
  • Electric Car

    Electric Car
    Ferdinand Porsche invents a Lohner-Porsche electric car. The wheel hub engines bring him lots of attention.
  • Touring Car

    Touring Car
    Porsche designs a touring car and wins at the Prince Henry Trials. This car shocked many and paved the way for many cars to come.
  • Creates Office

    Creates Office
    Creates office of design which allows for the development of porches torsion bar suspension. This suspension is used in most cars as of today.
  • Grand Prix Car

    Grand Prix Car
    They created a Grand Prix race car with a rear engine. The rear engine was then incorporated in the Volkswagen Beetle.
  • Long Distance Cars

    Long Distance Cars
    They making long distance racing cars. This is the beginning of most Porsche sports cars. This car also was one of the fastest Long distance cars of its time.
  • All Wheel Drive

    All Wheel Drive
    Porsche creates one of the first ever all wheel drive sports car. This has been incorporated into many types of sports car to this day.
  • Porsche Brand Began

    Porsche Brand Began
    . The car brand Porsche officially began. The first car had a high speed of 135 Km an hour and shorter breaking distances. This was the start of a revolutionary brand that created great things.
  • Bigger Fuel Tanks

    Bigger Fuel Tanks
    they placed fuel tanks further forward to allow for more fuel storage (78L). This increased the length you could go with a full tank of gas. This was the start of how big gas tanks are today. This all started in the Roadster
  • Ferdinand Porsche Died

    Ferdinand Porsche Died
    The great entrepreneur that started this revolutionary business sadly passed away. But he passed away having accomplished many great things
  • Porsche 911 Created

    Porsche 911 Created
    series production of Porsche 911 which is still a top of the line car to this day. They also added luggage and passenger compartments.
  • Air Bags

    Air Bags
    Porsche becomes first company in Germany to introduce front seat airbags in there cars. Airbags are now mandatory in cars all around the world for safety purposes.
  • Emission Control System

    Emission Control System
    The emission control system was invented by Porsche. After the invention of this system Porsche was able to lower emissions and create the lowest emission realising car.
  • Porsche SUV

    Porsche SUV
    Porsche started to create and sell Porsche SUV. This was one of the first sports car brands to make an SUV now every sports car company is making and SUV.
  • Fully Electric Car

    Fully Electric Car
    Porsche designs there companies first ever fully electric car. This car is still in the building stage but it is set to have super advanced features. One of them being a short charging time of only 15-45 minutes.
  • Fastest Porsche

    Fastest Porsche
    Now Porsche has create a car that competes with the best of the best for luxury but also sports vehicles. Porsches 911 GT2 RS is insanely fast with the capability to go 0-97km in 2.7 s with a top speed of 340km and hour.
  • Porsche Tower

    Porsche Tower
    Porsche also tried to incorporate the car community with luxury living. Porsche created a 60 story condo building that had an elevator that allowed people to drive there cars right into their homes. Starting from 4 million dollars to purchase this is definitely top of the line innovation.