The Start of the Civil Rights Campaigns
Campaigns for equal and civil rights for Indegenous Australians began. -
Right to Vote
The Menzies government gave Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders the right to vote. -
The end of the Civil Rights Campaigns
Campaigns for equal and civil rights for Indegenous Australians Ended. -
The Referendum
This Referendum would decide if the Aboriginal population should be encluded in the national census. -
The Mabo Decision
Eddie Marbo took the took the High Court of Australia to court seeking confirmation of their traditional land rights. -
First National Reconciliation Week
The first National Reconciliation Week to give Indigenous and non-Indigenous a chance to focus on reconciliation. -
The "Bringing Them Home Report"
This report aknowleged that what the Australian government did was wrong regarding the "Stolen Generation". -
Corroboree 2000
The Corroboree 2000 honoured the achievements regarding reconciliation. -
Reconciling the Nation
Reconciling the nation was the season of indgenous film and live coverage of the Sydney Harbour Bridge walk. THis event went for 10 days -
The Apology
Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apologised to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples or the mistreatment theat they fell victem to. Also, he was also apologised about the "Stolen Generation."