. First, the Civil Rights Bill that JFK promised to sign was passed into law. The Civil Rights Act banned discrimination based on race and gender in employment and ending segregation in all public facilities. Johnson also signed the economic opportunity act of 1964. The law created the Office of Economic Opportunity aimed at attacking the roots of American poverty.
  • Civil rights act of 1964

    Civil rights act of 1964
    President Lyndon B.Johnson signed the civil rights act of 1964.The purpose of this act was to prohibit discrimination in public places, provided for the integration of schools and other public facilities,and made employment discrimination illegal.Passing this act was not easy.This document was the most sweeping civil rights legislation since the reconstruction era.President Kennedy proposed the act but did not get to sign it due to his assassination.When LBJ became president he signed this act.
  • Hippies

    With the 1960's came a counterculture. Hippies were apart of the counterculture. Hippies brought peace, love, and drugs across the United States.They did not agree nor live how society wanted them to. They rejected the morals of mainstream Americans. The term Hippies were also used to described Beats during the 1950's. Hippies felt alienated from middle-class society, which they saw dominated by materialism and repression, and they developed their own lifestyle. They also used drugs such as LSD.
  • Anti-War movement

    Anti-War movement
    The Anti-War Movement began really big during the 1960's, specifically 1965. The movement did not take flight until President Lyndon B. Johnson ordered a massive U.S. military intervention and the sustained bombing of North Vietnam.The movement was organized by Students for a Democratic Society that attracted a widening base of support over the next three years.Many Americans did not agree with the US being in war with Vietnamese, they felt that American troops were being killed for no reason.
  • Selma March

    Selma March
    The Selma march was held in 1965.Approximately 25,000 people planned a march from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery,Alabama. The purpose of this march was to allow African Americans to vote. This march was led by Martin Luther King Jr.This event was a landmark or the civil rights movements for African Americans.This event led to the civil rights act of 1965 which was signed by President LBJ.Police officers and State troopers were waiting for them so they could stop them.They were stopped violently.
  • Black Panther Movement

    Black Panther Movement
    The Black Panther Movement was a leadership and self-defense organization for African Americans.This organization was founded in 1966 in Oakland, California by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale. Panther membership exceeded 2,000, and the organization operated chapters in several major American cities.In contribution of the assassination of Malcolm X in 1965, the Black Panther Party was founded. The role of this organization was to help defend African Americans from police brutality and discrimination.
  • Native-American Civil Rights Movement

    Native-American Civil Rights Movement
    Native-Americans were still fighting to get equal rights for decades now. In 1965, the Voting Rights Act put an end to individual states claims on whether or not American Indians were allowed to vote through a federal law. Before the Voting Rights Act, many states had found ways to prevent American Indians from voting.The National Indian Education Association was formed in 1969 to fight for equal education for American Indians.The American Indian Movement , was also formed during the 1960s.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    The Lai Massacre occurred on March 16, 1968. Charlie Calley led 1st Platoon east through My Lai.Even though the Vietnamese people did not resist,United States soldiers nonetheless killed indiscriminately.Many Americans soldiers committed numerous rapes.They brutally hurt children as well.Charlie Company’s 2nd Platoon moved north from the landing zone,killing dozens, while 3rd Platoon followed behind,destroying the hamlet’s remaining buildings and shooting survivors. This was a devastating event.
  • Stonewall riots

    Stonewall riots
    Stonewall was continuous confrontations that begin in June.The purpose of Stonewall riots was to address America on their oppression towards gay people.There were gay bars where gay men, lesbians and transgenders could socialize without being publicly harassed.Many of those bars were target and raided by police. They often experienced police harassment. Stonewall Inn was raided and it was the third raid on gay bars in a short period.The police barricade was breached and the bar was set on fire.
  • Warren Burger Supreme Court

    Warren Burger Supreme Court
    Warren Burger was appointed by President Richard Nixon. He was involved in one of the most famous Court ruling's ever. This court ruling involved the conflict between religious freedom and state public schools.This was the era of liberalism and he was the most liberal SCOTUS in history. Many conservatives tenements were torn down. He dealt with many court cases such as Roe v. Wade, Engel v. Vitale, Brown v. Board, Loving v. Virginia, Gideon v. Wainwright, Miranda v. Arizona and many more.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    On July 20, 1969, America sent Neil Armstrong and an astronaut crew to the moon. Landing a man on the moon was one of John F. Kennedy's goals and accomplishments during his presidency. This was a very significant event in the Space Race. America beat the Soviet Union in the Space Race by getting the first man to land on the moon. After the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, Americans felt betrayed and behind. The Apollo 11 was an successful mission. The Apollo 11 mission had a crew of three men.
  • The New Right

