Porfirio Díaz

  • Birth of Porfirio Díaz

    Birth of Porfirio Díaz
    Born in the City of Oaxaca Porfirio Díaz Mori, son of José de la Cruz Díaz and Petrona Mori
  • Díaz is orphaned

    Díaz is orphaned
    When he barely has three years old, is orphaned
    of father, who dies a victim of cholera epidemic that devastates the city of Oaxaca.
  • Porfirio enters the school

    Porfirio enters the school
    The young Diaz enters the municipal school at nine years of age
  • Porfirio enters the Conciliar Seminary.

    Porfirio enters the Conciliar Seminary.
    He entered the Conciliar Seminary of Oaxaca and began his studies of Latin with the auspice of the priest José Agustín Domínguez, family member and godfather.
  • Leave the seminar

    Leave the seminar
    He leaves the Seminary and enrolls in the Institute of Sciences and Arts of Oaxaca to study Law.
  • Ayutla plan

    Ayutla plan
    In Ayutla, state of Guerrero, it is launched a revolutionary plan against the dictatorship of Santa Anna together with General Juan N. Álvarez,
  • Diaz activamente liberal

     Diaz activamente liberal
    Díaz fought under the orders of Ignacio Mejía in the capture of Oaxaca, which was then in the hands of the conservatives.
    Participate in the seizure of Jalapa Square occupied by the conservative José María Cobos.
    Díaz writes to Benito Juárez ratifying his adhesion to the liberal cause.
  • Battle of Puebla

    Battle of Puebla
    Participates in the battle of Puebla under the orders of General Ignacio Zaragoza against the invading French troops, commanded by General Charles Ferdinand Latrille, Count of Lorencez and who is captured by Diaz.
  • Puebla shot

    Puebla shot
    Porfirio Díaz takes the city of Puebla, defended by the imperialist general Noriega. This victory will be important for the fall of Maximilian's Empire
  • Presidential candidate

    Presidential candidate
    Porfirio Diaz accepts the nomination as candidate for the Presidency of the Republic, by the Central Porfirista Club, contending for that position with the acting president, Benito Juárez, and the graduate Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada.
  • Benito Juarez wins

    Benito Juarez wins
    In July, presidential elections are held; the majority
    Juarez in Congress finally decided in favor of
    Benito Juárez and against Porfirio Díaz and Sebastián
    Lerdo de Tejada
  • Plan of La Noria

    Plan of La Noria
    Porfirio Diaz launched the so-called Plan de La Noria, in which he spoke against re-election and personal power and in favor of the 1857 Constitution and electoral freedom; the uprising failed and Diaz had to leave the country.
  • Lerdo President

    Lerdo President
    After the death of Benito Juarez presidential elections are held in which Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada wins.
  • Porfirio President.

    Porfirio President.
    Congress declared him constitutional president. In this first term (1876-1880), Porfirio Diaz was consistent with the ideas he had defended.
  • Diaz president for the second time

    Diaz president for the second time
    After the mandate of Gonzalez, Porfirio Díaz again submitted his candidacy for the presidency (the constitution only vetoba consecutive re-elections) and was elected. He took office on December 1
  • The dictatorship begins

    The dictatorship begins
    He promulgated a new reform of said article to make indefinite re-election possible, which allowed him to remain in power until 1911.
  • The revolution begins

    The revolution begins
    Madero proclaimed the San Luis Plan in that document, Madero denounced the illegality of the elections and ignored Porfirio Diaz as president. He declared himself provisional president, he appealed to the people so that on November 20, 1910 he would rise up in arms and throw the dictator out of power.
  • Porfirio resigns as president Abrir en Google Traductor

    Porfirio resigns as president  Abrir en Google Traductor
    Peace was signed between the government of Díaz and the Maderistas. Porfirio Diaz resigned as president and left the country for France.
  • Porfirio dies

    Porfirio dies
    General Porfirio dies at six o'clock afternoon loses knowledge finally. Minutes later, without opening his eyes, he passes away.