Post-World War II Czechoslovak and Eastern European History

  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany signs an unconditional surrender.
  • Liberation of Prague

    The Red Army enters Prague and liberates it from the German occupation.
  • Return of the Government

    President Beneš and his government return to Prague after seven years in exile.
  • End of WWII

    Japan surrenders, officially ending World War II.
  • KSČ and Gottwald Win

    The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ) wins the elections and Klement Gottwald becomes Prime Minister, while Beneš remains President.
  • Polish Workers United Party Win

    Rigged parliamentary elections, which followed years of manipulation of the judiciary and electoral system, result in the win of the Polish Workers United Party.
  • No to the Marshall Plan

    The Czechoslovak government announces their plans to reverse their decision to participate in the Marshall Plan because of Soviet pressure.
  • Communist Party Win in Hungary

    Despite losing the general election, the Communist Party falsifies the results and assumes power in Hungary regardless.
  • Ministers Resign

    Twelve non-communist Czechoslovak ministers, including Jan Masarýk, resign in the hopes that the government paralysis would force Gottwald and other communists to resign too.
  • New Czechoslovak Government

    Beneš allows the formation of a new government in accordance with the KSČ’s demands.
  • Jan Masarýk's Death

    Jan Masarýk is found dead at the Foreign Ministry.
  • May-9th Constitution

    Beneš refuses to sign the new Consitution that proposed to refer to the country as a “people's republic”.
  • Beneš Leaves

    Beneš finally resigns as President.
  • Gottwald Rises to Power

    Gottwald officially becomes Beneš’s successor, after being elected President in the elections of May 30.
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    Show Trials

    Stalinists strat persecuting and holding show trials against those deemed enemies of the State, resulting in the execution of around 180 politicians.
  • Milada Horáková's Death

    Milada Horáková, a former member of the National Assembly and open opposer of the Communist regime, was executed after being sentenced to death in a show trial alongside several other politicians.
  • Klement Gottwald's Death

    Gottwald dies shortly after Stalin and is succeeded by Antonín Zápotocký.
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    Plzeň Uprising

    Workers in the Czechoslovak city of Plzeň (liberated by the US American troops in WWII) revolted in violent protest.
  • No More Show Trials

    The government implements administrative sanctions that stop the practice of show trials.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Creation of the Warsaw Pact, the collective defense treaty that served as the Eastern Bloc and Soviet alternative to NATO.
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    Hungarian Revolution

    A countrywide revolution ignited by university students against the Communist regime, known as the Hungarian Uprising.