    The New Right
    The New Right concerns with the movement of American conservatives in the 1970s and 1980s.These conservatives did not agree with liberal polices on abortions, taxes, foreign polices, and affirmative action.This movement supported the Republican Party which cause Ronald Reagan to win the election of 1980.People who supported the New Right Movement did not agree with the Roe v. Wade court ruling, also people who supported the Religious Right movement did not agree.This was an advantage for Reagan.
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  • Watergate

    Watergate was a scandal involving President Nixon, "Deep throat", and many others. This scandal caused President Richard Nixon to reside. It was here that the Watergate Burglars broke into the Democratic Party’s National Committee offices.Nixon made three major speeches on the Watergate scandal. Investigations of Watergate were heavily influenced by the media,but investigations did not start until 1973. In 1974,the Judiciary Committee to considered impeachment proceedings against Nixon.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    The Title IX is apart of the 1972 Education Act.President Richard Nixon signed Title IX. This amendment required equality for both genders in education. It gave equality towards women especially when it came to sports and female athletes. It cleared gender segregation and stereotypes. Before this amendment schools could segregated their schools based on gender.This amendment also benefits teen moms. Schools could expel female students who were pregnant, due to this amendment that is prohibited.
  • Roe v. Wade

    Roe v. Wade
    Jane Roe was a young pregnant mother who wanted to have an abortion.She went to court to sue behalf of all woman who were in a similar situation. In Texas, It was a crime to procure or attempt an abortion. The Roe v. Wade court case ruled that inexcusably restrictive state regulation of abortion is unconstitutional. Jane Roe felt that she was unable to receive a legal abortion by a licensed physician because her life was not threatened by the continuation of her pregnancy, so she went to court.
  • Jimmy Carter's Presidency

    Jimmy Carter's Presidency
    Jimmy Carter won the election of 1976. He ran as a democrat, he was a peanut farmer from Georgia. Many people did not recognize him, he was not very popular, so when he knew he had to work hard to win the presidential election against Gerald Ford. Ford lost due to his pardon to Nixon. Carter created the Department of Education. He also created the Department of Energy. He was the one to rescue U.S. military hostages in Iran. The camp David talks resulted in Middle East peace negotiation.
  • The Moral Majority

    The Moral Majority
    The Moral Majority was founded by Jerry Falwell. Jerry Falwell was a religious leader and televangelist who wanted to advance conservative social values.People who supported the Moral Majority was alarmed by all the events that happened during the 60's and 70's that threatened to undermine the country’s traditional moral values. It advanced conservative social values, opposing abortion, pornography, the ERA, and gay rights. Its impact on American politics helped Ronald Reagan win the election.
  • Iron Hostage Crisis

    Iron Hostage Crisis
    The Iran hostage Crisis was an event when militants in Iran seized 66 American citizens at the U.S. embassy in Tehran and held 52 of them hostage for more than a year. The overthrow of he Pahlavi monarchy had an impact on politics in the United States and ruined the relationship between the United States and Iranian for decades. Iran was our major oil supplier and we needed that relationship to help reach economic growth in America.The soldiers and hostages would then withdraw by air.
  • Black Entertainment Television

    Black Entertainment Television
    BET is an acronym for Black Entertainment Television. a channel geared toward African American women, Centric; features contemporary and 20th-century and poplar music. This network was launched in 1980 by Robert L. Johnson, who was an black entrepreneur. Robert L. Johnson saw an opportunity to reach African American audiences through a cable TV channel. BET focus was to include political and issue-oriented programs, comedy showcases, talk shows, and sports. In 2000 Johnson sold BET to Viacom.
  • Rap Music

    Rap Music
    In 1980's rap music began to become very popular . It was associated with African American culture.Many people believed that rap music was the cause of violence, drugs, sexual intercourse, and STD's.Mainstream America didn't agree with this music they found it bad.Artistt like NWA, Run DMC,Grandmater Flash, LL Cool J and Dougie E. Fresh were all influential to the African American culture. They represented black America and the hardships they faced from police brutality, racism and politically.
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  • A.I.D.S Crisis

    A.I.D.S Crisis
    The A.I.D.S epidemic started in the 80's. It started off as HIV which means Human Immunodeficiency Virus.The virus is transmitted through bodily fluids.Five previously healthy homosexual men becoming infected with Pneumococcus pneumonia. The disease affect mostly homosexual men,many people called it gay-related immune deficiency. Many people were getting sick and they did not know what was getting them sick. People thought it was cold,but it was AIDS,this was a new and unknown virus at the time.
  • Reagonomics

    Reaganomics was a term used by Ronald Reagan during his presidency. He thought he find a way to help the mess America was in economically. He claimed an undue tax burden, excessive government regulation, and massive social spending programs. Reagan proposed a phased 30% tax cut for the first three years of his Presidency. Ronald Reagan tax relief was for the rich which would enable the United States to spend and invest more. The results of this plan parked a deep recession in 1981 and 1982.
  • Sandra Day O' Conner

    Sandra Day O' Conner
    Sandra Day O' Conner was appointed by Ronald Reagan in 1981. She is very important to American history and to the feminine movement, because she was the first lady ever to be appointed by a president to serve on the Supreme Court Justice, which is the highest law of all. She retired in 2006. she was considered a moderate conservative. Sandra Day O'Connor was a key swing vote in many important cases, including the upholding of Roe v. Wade. she remained involved in Republican politics.
  • Music Television (MTV)

    Music Television (MTV)
    MTV is an acronym for Musical Television. This network was established on August 1, 1981. The creators for the MTV network were 4 men. This network promoted pop culture. MTV was responsible for promoting the careers of popular artist such as Madonna, Michael Jackson, and Prince. Laguna Beach, My Super Sweet 16 and The Hills were very popular TV shows and caused the network MTV to get high views. In 1984, the channel launched the MTV Music Video Awards. MTV changed the music industry forever.
  • Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) “Star Wars”

    Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) “Star Wars”
    "Star Wars" proposed U.S. strategic defensive system against potential nuclear attacks mainly against the Soviet Union. The real name is Strategic Defense Initiative ( SDI), but it got the name "Star Wars" from a popular motion picture of the same name.Critics of the program argued that the scheme was unworkable. The United States government gave it to the Soviets as a bait. The Soviet Union had problems of their own they had to deal with, but will later fall in
  • Beginnings of the personal computers

    Beginnings of the personal computers
    The first personal computers, introduced in 1975. In 1976, Apple’s two Steve Apple introduced the Apple II. Bill Gates and Paul Allen wrote a BASIC compiler for the Altair and formed Microsoft. Estimates show that there were one million personal computers in the US in 1980. The 1980's were the start of the new personal computers. This was effective for business, and a way to do things in a reasonable amount of time. Steve and Stephen built a homemade computer that would change the world.
  • Sam Walton Just In Inventory

    Sam Walton Just In Inventory
    In 1983,Walton founded Sam’s Wholesale Club, a chain of discount wholesale warehouse outlets, and in 1988 he began opening Super centers.This was like an modern day Sears and roebuck,expect better.Sam Walton owned the largest retailer company in the United Sates.He began to expand his business internationally.To keep profit increasing and business going, he used a different technique for inventory.This helped a lot.He would use a computer based program that allowed them to know when to restock.
  • Iran Contra

    Iran Contra
    Iran Contra was a political sandal involving President Ronald Reagan in 1985. In 1979, the Sandinista liberation movement in Nicaragua had finally overthrown the dictatorship. Reagan became convinced that the presence of an actively left-wing government in that country would spark revolution and threaten the United Sates. , his administration bulldozed massive amounts of military aid into a number of governments in Central America. Military aid was given to the contras to help them fight.
  • Reagan Doctrine

    Reagan Doctrine
    The Reagan Doctrine was a Doctrine by the 44th president of the United States, Ronald Reagan.This doctrine was an attempt to end the Cold War. This doctrine was the foundation of the administration's support for "freedom fighters" around the globe.This policy supported the Contras in their attacks on the Sandinista government in Nicaragua.During his presidency Ronald Reagan forced his actions throughout his terms in office.During his presidency he got the Soviets to withdraw from Afghanistan.
  • Home Video Game Systems

    Home Video Game Systems
    Home video game systems came popular in the 1980's, specially 1985. In 1985, Nintendo Entertainment System first released their at home game consoles. This gaming console was first released in Japan. It sold over 2.5 million units during its first year on the market. The console was released in the United States on October 18, 1985. During this time many people played the gaming console even adults. Some games were Nintendo's Mario, The Legend of Zelda and Metroid, Square's Final Fantasy.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The fall of the Berlin Wall occurred on November 9,1989. The wall was built by the communist government of Berlin to separate Communism from Capitalist which made a East and West Berlin. This was considered the Iron Curtain. Around that time the Soviet Union was beginning to collapse. They were losing their hold on East Germany. In 1990 Germany was officially reunited into a single country. Much of the wall was torn down by people chipping away as they celebrated the end to a divided Germany.
  • Affordable Cell Phones

    Affordable Cell Phones
    The world’s first mobile phone call was made on April 3, 1973.The 1990s was an important time in the development of telephone technology. owning a cell phone became much more popular during this time period. Almost everyone owned a cell phone during this time.In the 90's the cell phone was more practical in size. This was the beginning of a significant change in consumerism in the phone industry. During the 90s, mobile technology made improvements. This impacted the way that people communicate,
  • Affordability of personal computers

    Affordability of personal computers
    During the 1990s that the world wide web made the world a much smaller place and more people had access to businesses and other people all over the world.Bill Gates Windows empire completely revolutionized how people used their personal computer. Many people owned their own computers for their personal use.The prices for personal computers depend on the kind you wanted. Most companies charged for online aces by the minute. That would be pricey. You could even purchase a computer with an printer.
  • Persian gulf war/1st Iraq war

    Persian gulf war/1st Iraq war
    The Persian gulf war was triggered by Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990.Saddam Hussein, ordered the invasion of Kuwait. They acquired that nation’s large oil reserves, canceling a large debt Iraq owed Kuwait. Iraq’s invasion was a potential threat to Saudi Arabia. Then the United States and the western European NATO allies rushed troops to Saudi Arabia to perform a possible attack. When Saddam refused to leave, U.S. and allied forces launched an attack. This was known as Iraq war.
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  • Internet

    The Internet was the work of dozens of pioneering scientists, programmers and engineers who each developed new features and technologies. The first web page was created in 1991. Its purpose was to explain what the World Wide Web was. It was a faster way to communicate with people from all around the country. MP3 files later become a popular file format to share songs and entire albums through the internet. Internet was revolutionary for the world and it is still used everyday by everyone.
  • Rodney King Incident

    Rodney King Incident
    Rodney Glen King was an African American who became a symbol of racial tension in America.He was caught by the Los Angeles police after a high-speed chase on March 3. The officers pulled him out of the car and beat him brutally, In 1991 this event was videotaped and broadcast to the nation.The trail carried on for 3 months. Finally, White jury acquitted the officers, inflaming citizens. This sparked the violent 1992 Los Angeles riots.2,000 were injured and 9,500 were arrested for various things.
  • World Trade Center Attack

    World Trade Center Attack
    In Manhattan, Eyad Ismoil, drove a yellow Ryder van into the public parking garage beneath the World Trade Center. In 1993; terrorists drove a truck bomb underneath it and detonated it. The parking garage was gutted, but the buildings stood up until the two planes hit it in 2001. Eyad Ismoil, who drove the Ryder van into the parking garage below the World Trade Center, was captured in Jordan. In 1997, Yousef and Eyald Ismoil were convicted in a courtroom. Six people died during this event.
  • Don't ask don't tell policy

    Don't ask don't tell policy
    The policy was intended as a compromise. It claim to restrict the United States military from witch-hunting secretly gay, lesbian, and bisexual service members, while absolutely barring "openly" gay or bisexual people from joining the military, and expelling those already serving. This policy was under Bill Clinton's presidency. Many people were angry about the policy. They felt that they should serve and fight for the country regardless of their sexuality. In 2011, Obama and ended the policy.
  • Lewinsky Affair

    Lewinsky Affair
    The Lewinsky affair involved the President of the United Sates at the time, Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.This was an Political sex scandal. The sexual relationship took place between 1995 and 1997 and came to the public in 1998. He was accused of having sexual intercourse with an intern.The inappropriate relationship between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky was confirmed. Clinton giving a false testimony was a crime.This was impeachable, but he acquitted all charges and remained in office.
  • Welfare reform

    Welfare reform
    On August 22, Bill Clinton signed into law "The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996.The bill restricted access to social services and required welfare recipients to find employment.Bill Clinton's goal was a welfare reform plan that will dramatically change the nation's welfare system into one that requires work in exchange for time-limited assistance. Many people felt that this killed cash assistance.He signed this bill that made deep cuts in welfare grants.
  • Bush v. Gores SCOTUS Case

    Bush v. Gores SCOTUS Case
    Many people went to bed that night thinking that Al Gore had won, only to discover in the morning that Bush had been declared the winner. Several states were up for grabs, but in the end it came down to one: Florida. Recounts were started, then stopped.Due to Bush winning Florida, Gores wanted to sue him.When the contest between Bush and Gore proved too close to call, the contestants resorted to a series of lawsuits in an order to settle the matter. Gore did not feel the results were accurate.
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    The PATRIOT ACT law passed due to 9/11 attacks to prevent further terrorist attacks by allowing government access to electronic communications and other information.This law was criticized by many as violating civil liberties.Many Americans felt that the government was paranoid and they stretched their powers to far. This was an acronym for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism.The PATRIOT ACT violates the fourth amendment.
  • 9/11 Attacks

    9/11 Attacks
    Series of airline hijackings and suicide attacks committed by 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group Al-Qaeda against targets in the United States. This attack was the most deadliest terrorist attack ever on American soil. 2,750 people were killed in New York, 184 at the Pentagon, and 40 in Pennsylvania. This attack had an impact on American forever. This incident caused the United Sates government to pass all kinds of laws like the PATRIOT ACT because they were paranoid.
  • No Child Left Behind Education Act

    No Child Left Behind Education  Act
    Federal law enacted in January 2002 that introduced new accountability measures for elementary and secondary schools in all states that wish to receive federal aid. The purpose of the No child left behind education act is to ensure that students in every public school achieve important learning goals while being educated in safe classrooms by well-prepared teachers and to measure progress. The no child left behind education act requires that states administer tests to all public school students.
  • 2nd Iraq War

    2nd Iraq War
    When Saddam refused to leave Iraq, U.S. and allied forces launched an attack on the morning of March 20. U.S. aircraft dropped several bombs on a bunker complex. A series of air strikes directed against government and military. On April 9 resistance in Baghdad collapsed, and U.S. soldiers took control of the city. Many in the Middle East saw it as a new brand of anti-Arab and anti-Islamic imperialism.Pres. Barack Obama announced that U.S. combat forces would be withdrawn from Iraq by August 31.
  • Hurricane Katrina Disaster

    Hurricane Katrina Disaster
    In 2005, Considered to be the one crisis of the Bush administration's 2nd term and in its inefficiency to deal with the crisis. It destroyed 80% of New Orleans and more than 1300 people died, while the damages toppled $150 billion. President George Bush was looked at negatively by American People, many people criticized him and blamed him for the hundreds of people who died. This was the costliest disasters in the United States. Bush and his administration received horrible criticism.
  • The Great Recession

    The Great Recession
    Officially began in December 2007 and ended in mid-2009, has had long-term lingering effects on unemployment, and was preceded by the largest housing bubble in US history, caused by short term economic thinking, speculation, and irresponsible spending.It was like an Great Depression all over again. This was the worst economic depression in the 21st century. Consumer spending and business investment dried up, so massive job loss followed. This was the most dramatic unemployment since the 1930's.
  • Barack Obama

    Barack Obama
    Barack Obama was the 44th President of the United States. He was the first African American president of the United States. He was apart of the Democratic party.Barack Obama served as president from January 20, 2009 to January 20, 2017.He served two terms. He beat Mitt Romney in the election of 2012.He was also the first to be born outside the continental United States.During his presidency he established Obamacare,which was a counter to Hilary Clinton plan.Obamacare was affordable health care.
  • First Hispanic SCOTUS judge: Sonya Sotomayor

    First Hispanic SCOTUS judge: Sonya Sotomayor
    Sonya Sotomayor was appointed by President Obama on May 26, 2009.She was the first Hispanic Supreme Court Justice in United States history. She was nominated for the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals by President Bill Clinton.She was apart of two landmark supreme court cases.These cases were King v Burwell which allows the federal government to continue providing subsidies to Americans who purchase health care through exchanges and Obergefell v Hodges which allowed same-sex marriages legal.
  • Obamacare

    Obamacare was Barack Obama's affordable healthcare act.The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed by President Obama on March 23, 2010.It represents the U.S. healthcare system's most significant regulatory overhaul and expansion of coverage.This involved new spending, funded through a combination of new taxes.After the law went into effect, increases in overall healthcare spending slowed, including premiums for employer-based insurance plans.Obamacare was criticized as well.